General thoughts on forum games

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Mutonian

How are you.

45 Votes Fine
34 Votes Not so fine

 I've been snooping around on them. Sometimes claiming people for the fun of it. I'm just looking to discuss whatever comes to mind, I might even lock this thing after a while.
 The only thing I ask is that you don't go out of your way to complain or talk about a specific person or be disrespectful in any way. This is meant to be more of a 'I think this aspect of forum games is kind of silly' or 'I think there's a trend with these games' type of thing.
 Personally, I always feel like I should avoid certain games or just wait till some other person shows up. I'll see a character I like and think it'd be interesting to claim, but the aesthetics or whatever make me unsure about involving myself. I feel like they're always anime-esque or too good for my characters, so it just feels weird to put my plain old middle-aged men into the picture.


I used to be active in forum games back in like 2017/2018; I practically disappeared from there due to a lack of motivation. Especially given the shift from "2 sentence responses" to "several paragraphs." It makes it very intimidating! I've been trying to do them more recently, but I practically avoid the IC ones. It feels very different from when I was active, and I miss how it used to be. :(


Similar boat to @MaplesHaiku. Forum games back then were simpler & as someone who is a slow writer the shift from 1-2 sentances to massive paragraphs put me off. & for a while people would be rude and vauge post about replies that looked "low effort" which is why I stopped doing then all together. Idk how bad it is now (by other replies probably not better) but it's just become so unwelcoming by people's expectations alone that it feels more hostile that a fun forum corner.