Do you like black shading?

Posted 1 month, 14 days ago by Skykristal


116 Votes yes sure I do if the style works
34 Votes no, I am not that big of a fan of it in general

Dont just think of airbrush shading, there are so many different ways and styles to shade! Do you like black shading, if so what's your favorite style/ approach for black shading?

I personally love it in a lot of lineart styles (when the lineart is part of the shading, thick, stylized stuff etc. I love to shade like that on occasion, like here in my recent sketch. I'm still quite gentle with it tho. I also did slightly more aggressive shading like this in this one I drew a while a go. (lill horror warning)

I also really love black airbrush/soft as well for certain styles and very dynamic, dramatic art. It's not quite for me however. At least for the most part. Black soft shading needs to be smooth af otherwise it looks dirty. Always. So you really need to nail that type of shading for it to look cool & gotta have to have the style for it. If that's the case though, it's siiiiiick


In the right contexts, gimme that cell shading that matches the lineart color


absolutely!! black shading can look stunning! maybe i'm the raising the bar a little high, but just look at some caravaggio paintings and how the black shadows add depth and atmosphere


i don't have any examples, but i've also seen black cell-shading look really cool with more stylised/anime styles!


For most colours I don't think it works for it and it tends to just muddle the colouring 


it depends on what the style is and how it's used

as for my art I go with colors to make my character blend into the environment more


i used to, but since i work with a vibrant/abstract style coloured shading is alot more fun :]

only exception is horror art tho cause blacks just make stuff alot more grim and unsettling 


The only time I'm ok with shading w/ black is if I'm coloring an article of clothing that is black. 

And even then, I don't like it much, I end up making warmer/cooler tones of black by mixing in blue, yellow, red, etc. lol

Other people doing it can work though


I always thought "black shading" meant shading with a completely dark black? Think of how superhero comics shade their panels for example. I personally really like that kind of shading, or just the use of pitch black in drawings all together.


It depends on the style but I love it


It’s really context heavy in the same way shading with purple isn’t like… a godsend lol it really depends 


I don't like it. Obviously inked comic book black and white styles don't really have much of a choice but to shade with black so I'm not counting them, in general you really need to know what you're doing to pull off shading with black. I think it works better with a really realistic colour pallet or a limited colour pallet, otherwise it does just look muddy, especially in combination with airbrushed shading (side note, I think over relying on shading with the airbrush tool is a trap a lot of people fall into)

I think there's two types of people who shade with black, there's people who take into account the colour pallet and make the decision to use black in their works and adjust their colour pallets around it, which usually are the ink styles or the professional paintings, and then there's people who shade their drawings by going over it with a brush set to black, which is seen in more amateur works and is what a lot of people mean when they say that shading with black makes a work look muddy, I don't mind the first but I do think you have to have a good grasp on colours and colour theory for it to work


there's a context for anything to be able to work in art sometimes the muddy look is what you're going for but in general i don't like it. ive seen art where black shading is better than it looks on other pieces but never art where black shading is better than coloured

with my personal art, i never use black at all


It usually doesn't work with my art but I love seeing black shading on others' art!! (especially cross-hatching omg)


