How did you come up with your CURRENT username?

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 4 years, 10 months ago) by colorful

It's nice to talk more about ourselves sometimes, ayy? I also sometimes wonder... why do people have that username? I'm so curious about that haha;;



I really want it to match it with my artsona, so the two hyphens that were once there have been removed. I am literally not Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service.


on Neopets, actually.

Way back in 2002 or something, I was looking for a username that wasn't taken on Neopets, and nothing was working. So I shook my fist to the sky and muttered 'aaa why me!'

thus aaawhyme was born

And I've never once encountered another user with the same name!


I actually have a journal going into detail why my username is what it is haha If you wanna read the whole thing, it's here.

But to sum it all up, I created a sonic character back in 2013 which I called Lilac, who was a bat. cringey, i know haha


It's been my go-to username ever since I made a near-dead Reddit account with the name. "Chinchin" is a Japanese word, spoken in a childlike context, that means "penis". I'm gay as shit, so CHINCHINLOVER came to me naturally.


My fursona's name is Maple, and I like the word haiku, so I just had to combine them.

My old username is my name on DeviantArt, MapleBranchWing. It's just two of my characters mashed together.


Transformers,, more than meets the eye,,,,


I used to reallllyyyy be into shipping characters, so I originally was called 'thatshipper' on other websites, shippy-dippy is basically just a spinoff of that name that I ended up liking more :'3