How did you come up with your CURRENT username?

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 4 years, 10 months ago) by colorful

It's nice to talk more about ourselves sometimes, ayy? I also sometimes wonder... why do people have that username? I'm so curious about that haha;;



you see theres this pokemon sun/moon character named faba.... and i really wanted a canon url on somewhere so here i am


well! this one time when i was like 9 i was watching the television? and an ad came up and the kids were playing with playdoh?? it was like this. tiny plastic kitchen. and it had playdoh shapers that made like. hot dogs and cakes? and it was like. edible playdoh. it was freaky and it stuck with me hardcore. and here i am like forever years later, needing a new username, and thinking. hey. edible playdoh. AND it includes my name >:3c the wishlist UN p much.

previously it was zonemod, because i was running an ask blog for a character whos last name was zone! i still go by zone in some areas.


It's from my favorite dog breed (silken windhound) and I've been using either Silken or SilkenWindhound on most websites I'm on now, so... that's what I chose for Toyhouse too.


My main Pokemon OC is called Shayan. She's a masochist. Shay is also my IRL name. My friend combined Shay and masochism for Shayochism and well... I loved it.


Kind of a mash up of the candy pixy styx and the band Angel Spit.


I actually don't remember. I was sitting in the car and I kinda thought to myself, Hm, Soft Idiot sounds nice. And here I am!


Starfast is just the last name of one of my characters. He's not really a sona or anything, he's just a character that I like a lot and I like how his last name sounds. I don't actually remember how I initially came up with the last name though. 


I just really like yuki-onnas, and my main OC Snowi is a yuki-onna. Reason for all this is because my birthday is the second day of Winter. So, naturally, I just developed a liking for cold things, ahah. It's too bad it doesn't snow where I live, so this is kinda ironic..


It's August 2012-July 2013. I'm 8 years old. I make my imaginary boyfriend (because for some reason I think I have to) named Tony. His last name is Renigold. (Don't remember wherer I got that lol.) I fall in love with that name. I use it for every one of my characters for a solid year after that, with the exception of Rachel Zimmerman, but that's a whole other can of worms. One of these characters is Hope Renigold, a ghost girl who died soon after birth, grew up as a ghost, is 14, and has a couple of her toes joined, and purple eyes. She doesn't become a main character of mine, but i make a few GIFs of her and she sticks in my head until June 2017. My current username then is Majorma. (Again, the story of that is a whole other can of worms.) I decide Majorma is getting stale and try to think of a new one. The name 'Renigold' sticks in my head from years past. I decide to use it... for a whole week. Then I decide it's not catchy enough and use a variation of it, with an "ee" at the end because it's more fun that way. Voila. Now we have.... Renigee. Long, convoluted story. I know.

Edit: I did end up picking up Hope again and remaking her.