How did you come up with your CURRENT username?

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 4 years, 10 months ago) by colorful

It's nice to talk more about ourselves sometimes, ayy? I also sometimes wonder... why do people have that username? I'm so curious about that haha;;



for some reason el melloi ii wasn't taken??? so i kinda just took it.

he's one of my favorite characters ever haha


I've cycled through, uh. Way too many handles in the past, but my current batch is as follows.

- Novareii actually came from several years ago when I wanted to switch handles and wanted something that sounded outer space-y. Those years ago (2013-2014?) I ended up going with another suggestion instead, but now several years later here I am.
- Fragminted just sounded nice to me because I like minty things and "fragmented" is a nice word.
- Tokei is Japanese for "clock" (time was a motif of mine for a while) and the name of my now-defunct/nonexistent persona. I don't use this one anywhere but a really specific fandom/game anymore.


My username is literally just the word Orca. I was lucky it wasn't already taken on Toyhouse. I first started using the Orca name when I had to think of a username quickly. My science class had a warm-up on orcas a few days prior, so I just went with that.

On sites where Orca is taken (which is the rest of them), I usually go by OrcaWhatever. The "Whatever" part is from a past username of mine, Whatever178, but a friend of mine was actually the first person to come up with the OrcaWhatever name, so shoutout to them.


Mine's just a username I thought was cool when I was like 12 or 13,,, and I still use it for whatever reason (I think it's because fire burns differently in space because oxygen? I have no idea what I was thinking)

I also go by Cinnmandias on some sites and that's a combo of Cincinnatus and Ozymandias, because of how Cincinnatus in the past was often seen as the voice of democracy and Ozymandias is about absolute rule. (or at least that's the short version)


I really love Fire Emblem!

also Anthiese just sounds and looks good.



I went through several usernames before being happy with my current one. I combined my favorite things, actual Hell and my love for the forbidden drink of milk. Like i rly freakin love milk but im somewhat lactose intolerant so milk doesnt exactly agree with me OTL. 

Most of my usernames are HellMilk

But on a few other sites they involve milk somehow or a different way of basically saying hell milk


I like anything to do with prisms/prismatic things and my name is krystal. so I smashed them together and got prismakry xD 

I know, kinda lame but it is what it is xD

my art accounts are prismativity which is just prismatic and creativity mashed together.


Mine's pretty simple, My two main characters have 'Xen' in the name, Inuxen and Xenzis. It's short, sweet, and identifying, so I chose Xen. Whenever that's taken I tack on 'guy' at the end and go with it.


Lunaberri, luna because I really like gazing at the moon and the recent super blood blue moon inspired me, as for the berri it sounds cute, i mean, berries sound cute and delicious right? XD


The story of how my username came to be is quite a journey, but I'll try to make it short.

It started all the way back when I was 13. I was hugging a very tall friend at school, like a koala, and one of my friends shouted "Tree Hugger!" That stuck with me and I really liked it. Around that time got sick of my old old deviantart username (a username I made since I was 10-11 playing on neopets), so I made a new account called LittleTreeHugger (treehugger was taken). Around that time I got into my first deviantart roleplay group. Everyone there shortened my name to 'Tree.' Since then I've become familiar with Tree.

Fast-forward to when deviantart started allowing members to change their username (instead of making a new account), everyone got a free change (I think... either that or a friend luckily gifted me a premium account at the time). As I'd grown up, I didn't feel so little anymore, and wanted to shorten my username down because it was so long. Obviously I couldn't just use 'Tree' as my username, that was already taken. Naturally, like the weab I was (and still am) I thought adding -san or -chan would be cute and the honorific gives an indication that 'Tree' is a name and not a plant. Those were taken, but luckily '-kun' wasn't.

And that's how Tree-kun came to be.

Thank you for reading. (: 


My username back when my OC Sora was named "Hikaru" I would use her name and then the last 2 numbers of the year I was born on (97 c; ). But then I decided to go through a change when Hikaru97 was taken once, and I was about 9, 10(2006)? maybe younger lol, and so seeing that the username was taken I panicked. Felt like my identity was stole xD (yeah I was young ok.) And around that time I was getting into Kingdom Hearts, and OMG how I just LOVED the name Sora. So then I went by Sora97 for like one website and it just didn't click.. So I would use other words like That-Girl-Sora, but it just didn't click either. So I just used my nickname for a bit until I got really-really into Harry Potter. I very much enjoyed the Death Eaters, I was a major Villain fan back then plus not to mention the fact their tattoo was amazing! So i decided to combine Sora and Deatheater. It's never been used so I just claimed it xD Now I use it everywhere xD Literally e.e Like now when I google myself I see all these random profiles I made back when I was younger and I just feel the embarrassment /.\ Like oh my goodness.. What was I thinking... So if you ever see a "Soradeatheater" just know that is me ;//~//; Cause literally I use it EVERYWHERE /.\ Not to mention the fact that if I make a profile and forget the password then I'm forced to use "SoraD3athEat3r" or "SD3/SDE" /.\ But I am on the fence of changing it... Since I'm not so much of a harry potter fan as I once was... But i just feel like it'll be wrong to change it after having it for so many years xD