🛍️The recent purchase thread🛒

Posted 5 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 17 days ago) by ChatMod

Hi hi! This was planned to be another weekly prompt for Weekly Random Discussion thread but then we thought this kind of topic would be better as a general thread.

Post your recent purchases that you feel like worth to be shared here. This includes both physical or intangible purchases, whether you bought it in-person or online! Though, to keep this thread safe for public, there are some things you can and cannot share. Some examples on what is alright to share...

What you can share
What you can't share
  • Any small or big purchases, includes new CDs, books, foods, collectibles or any services like e-books, streaming service or drawing programs.
  • Recently purchased a commission? Feel free to share here as well as the Show Off Your Newest Character Art! or Positive Service Reviews!
  • Purchases of any new characters or designs are allowed as well.
  • Hauls? Collections? Go ahead!
  • Pictures/photos of your recent purchase are also allowed as long as it doesn't break the rules in the right box.
  • Anything NSFW or things related to drugs, offensive or heavy topics, etc.
  • If you're posting an image that may be sensitive to others (sharp objects, etc), put it under a spoiler.
  • You can promote certain sale or discount period to let others know but do not use this thread as an advantage to excessively advertise.

Happy shopping and spend wisely 🛍️


today i bought my boyfriend a phone case, i'm really excited for him. i want to buy him other things for it, but i don't think he'll be super interested. this week, i also bought ramune! melon flavored! it's so sweet and good i don't want to drink it all at once. i also bought KNY omanjuu! they're really cute..but i need to sell shinobu, giyuu, kanao and the praying guy whos name i always forget..


they're really cute and i'm excited for my favs! i have to put them up somewhere safe.



For the first time in my life a local seller had something reasonably priced.

After 8 years I'll finally complete the Vocaloid nendo set. I don't think anything else has taken me this long to finish.


Heh, it's been a while since I actually purchased anything, but here's a few of my last ones

~An Ochem textbook.  Boring, I know, but I found a PDF for 8 bucks.  Normally it's 80!

~A D&D PHB, and a cool set of dice.  About a year ago, but I think that was the last time I bought something for myself that wasn't a necessity or a shiny rock or food

~A husky plush and some candy, for my bf/guy friend


oh gosh the thread is back from the dead and boy have i made some purchases. the first one is another omanjuu box and i really hope it'll get here. it has lanchan and vane in it and they're special to me. i really want to put them on the desk. gran and siegfried are also in them so ahhh, i want them! and perchan to send to a friend. GOODS-00349637.jpg

pray for me that they will arrive..it'll be two months soon, and i'm really putting hope out for them.

today i bought some gemstones too! they'll go with my growing collection and become healing stones >W< i'm excited for that.
i also bought us masks, mine has a cute growlithe on it and i love that. i bought clothes too! i haven't done that in a long time. i hope they come in soon too and fit okay. that would be grand! 


I got some new shoes/creepers! Hopefully they will arrive soon, my old creepers were dying and falling apart, but these look soooo good


i got animal crossing yesterday finally! i close up my switch thinking 'this is kinda boring' then realise i spent like three hours staight playing it so it can't have been that bad 😂 esp since i picked it up again bc i didn't have to leave for work for another six minutes so OBVIOUSLY i had time to pick up some sticks and catch a fish lol


i bought an album set from a circle i really like (akatsuki records) as a bday gift for myself and it's set to ship to the proxy warehouse soon ;w;



I just bought the XP pen Deco 02! I'm real excited since im not buying some second-hand wacom product. :D It should be here next week.


It's not much, but I spent a lot of time buying myself clothing for a trip I'm going on in Ohio! Including earrings, a dress, shoes and general clothing items I decided to stock up on. The first mentions are something worth saying because I spent years without buying stuff that would 'put myself out there' and I have enough confidence to finally do it! I have a lot of money left over on my Amazon gift card, so I'm thinking about getting something like a Stitch Kigu because he's my favorite character!! Just need to find a quality seller.