Final Fantasy 15 Chat Thread

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Edited 7 years, 1 month ago) by Hackwolfin

I didn't see one here and I want to talk to people about FFXV for fun.


  • Going off topic is fine, but move it to PMs or else where if it starts to stay off topic ' v '// (off topic = non FFXV stuff)
  • Friendly debates only, don't force your ideas and such on others
  • Mark anything pass Chapter 8 (in game) as a spoiler, like so Non-spoiler example
  • The last of half of the chapters go pretty fast, so I'm going to assume anyone whom has played through 9 has beaten the game (or is fairly close), if this is not the case let me know.
  • Gifs are a great idea
  • So are quotes, I love the in-game random quotes * *
  • Let this be a fun and happy forum.

' v '//

Don't be afraid to start on new convos, or just post random pics from your game/internet. You don't have to read everything that has been posted before joining in


I've only gotten the C prize and subsequent quote "Awh yeah, Grand Prize is mine" but I haven't played since the first day of the festival (other than buying that suit last night which took an hour, PSN get your butt together), but I've seen it on twitter and I really want to experience it for myself. I'm going to laugh as the stupid fishing game in the carnival pushes Noct to level 10 before I get Iggy's cooking there  (The other two are there already)

I did the negotiations with the fishing gear on (puffy vest thing) and I kind of regret it, lol. Whenever I do a NG+ (after a story update?), I'll probably suit him up for that, but give him the sombrero and whatever else in other inappropriate times. Fighting Ifrit in the heatsuits, though, hahahaha. >:3c


I've gotten the little, "All I'm asking for is one bite" and "Ah not so tiny (or something of the sort) now- ... not as fun without people to show off too..." (I don't remember the second clearly, but along those lines)

in my original playthrough (and NG+) I was mostly in Noctis's normal outfit without the jacket. Until the last chapter, because older Noct looks weird with his younger clothes. (as younger noct looks like his clothes are too big with the king's get up)


Ahh yes, it didn't take too long, in end it was 20 and I finished around 5. Noct was 99, Gladdy 97 and so was Iggy, and Prompto was 98, at the time of battle.


99's the recommended level, not the actual level. I guess if you're good he's beatable in the 70's but I haven't tried yet. FF8 had enemies potentially over the cap, since they were always (your level) + some arbitrary amount. With Junctioning, it's actually easier to play the game at level 10-15 than it is to overlevel! It's crazy. It's also a lot of work to stay low-leveled, too, so it's just a specific, interesting payoff.


Off topic, but this is one of the best photos Prompto took in my game, it's just really cool and has great timing.

I've never played FF8, believe it or not, but FFXV is the only main story game in the series I've played through (and this much), I played most of X/X-2 but I no longer own them (I was a kid and my parents sold them due to reasons of the pass), I still have my copy of XII for PS2, but no longer have a PS2 8D

I really enjoyed XII too, I'm hoping to play through and beat it when it rereleases this year. I have type-0 and XIII on my pc, I've all but beaten XII, I'm on chapter 10 in it. And my laptop doesn't have the second arrow key pad, so I'm holding off playing type-0 until I get another keyboard or something.

I'm not a big gamer, most of my time goes to drawing, this game has just stolen my life and is likely my favorite (though 12 is still great aaaA)


I generally have the boys in casual clothes while we're not doing anything too extravagant, mostly because the all-black ensambles + a small TV several feet away from me + battles being pretty crazy = I can't help the boys when they call for help (danger status) because I can't tell the difference between them if I don't see their weapons. But one of the casual outfits helps prevent status, and that's always great, then the Kingsglaive outfits give them +magic, Iggy's in that frequently because I generally give him something to help out on top of his Libra Elementia being absolutely wonderful (between that, regroup, and overwhelm.. I wish I could just put orders for him on the order bar lmao). And then the +crit outfit for Glados.  I can't think of what I keep Prom in most of the time, huh.


sadly, I don't pay much mind to the stats of the clothes, like I know what they do, I just put them in whatever I feel like 8D

Edit: just going to edit this instead of making a new comment, but I'm going to try and sleep again (I tried two hours ago, but my mind is going)


I've played almost alllll the maingame FF's to some degree. I got decently far in FF1, played a little of FF2, got 3/4ths of the way through FF3 DS before I got bored with it, 4 I beat but I don't remember much of it, 5 was my favorite hands down until 15 came along and now I'm not so sure which is, I actively hate 6 and got about halfway through before I had enough of its shenanigans, 7 was fun but overhyped, 8's my other favorite solidly in 3rd right now, 9 I beat but only because I was waiting for it to get really good because it's a friend's absolute favorite and I just don't see it, and I quit right before the final boss when I ran out of patience. I went back a year later and found out I was literally at the final boss's door and just beat it to beat it. 10 was just okay, I liked 10-2 because the girls are cute and the job system was great but 10 and 10-2 were honestly the downfall of my interest in FF. I couldn't get past the first couple hours of 12, 11/14 are online so no thanks. I had absolutely no interest in 13 or 15 either, but after watching streamed gameplay of 15 (for the music, I love Shimomura) I knew it was right up my alley.

I also hated FF Tactics, and I love both Theathrythm games. Secret of Mana and Bravely Default (both spinoffs) are fantastic and I'd rec both of those over most of the other FF games, honestly. I also wouldn't rec FF8 either, it's really polarizing, but what people hate about it made it super unique (sounds familiar /looks at 15), and I loved that about it. My tastes are so not the same as the classic FF fans; it's kind of terrible.

I am a huge gamer at heart, video games got me into drawing, and generally if I'm feeling depression hit, I bury myself in a game or three because I can't focus on art anyway.

edit o/ good night rest well


Awkwardly makes small beef about what happens to be Koko's favorite game too, oops

I'm going to clarify that it wasn't bad, just that it wasn't anything new to me at that point and my friend hyped it up so so so much and all it delivered was a standard turn-based game like all the previous games other than 8, and plot based around a heterosexual romance, and none of the characters really stood out to me. FF8 was also based around a super contrived heterosexual romance (slightly better than 15's but whatever), but the magic draws/junction/card system was just so Good that I didn't really care that the plot wasnt really for me. Also it has Zell. Zell's a good boy.


Yeah I didn't pick up any of the FF games until the time span between FF9 and FF10, I didn't have a SNES or PSX (I was a sega kid at that point), and just messed around with ROMs on my newish computer when someone gave me a pile of them. I think FF4(2) was my first one, technically. Then 6, and 5? I messed around with the NES ones a bit around that time too. 5 ended up being my favorite because it was low on drama, everyone in the party was soooo likable (only 5 playable characters, #4 dies valiantly and #5 replaces them, stats and all) with a great Job system (ala 3 and 10-2) and 2(!!) big worlds to explore. Someone I was in classes with offered to give me me his PSX if I agreed to buy myself 7 and play it since he had a PS2 at that time. My friend and I started the PC version of FF8 together after, played through the first disc but the cutscene at the end kept making the game crash, so we bought and worked on the PSX version together afterward. Might be why 8's my other favorite, there's a lot of good memories attached to it. 9 I bought and played on my own. It wasn't unpleasant but it was definitely nothing special after playing the other 8 or so in a very very short period of time beforehand. I think X was available around then, but I didn't get a PS2 until a while after KH1 came out, and I played X after that.

I think I remember hearing about them wrecking the two. Don't they break up or something?? Idk I never let myself get the 100%/whistle ending because I hated Titus and I thought Yuna'd be better off without him. She was so independant and cheerful in X-2 that I just...  


Morning, here is my running Noctis into Gladio's sword. The convo while viewing this in game was GREAT