Final Fantasy 15 Chat Thread

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Edited 7 years, 1 month ago) by Hackwolfin

I didn't see one here and I want to talk to people about FFXV for fun.


  • Going off topic is fine, but move it to PMs or else where if it starts to stay off topic ' v '// (off topic = non FFXV stuff)
  • Friendly debates only, don't force your ideas and such on others
  • Mark anything pass Chapter 8 (in game) as a spoiler, like so Non-spoiler example
  • The last of half of the chapters go pretty fast, so I'm going to assume anyone whom has played through 9 has beaten the game (or is fairly close), if this is not the case let me know.
  • Gifs are a great idea
  • So are quotes, I love the in-game random quotes * *
  • Let this be a fun and happy forum.

' v '//

Don't be afraid to start on new convos, or just post random pics from your game/internet. You don't have to read everything that has been posted before joining in


The Gladiolus tour you get by the Vesperpool, it has to be raining when you camp. He'll ask you to go fishing with him in the morning.


kokohearts, This has been suck in my mind all day now, you have ingraved it into my head


@ koko Why did you make me look at that with my own two eyes (I shared it with a friend, thanks that is so good)

Also I've been listening to the OST while I can't play, just working on things. Just booted the game just now up to the post-game title screen, and listened to the credits songs again. I looove Too Much is Never Enough, and Somnus, which plays first and second on that particular roll, but I have no idea what the third song is! It's definitely not on the OST... Ahh I wonder what it is.... I'd love to have that too.
Ugh but the Too Much is Never Enough is so good as both from Noctis's and Regis's PoV, I wish that also played on the end-game credits roll instead of as an option few people will pick on the main screen. (the visuals behind the credits is so good too, I love the point in which Somnus ends on).

I could yell about Shimomura's music for ages though, I love her stuff so much. I'm so glad she ended up as the composer for this. I know I said I barely looked twice at any information on this game until after it came out, but I've had Somnus in my playlists for so long that it's still labeled "From Final Fantasy Versus XIII" pretty much everywhere, and the rest of the OST is fantastic, I can't believe there's people out there that say the stuff isn't good?? Just listen to any song with a Latin title (the two apocalyptis songs are A+), Wanderlust, Dawn, Broken Bonts, and any of the character themes. All of those stand out so strongly to me. /rambles for ages

Also idk if i mentioned but I scooped up the tux! Thanks for pointing it out >:9


They're just sentai outfits! Power Rangers was just the first sentai to be brought over here that got really popular (sailormoon is technically a sentai too), and I think it's probably just a coincidence, since sentai's a big genre in Japan and the boys kinda fit most of the standard sentai roles, haha. 

DLC!! Gladios's DLC is coming out at the end of March, Prom's is sometime June (I saw a very disheartening image about that one, poor bab), and Iggy's is still unannounced. The Multiplayer DLC should be out shortly after his, I guess. Looks like Cor gets some screentime in Gladios's DLC, that's cool, I kinda wanted to know more about him. I read recentlythe "Cor the Immortal" nickname comes from the fact that he hightailed it out of Insomnia when it got attacked, and survived instead of sorting out city survivors. It's not a good nickname to have. Oops.


Oh I kinda see that too, heh. The boys are kinda heroes in a way, the costumes suit them as both sentai and iron men XD

Also since I'm making a second attempt at Pitioss since my first attempt glitched so bad I had to close out the game, I thought I'd document Noct's adventure.


I think I died watching the voice actors stream FFXV. THEY SUNG LOTS OF SONGS!!! I only wish they recorded it...


 I'm on mobile without the app, so I just laughed my face off XD

I was there since the Twitter post when he said the was 6 viewers, in other words, I was there early