Bad Customers

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 5 months ago) by PicklePantry

We've all had them, or at least know someone who's had to deal with them. From retail, fast food, art commissions and everything in between, there's always at least one customer that either does something you hate or gets on your nerves.

Tell me about them. Stories, rants, things you wish you could tell them at the time.

Tell me all of your bad customer stories. POST AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT. Vent out that anger!

You can talk about your co-workers too, from other cashiers/chefs/etc. to your managers. If it's something bad that happened at work, this is the thread to talk about it.

Edit: It put me IC but I think it's hilarious it chose my cashier OC


I swear all these rude customers are going to give me an aneurysm.


I used to work at Gamestop, and the jokes about how it sucks being a girl that works there is true. Guys knew you were forced to have to put up with them and I had quite a few regulars that would take hella advantage of it. I never want to hear about Dark Souls again for the rest of my life.

Then there was one guy that came in wanting to pawn his PS2. This man had a 6 ft radius of bad, puke inducing BO the likes I've never experienced before. I had my coworker deal with him because I was seriously going to vomit.

One time I was organizing the walls, greeted 2 customers that came in, and went back to organizing. The lady came up to me and literally yelled "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO CONGRATULATE ME FOR BEING PREGNANT?". I was completely baffled.

Also got yelled at a lot during holidays from people trying to get a discount on anything, and since I was manager I could at least tell them to shove it. Also got the 'ol "Gamestop doesn't give peanuts for traded in games! I hope they go out of business!" First of all dude, I'm just a lowly pleb in this company and I couldn't give 2 craps about Gamestops future. And if you think you're not getting enough take your lazy ass to frikin craiglist and sell your shit, sorry you're getting 50 cents for a damn old Madden game nobody wants.

My bf also used to work a call center for Verizon phones. He's gotten a call from a lady saying there was bugs in her phone, and they were getting in from the wall charger. Also a guy called and played piano to him for 4 hours.

I hate the public at large and I hope I never have to work with them again.


Oh my god friend... I used to drive a bus. I was basically customer service on wheels. AND CRAZY AF PEOPLE RIDE THE BUS, LIKE SCARY AND DISGUSTING PEOPLE. 

Things not in my job description that people expected me to do:
- Tell them where they are, or where xyz is ("Do you know that place with the hotel...?" "Is this 6th street?" when there is no 6th street, etc.)
- Clean up after them
- Give them change; I do not have access to a cash register when driving a bus?
- Get them to places on time at the exact time they want, because... I don't have a schedule, traffic doesn't exist, I don't have to secure wheelchairs, other people don't need to get on and off the bus, and busses especially can drive so fast?
- Deal with general insanity on a daily basis

Basically I had a lot of people yelling at me all the time, especially when I first started out and was trying to learn where the hell I was driving.

My top two favorite crazy stories:
1) I pull in from a long drive at the bus station. At this point I have a ten minute break, so if there are any passengers on the bus, I have to remind them to exit, so I can turn the vehicle off and lock it. There's a single man is sitting on the bus, so I politely tell him (from the front seat), "Sir, the bus is at [Station Name]. You have to exit the bus."

This dude stands up and starts sexually harrassing me, making lewd gestures, demanding I do some sexual acts to him. I'm just a 5'0 girl, btw. I politely remind him that he needs to exit the bus and that we are at the station. He doesn't let up, and gets really pissed, and starts screaming at me, calling me all sorts of names. Then he spits at me, (he missed, thank god), and threatens me with violence.

I was kind of stunned at this point, so I didn't say anything else. I instead reached up to my 'call police' button, and the second he saw me hit that, he launched himself out the door. This dude flew out of the bus and faceplanted onto the pavement outside. Then he just kind of swore and rolled around on the ground for the next fifteen minutes before security carted him away.


2) A drunk guy comes onto the bus with a mysterious brown bag. (We all know what that is.) He's a happy drunk, so I tell him politely that he can't drink that on the bus, he has to leave if he wants to drink. He agrees. Then immediately starts drinking. I have to pull the bus over and ask him to either throw the alcohol away, or get off the bus.
This dude chucks his entire open bottle of liquor, brown bag and all, straight out the window and onto the street. I'm. Okay?

I continue driving, the dude falls asleep and pees all over himself and three bus seats. I had to evacuate the bus, since that's a biohazard.

Bus driving is an adventure, guys.


I encounter this everyday and for the love of fuck i dont mind if you buy only one thing or two but ???? buying ONE thing and giving me a BIG AMOUNT OF MONEY is a no no in my book 
like damn cant u at least get ur money changed to something smaller at least 
who the fuck buys PHP 27 with a PHP 500 money calm down


strangles myself 


i am terrified that i'm going to have to go back to customer service soon, and i literally feel so bad for everyone here because wow why are people such dipshits???

i think my worst experience with a customer was when i was a barista. i worked for britain's starbucks competitor and we had the same thing as a frappucino except we called it a 'coffee cooler' because we wanted to be hip and different from sbucks idk. anyways, this woman's perfectly nice and friendly husband comes in and orders his usual drink and a 'coffee cooler', which he looks confused over so we literally explain a million times that a coffee cooler is like, a coffee slushie. and he seems cool. so he gets it, goes on his merry way and then all hell is released when his severely pissed off wife storms in and starts yelling at us for getting her order wrong because she wanted an ice coffee. she's having a go at our newest employee and yelling at this poor kid telling him he should stop making coffee and let the supervisors do it. anyways, we explain that actually nah we didn't get her order wrong there was just a confusion with the names but hey we're cool we'll just make another one for free. then she yells that she wanted a frappucino, and that IN STARBUCKS a frappucino is an iced coffee (which i think isn't correct either?? idk this woman lived in a world where she and only she was right or something). at that point i say, as nicely as possible 'sorry ma'am, but this isn't starbucks and we call a frappucino a coffee cooler'.

anyways a few days later this bitch from hell comes in with a letter that is explicitly a complaint about me and my attitude and how dare i inform her that the company i work for is not starbucks. this was literally a page long letter about my clearly terrible customer service skills and i think when she came in later and saw that i was still working there she was pissed off but sorry lady, baristas aren't popped out of thin air so like hell they would fire me. :') in any case, all i can really think is how on earth her husband lives day to day with this entitled ass. i hope he's found someone nicer HAHA


I used to work at a dollar store and I've had more bad customers than I can even name. One of the worst though was when a man broke a glass candle, brought it to the front and decided he was going to try and throw it into the garbage can behind the register (which he couldn't see or tell where it was) and he did so like he was throwing a basketball, so this pile of broken glass comes flying behind my register into the cash box and explodes, making small shards of broken glass fly everywhere.

Now, normally I never break my customer service persona on the job but this time I did and he didn't understand why I was upset like???

There also used to be a bar beside it and I worked closing shifts so uh.... belligerent drunk customers was a really frequent thing and I had to tell a lot of people to leave.

Also customers reaching across the counter to touch my hair and asking if it's real


Wow @ the people in this thread. My condolences. These are the reasons I always try to be polite to customer service, holy heck.

My own bad experiences are mostly as a cleaner at a cinema. If you have bagged snuff or chewing gum pls don’t just spit it out on the floor - especially not on our carpets. There was one time I was working checking tickets and there was this woman who kept yelling at her kid accusingly/threateningly not to spill the popcorn they carried, kid gets nervous and drops it in the stairs, and all hell breaks loose. We told her that she’d be allowed a new box and that we would clean up the mess - but I felt so bad for that kid.

I’m also reminded about what happened to my dad, a furniture/interior carpenter! He had a really big job to custom-build and assemble a set of drawers and a clothing hanger in very expensive oak, built into the wall to match a customer’s custom built wooden staircase. The customer was known to be very harsh and perfectionist, but approved of the work without anything needing to be fixed. Then just a few months later he apparently took it out because he wanted something else. I mean, dad had already been paid, but he won’t get the visibility he would have gotten from it, and imagine spending a LOT of time and anxiety on a $20000 job (600km from your home) and then hear they just replaced it.


Lord let me tell y'all about working at a library. I always hear, "Oh, it must be so nice! You just read books all day!" Yeah, no. If I read books at the desk I will get in trouble. I am customer support, I am the person taking care of your accounts, your returns, your moldy returns, and getting yelled at because you don't think it's fair that you should have to pay fines on a brand new blu-ray you kept for an extra 3 weeks because you pay taxes. Yeah, we're a county government entity, but you know what? The county doesn't value me enough to pay me benefits or give me full time hours, so catch me giving a fuck about your misguided lack-of-understanding of where your "tax dollars" are going.

Some of the gross damage people have tried to get out of paying in the almost-five years I've worked this job:

  • A banana squished against the bottom of the book. All over it, all over the pages, dug into the spine, because her son put it on top of his banana in his bookbag. She didn't think it was that bad and didn't understand why we wanted her to pay for it.
  • Mold. So much mold. In fact, let me show you. Mold, like this, on every single page. The worst part? Our board president herself has returned moldy books before, and expects she won't have to pay for them because she's the board president, when absolutely every employee has to pay for anything they damage. Up to and including the directer of the whole system. But this bitch thinks she's exempt? I fucking hate her.
  • 20 piss-soaked DVD cases. He very quickly paid when we told him we would take him to court if he didn't.
  • Books soaked completely through, still-wet when they were returned. They like to claim that they must have gotten wet when water soaked into our return slot but it's uh. Covered by a metal lift-slot AND a brick awning. Water has 0 way of getting in unless it floods. I've seen hardback books so completely soaked through that you'd think they were paperbacks with the way they squish.
  • A copy of a Twilight book covered in questionable stains, lube, and pubic hair. God bless my coworker who picked it up without looking; I have never seen a man's hand rocket back so fast. Poetic justice was him getting to take the payment from the person who returned it the next night. "Do you want to keep the book?" he asked, because you can keep it if you pay for it. They said no and didn't want to look him in the eye. It was delightful.
  • Vomit
  • Poop
  • Lots of chew marks & bites taken out of books, both by kids and pets. This one, at least, people are usually more forthcoming about, but there have been a few...

The best part is when they say, "It was like that when I got it!" about damage they're being charged for. And I always ask, "Did you tell a staff member?" and they say no. Of course. Because, honey, if it was really moldy, or wet, or covered in food when you got it, I promise you would not have taken it home. Don't even try that one with me.

TL;DR: I have touched some gross-ass shit. You're gonna want to read that list.


Also, uffiebird, you're totally right, your coffee cooler is exactly the same as an sbux frappucino. In fact, they also call their iced coffee just "iced coffee." So. She a dumbass.


i've been commissioned maybe twice for real money, because literally every other person that has wanted to commission me has either never responded or demanded refunds a day later w/o giving me the chance to start! if everyone that had commissioned me actually DID i probably would have been commissioned about 10 times!

not to mention that the last time i got commissioned it was $35USD and i was only paid $24AUD (which is so much less than USD to begin with) but i was just so happy to get an actual commission that i didn't say anything and left it bc the chick was being rly lovely but i really wish i wasn't so anxious about it and just told her that i'd been underpaid by a lot

anyway i haven't had good experiences getting commissioned, can u tell? this is why i'm afraid to promote them anywhere because i'm always left feeling awful and pressured by my customers unintentionally