Bad Customers

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 5 months ago) by PicklePantry

We've all had them, or at least know someone who's had to deal with them. From retail, fast food, art commissions and everything in between, there's always at least one customer that either does something you hate or gets on your nerves.

Tell me about them. Stories, rants, things you wish you could tell them at the time.

Tell me all of your bad customer stories. POST AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT. Vent out that anger!

You can talk about your co-workers too, from other cashiers/chefs/etc. to your managers. If it's something bad that happened at work, this is the thread to talk about it.

Edit: It put me IC but I think it's hilarious it chose my cashier OC


This was a good time for this thread to be bumped, because oh my god I have a story. 

(I'm hiding this behind a spoiler thing because it talks about an animal we had to euthanize and I know some of you guys might be upset by that).

I think I've already mentioned that I'm a vet assistant in this thread, but anyways, we had this cat come in yesterday who was fairly old and not doing too well. Apparently he hadn't been urinating and he'd been coming in pretty frequently to have his bladder expressed. The doctor had told the owners that it's not good to have this cat coming in to be expressed. He gave them some pills, along with instructions on how and when to take them like we always do. The important part that he mentioned was to give them as long as the cat was having difficulty urinating, which is kind of a given. 

The owners at some point had taken the cat to an emergency clinic. The doctor at the emerg was able to help the cat out and get him urinating normally so the owers figured the cat was good to come off the medication. Well, no, it wasn't because the problem came back. 

The doctor that was in on that day did her best. We had the cat hospitalized, and the owners had to come in for a consultation so that the vet could go over the medications with the cat. The owners had spent thousands of dollars trying to help this cat, but they weren't following any of the directions so nothing was helping. The vet pretty much said to them if you're not going to do what we're asking you to do, then you might as well just euthanize the cat because he's suffering and you're not doing him any good by not giving him the meds that he needs (her wording was a lot nicer than that though). Most vets that I've worked with don't outright recommend euthanasia like that, so the fact that she did really says a lot about the condition this poor kitty was in. 

In the end, the owners did end up making the decision to euthanize their cat. It was sad though, because it was a decision that could have been prolonged had the owners just done what the vets had asked. The vet who performed the euthanasia said that she would remember this for years, and I think I will too. 

For any of you pet owners reading this, I hope you never make the mistake that these owners did. We'd much rather clear things up over the phone then euthanize your pet. Not to mention, that answering your questions over the phone is literally part of our job and we don't mind having to do it. If you're ever in a situation where you have questions about the medications you're giving your pet, please, please, please just call your vet. 


There's this customer that comes in every day with rolls of coins. And she pays. While standing right besides the Coinstar. You know, the machine built to count coins.

I get you want to save your 10%.
But I don't think you need that single dollar that bad, buddy.
We have a machine that weighs coins, but I'd rather count each one and let the line stare at you for deciding this was better.
So go ahead
keep that shit-eating grin
I'll keep counting your coins
while the customers stare and wonder the same thing I do
"Why are you proud of this?"

And no, she's not in a desperate situation. Not with the beer she's buying, or how she presents herself.
And even if she was.
The Coinstar won't make her go bankrupt.

Btw, friendly reminder that even if you've rehearsed everything you'd say and every reply option there'd be, you still have to tell the cashier what you're thinking. Because, contrary to popular belief, we can't read minds and can't tell on the spot when you have a full cart but want to separate everything in groups of five, all while not using the dividers provided. Jesus christ, I'm so ready to be done with retail.


Oh boy I could tell y'all would take weeks.

Starting with my time as an apprentice in a grocery store. There was one time, shortly before closing time(maybe ten minutes left), a customer suddenly goes all "Where's my purse???I just had it when I was at the beer section!" So of course we offered to help her look. She was a regular and as barely anyone was in the store anymore most of us could help search. In the was half an hour past closing time and she found it in her bag. It was never gone.

And there was this old lady who drove over the back of my foot with a shopping cart despite having enough space to go past me. I was at the fruit and vegetable section explaning something to another customer...I was standing right next to the shelves.

There is so much more but, ironically enough, I'm at work right now so I leave it for another time.


I recently did a contract for a prestigious cruise line so I really thought I'd have a lot more to rant about but surprisingly I don't?? It still ended up being a long post so sorry about that!

First up something I wish passengers would understand: If the captain makes an announcement over the tannoy such as a real incident or to instructions for a crew drill, please do the decent thing and DON'T TALK TO CREW UNTIL THE CAPTAIN'S FINISHED THE ANNOUNCEMENT. For example during a transatlantic crossing the captain decided we were doing a drill based around a suspicious package that exploded and the amount of people that kept coming up to me asking if the captain was for real and were asking me stuff about the drill over the instructions omf in the end I actually had to go and double-check with another crew member that I'd heard the crew instructions right. 

The lazy passenger: Every morning on port days we'd help the deck stewards fold towels - we'd have these massive bins full of 100 and something towels and we can easily fold 1,500 towels in a day. It'd be pretty obvious they were clean (because why would you fold dirty towels) and sometimes people were so lazy they'd dump their dirty towels on top of the clean towels. Like why. Are you really telling me you're too lazy to sidestep 2 feet to the left to where the dirty towel bin is. Sometimes they'd make eye contact with you and grin so they knew damn well what they were doing. Like can you not. For hygiene reasons I now have to pull out every towel that your dirty towel has touched and put it back in the wash. Sometimes there'll be 3 of these bins you have to do alone and sometimes we can't put out clean towels fast enough so people being lazy shits slows down the process a lot. 

The pedantic passenger: I had one man come up and ask for some towels which is fine, people often do ask us to pass them towels since when we're folding we often have our bins in front of where we store clean towels because it means we don't have to move around so much. I went to give him some folded towels since they were closer but this guy was adamant he wanted rolled towels - like why there's no difference. He then came back to get more towels and took from the folded towel pile. He wasn't rude, he was actually very polite when he asked and made his preference known but how pedantic he was over it really bugged me. 

The woman who thought I was her bitch: On cruise ships the lifeguard work area is literally just the pool. Unlike lifeguards on land, we don't go near the toilets/changing rooms, Housekeeping staff take care of cleaning and checking stuff in the toilets/changing rooms that and it's obvious enough. The disabled shower seat in the woman's changing rooms was broken and the shower pressure was low so this woman comes up and reports it to me which is fine. I told her I was going to pass it on since it's not something I can fix myself and she was fine with that. On the sister cruise line we have to report maintenance faults to the deck stewards or the line manager, whoever's closer. I didn't know the procedure for reporting faults on this cruise line and made the mistake of assuming it'd be a similar but the deck stewards won't do anything so you have to report it yourself. Which is fine but it'd be nice if they'd been honest and told me I'd have to report it myself or that they were too busy to deal with the fault instead of saying they'd sort it. I didn't know this at the time so I told the deck stewards who said they'd deal with the faults and I went on with my day. The next day this woman finds the faults haven't been fixed, literally drags me into the changing room with the faults screams in my face and was borderline abusive about how I'm ruining her holiday because I didn't fix the fault. This is all in front of her 95 year old mother who's holiday I was apparently ruining as well but the poor lady was clearly terrified of this woman screaming and being so aggressive. This woman really thought I'd pull out a monkey wrench and fix the faults there and then whilst she supervised it and got more and more pissy when that didn't happen. I kept telling her I'm not trained in maintenance/plumbing so all I could do was pass it on but she was adamant that I had to be the one to fix it and it had to be fixed within so many hours or she'd report me. She also demanded that the hotel manager had to phone her cabin to tell her the faults were fixed - bitch do you really think he's going to have time to do that??? I told the managers on my team later to cover my arse in case maintenance hadn't fixed those faults within this woman's deadline and they just laughed (at the woman) and said not to worry about it she was being an entitled bitch and if she did report me they'd ignore it. After that issue was fixed, she kept coming to me with various faults like fuck off and let me lifeguard. The real joke was with the first incident she said she was going to reception to make sure it'd been reported like why you know reception has a direct line to maintenance so you may as well just report it yourself you're clearly being an entitled bitch and making sure the crew will run round after you. :U 

The entitled cruiser: This woman had a tantrum because I asked her son who was a minor to leave the adult only pool. She kept going on about how I should look around and ask other kids to leave but the pool was empty after that and her son was literally the only kid that'd tried to get in it?? She also started lecturing me on manners and how I should learn to be more polite - I spoke to several colleagues later to make sure I hadn't been rude without realizing since I can be a bit oblivious to my tone of voice and I sometimes come off as short without meaning to. They all said I couldn't of been more polite and she was kicking off because she thought she could go anywhere she pleased just because she could afford to go on that cruise line and didn't like that someone had said otherwise.


A customer walked right into the aisle I had JUST finished mopping with muddy shoes. He apologized and I was grateful although I reassured him not to worry about it until...."Here let me get the rest of this mud off." And proceeds to stomp and squish his muddy shoes even more into the aisle. Like why. WHY.


Iv had one bad commission experience where someone wanted to pay for an adopt with art, they offered 10 pieces and I agreed because I wanted to give a younger artist a chance and

All the pieces where uploaded within two hours of me agreeing. I didn't get everything I was promised, my characters were drawn inaccurately, some of them weren't fully coloured or not even coloured within the lines, I asked very politely for them to fix it, something that shouldn't take more than a few minutes and they blamed their art programs, accused me of making fun of their art style and refused. Just overall laziness and not taking responsibility.

Needless to say im never accepting large amounts of art as payment again.


I had some lady say to me "Your so stupid! its not hard just take the amount off my order, Its your stores coupon." then demanded to see my manager, told him that i was an idiot and that i was bad at my job and should be fired, All because i wouldn't accept an expired coupon.. 


I actually full on quit retail because of how busy my school schedule's been, and I think that was the best decision. It wasn't good for my health at all. I do stop by my old store time to time to check up on the people there. It's still understaffed and they're still cutting hours. The stealing has gotten so bad that they don't allow customers in unless they put their bags/purses at the front desk.

I buy all the workers treats when I'm there because of how bad it is. 


i used to work at a call center. i alrdy hated working there bc i have some serious anxiety and it was a very tough job for me to have. tho i felt bad for the exorbitant fees some of these ppl were having to pay its literally not my fault at all u didnt read the part thats in plain sight that tells u if u dont cancel in X weeks ull be charged the full amount. that being said its no excuse to threaten my life and my gfs life over an $80 fee that could have easily been avoided had u cancelled the subscription. i got yelled at and threatened so many times working there bc ppl are far too stupid to just read things i guess. the worst part is a lot of these calls were coming in locally so a threat to my life felt pretty damn scary and real

im just glad i dont work there anymore and i dont think i could do another call center job ever again


Oooooooooooooooh I have some stories man

So I used to work as a cashier in a grocery store. An old lady comes through my line, and I ask if she has a rewards card. She says it's on her credit card that's linked with the store. I say, alright, may I see the credit card so I can scan the bar code on the back? She says no. She insists that when she swipes her savings will go through automatically because "that's what they do at the self checkout" That is in fact NOT what they do, in either the normal lanes OR the self check out, and I inform her as such. She still doesn't let me see the card, and refuses to let me swipe the store one for her because she wants her fuel points. So i let it go, I check her out, and then she starts yelling at me because she didn't get her savings. I direct her to the help desk so they can give her her savings because at this point I have done all I can do. On her way up there, however, she goes to the cashier a lane behind, who was in his 60's so I guess she thought he had authority over me???????? and has asks him why she didn't get her savings. WHILE HE'S TRYING TO CHECK OUT ANOTHER CUSTOMER. And he tells her the exact same thing I did several times before she finally goes to the help desk to just get her damn savings.'am I TRIED I really did what more could I do.


boyo i have a ton of these but i'll go with the most common

When customers get mad at us for requiring the rabies paperwork for their dogs before we perform any service, like we make the rules.
"They don't need it" or "This is such a waste of my time"
Hate to break it to you cowboy, but the state law requires your dog to be up to date on their rabies when they go out in public.

I also love when customers bitch about the service prices and threaten to go somewhere else but always end up coming back when they find out its even more expensive elsewhere, i see you :^)