Bad Customers

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 5 months ago) by PicklePantry

We've all had them, or at least know someone who's had to deal with them. From retail, fast food, art commissions and everything in between, there's always at least one customer that either does something you hate or gets on your nerves.

Tell me about them. Stories, rants, things you wish you could tell them at the time.

Tell me all of your bad customer stories. POST AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT. Vent out that anger!

You can talk about your co-workers too, from other cashiers/chefs/etc. to your managers. If it's something bad that happened at work, this is the thread to talk about it.

Edit: It put me IC but I think it's hilarious it chose my cashier OC


I work at a nice little bakery. For the most part, the people are nice and everything goes smoothly! One time, this lady had bought a few things and her total had sort of a weird number because of one item (It normally comes out to multiples of 5 because we don't charge tax on most items). That was fine, no biggie. She hands me a five and some coins and I start to count out her change. Right when I finish she pulls out another handful of coins from her pocket and dumps it on the counter. I start trying to recount everything and when it takes more than two seconds she blows. She gives a condescending laugh and starts going on and on about how "Back in my day we didn't have to rely on computers and calculators. We knew how to count. I just think it's funny how cashiers don't even have to learn basic math anymore" etc. Like, chill. I already had your change, you just decided to make me recount. Please stop talking. 

Another lady came in like 10 minutes to close and asked for coffee. We were completely out and normally we don't have many people ask for coffee (maybe like 2 or 3 a day) so I told her this. She puts her hands on her hips and goes "Oh, I can wait. Go brew some more." And I'm just like??? You want me to make up another pot just for you?? No one else is gonna buy any, we close soon and you'll probably be our last customer. The thing is, the bakery is right next to a COFFEE SHOP which is open well into the night and has much better coffee than us?? Even if the coffee shop was closed, we're also across the street from a gas station that will have coffee, and more options for said coffee than us. To top it off, I was sorta stressing and rushing to get her coffee and clean up for the night. I ring it up and ask if she wanted anything else to which she replied "Oh no thanks. I can see I'm stressing you out. I don't want to give you more than you can handle :) ." I wanted to strangle her by the time she left. 


I feel like if I took the time to write out even one awful story that I've had at work, I'd end up hating my life and my job more than I already do, lol. Alright, that was a little too edgy. I don't hate my life. My job sucks so bad, though.

I will mention this. I work in the same parking lot that a retirement home is in. Yeah, and I work at a large grocery chain. I'm a customer service rep, so I am the one that deals with all problems at the forefront. Let's just say that there are a lot of angry, entitled people that I come across way too often.


Alright, here's a crazy one. Trust me, if I thought about it at the time I would have screenshotted the messages. They were honestly hilarious! But sadly the site the convo was on is no longer in service..

So this was maybe early 2016 late 2015? Can't remember. I had only recently started drawing for people other than myself or my friends. I wasn't by any means "popular" on this website, but my popularity was growing steadily.

One day I get what was probably the most hilariously confusing message I've ever gotten in my life. So this guy wanted me to draw his werewolf OC.... but he role played out what he wanted. ROLE PLAYED IT! Like I said, I don't have any screenshots of this, but the message basically looked like this:


As you can see, i'm quite a fine specimen. *I run my hand down my dark brown mane, that fades into a lighter tan* I was wondering if perhaps you would like to draw me? I'm sure my fit body and luscious coat would be a privilege to draw *Flexes, showing of my muscles*......................"

Blah blah blah, you get the idea. The message as a whole was like 9 PARAGRAPHS long! I didn't accept his commission, because I knew he'd be a horrible customer. He defiantly wasn't happy when I turned him down.

Still, to this day, I've never had a funnier commission request. I really wish I would have saved that one


i'm about to start a new customer service job this week *screams* but it can't possibly be worse than my last one, so here are some stories to celebrate.

- guy comes in and asks for a pail of paint. this costs $350. once the paint is made you can't just put it back on the shelf, and i have a bad feeling about him so i'm like, 'sir, this product is $350. are you okay with this? $350. there are no discounts. it will be $350. you will have to pay me $350.' he says yes. i make the paint. i bring it over to him. i ring him through. he freaks out. how can it be $350? that's so much money. who could have fortold this? he starts shouting at me. threatens to walk out. i have to patiently explain to him that this would be theft so he should probably pay me $350.
- the guy who flipped out because i wouldn't sell him highly toxic products without a license because it's illegal. like ... buddy ... it'll shred your lungs to ribbons but ok. i'm not going to break the law to help you die trying to repaint your deck.
- does this even count as a customer, i don't know. it was funny as heck though. there's a church across from my store which occasionally sent members over to ask for donations. one time i was dealing with some random angry customer and three people from the church walked in together with a guitar and started singing religious songs at the top of their lungs. stood in the middle of the store just jamming out. no one could hear anything. angry customer's shouting had zero effect because no one could hear it anyway. bless them, honestly.


scrolling at 1:31AM through forums made me remember a legendary experience i had. well, i wouldn’t call it legendary- just interesting. probably not as interesting as everything else here, though.

for context: i live on a farm. we sell dairy-products. we work fairly locally, so we often attend farmer’s markets weekly. last year i worked them during the summed, but i’m way too lazy to do them now. and busy. busy makes me sound more professional. anywho, it’s a sunny day, i’m minding my own business, going about doing whatever i’m doing.

and a random, around 60 year old man comes up to me and starts perusing my Product. i give the classic smile, say, “hi! we’re (xyz) creamery! do you wanna try anything, yada yada”. he doesn’t speak, which leaves us in a moment of awkward silence. i open my mouth to speak again, but he mutters something.

he doesn’t softly say it- but his words are jumbled to the point of me not understanding. i ask for him to repeat, and he does, and it takes me a moment for me to realize he’s asking if “i’d watched the new episode of dr. oz last night”. i said.. no, i don’t really watch those shows. another moment of silence, and he paused for a moment. he then proceeded to walk closer to my table, grab a yogurt from our display, look it over obtrusively, crack a cocky smile and say “cancer. he says this causes canced. bad for your business, ain’t it?” before placing the yogurt down. paraphrasing, obviously. i pause for a moment, and before i can get a word in, his wife drags him away, giving me what i can only assume to be an apologetic look.

but like.. why did he feel the need to say that.. and i’m obviously not prepared given this is a local farmers market in a town with less than 3000 people in it and im just huh. alright. thanks, old man


I worked at Walmart just shy of 2 years, and after that I was a debt collector. Neither of those jobs were my ideal for various reasons.

At Walmart, I was a Sales Associate (salesfloor worker, basically) in the apparel dept. When I started, most of my work was in that dept but as I stayed longer and longer they made me the underpaid all-purpose worker and would cut my schedule at 39 hours so they wouldn't have to pay benefits. The most frustrating dept in all of apparel is easily shoes. There are so many people who steal shoes and leave their old shoes on the bench or hidden away (badly hidden, honestly), or parents who let their kids try on 14000 pairs of shoes and just leave all the shoes all over the aisles. Anyway, one of things about the shoe department is a lot the time Walmart (my store specifically, I guess?) did not have in stock the things the website said it did. The most memorable customer I probably had was this really cruel old man who started screaming at me in the middle of my work because he couldn't find a specific shoe in his size. So, being the all-purpose employee they had made me to be, I went to the back to look for it and alas, we didn't have it like our handheld system said. I was afraid to go tell this guy honestly, since he was really aggressive and looked like he was going to explode lmao. But I had to tell him anyway and he yelled at me before walking off. He apparently came back a few hours later and left his entire outfit on one of the benches in the shoe aisles... underwear and all. I also found tags for other clothes at that time so I'm pretty sure he did an outfit swap entirely. My store had really really terrible AP so it wouldn't surprise me if he got away with it.

Then I was a debt collector. That was by far the worst job I've ever had, and every customer was the worst. Of course, no one wants to get a call from a debt collector. It's really hard to sit and make phone calls for hours on end knowing 99.999% of the time the person picking up is going to scream at you when you tell them the purpose of the call. I actually had one person threaten to kill my family and he read my address back to me. To this day I still feel uncomfortable, and I've moved.


here's an exchange from sketchmob -.-

Me: is the sketch okay?

Customer: yup!

Me: is the lineart okay?

Customer: yup!

Me: is the coloring/shading okay?

Customer: wellll....i like it, but...the leg looks kind of short??

they had many opportunities to say "hey the leg looks messed up" but waited until i colored and shaded to point out the weird anatomy.


Hope it's ok to bump this thread up


As a housekeeper for a set of apartments, one lady decided she now hates my guts and that I'm awful at what I do....


Because I asked questions. Questions on what she'd like done that day or how she'd prefer for me to clean. I won't know unless I ask! And everyone likes things different? So what the actual heck?