TFB 2.0 : Discussion Board

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago by Rufino & Lyle Fvhn

Just a little place for discussions related to or coming from The Freebie Bin 2.0

Feel free to chat, discuss character plans, make suggestions for the Freebie Bin, and more!


Part of the reason why I dont hang around the freebie thread much anymore these days, was there does seem to be a lot of salt. People upset someone else got the adopt first, or mad they didnt get it because they, themselves did not follow simple rules.  Or people getting angry over someone posting something every once in awhile. 

I mean dont get me wrong I have seen some nice things there too. Like people that claimed more then one character giving up one of them to someone that wanted the same one, or if to many people claim the same one all within the same minute the person giving them out doing a quick random num gen to hand them out fairly. So on and so forth. So its NOT all bad. I just seem to run into the drama a bit more as of late, and I dont need the stress personally, so I have been keeping my distance.


Ya'll, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't freebie swaps just trades? Swapping a freebie for another freebie is just trading.


(I thought they were the same thing too tbh) 


Zizza5 yes, generally it is frowned upon since youre making a profit out of something that was given for free


Zizza5 is she selling adopts youve given her? because if so you could file a ticket by clicking the report button on her profile. if you didnt give any to her you could contact the original owners and have them report it.


Zizza5 you could try filing a ticket with the helpdesk, the link on the bottom of the page



Ya probably aren´t going to agree with me but,THere selling them for pretty cheap-

A lot of the mare under 50pts(That is 0.50$),Which is pretty dirt cheap,almost free lol-

Ive bought some characters off of them i think for pretty cheap too.

Yes is bad to sell adopts you got for free but if its like,under 100pts(Thats a dollar) Than,I dont see a big problem with it-

Yall can agree or disagree i dont really mind,I just dont see this as a big deal if its priced under 100pts-

eh,idk i might be wrong but eh-


Dragon-Stars thats still disrespectful as hell tho??? like idgaf about if you need money or whatever, if i gave it to you for free and u tryina sell it without premission, thats a big block and a callout. it aint a matter of disagreement, thats literally stealing funds from artists.

Either way, its best to file a ticket for Heartlesstrades. they have over 300 pages of characters, too.... How even?


You could also make a PSA about them if you're brave enough, selling free designs isn't cool. 

And I though swapping free designs was just trading myself lmao but I guess long as both designs were freebies, there's no harm 


Dragon-Stars as everyone else has said, I want to reiterate that the price doesn't matter, it's still disrespectful to the person that gifted the design and also to the person that created it in the first place. And not only is it disrespectful, it goes against many artists TOS. If you receive a design for free, you have zero right trying to profit from it. It doesn't matter if they're selling them for a penny, it's still not okay.