Image Favorites

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago by Isoprene

Do you have image favorites enabled for your OCs?

103 Votes Yes!
9 Votes I do now!
2 Votes Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.
4 Votes Not anymore.
27 Votes No, I don't really care about them.
1 Votes No, I don't want to get favspammed.
12 Votes No, for some other reason or reasons.

Image favorites are a really neat Toyhouse feature, I think, but it feels like I never see anyone use them. I follow a ton of people, including some really popular folks, but even with popular people it's a rarity for me to ever see anything higher than a 0 next to that lil star unless it's my own favorite! I'd say only about 1/3 of the people I follow even have them enabled in the first place, though; not sure if they're enabled by default or not, but it seems like the majority opinion on image favs is "nah."

So, I decided I'd ask about them! Did you even know image favorites existed? Why do you or don't you have them enabled? Why do you or don't you favorite images? Could the admins do something that would make you more interested in the feature? Here's some questions if you're like me and are a sucker for lists:

  • Do you have image favorites enabled for your characters?
  • If you do, do you enjoy receiving image favorites?
  • If you don't, why not? Are they not very important to you? Are you concerned about favspam? Do you feel weird getting favs on art you didn't draw?
  • Roughly how many people you follow have image favorites enabled? Half? The majority? Hardly any of them at all?
  • Do you favorite images you like provided image favoriting is enabled? If not, what's holding you back?
  • How do you use image favorites? Are you picky about them? Will you favorite art without favoriting the character proper?
  • Could Toyhouse do anything to make you utilize image favorites more?

  • Do you have image favorites enabled for your characters?
I do! I... don't have much commentary here. I don't really worry about favspam because I find any favorites flattering, not to mention I'm poor and drawing is hard so my OCs tend not to have all that much art to favorite in the first place.   

  • If you do, do you enjoy receiving image favorites?
Sure! Love seeing that lil heart icon, and it's always nice seeing cool art get validated! They're the least important interaction to me, but I still like seeing them!

  • Roughly how many people you follow have image favorites enabled? Half? The majority? Hardly any of them at all?
Like I said, probably about 1/3? It feels like less than half for me, at least.

  • Do you favorite images you like provided image favoriting is enabled? If not, what's holding you back?
I do! I might not fav Everything I like if the gallery is large and I'm worried the user will get freaked out by the favspam, but if I see a nice pic with a lil star next to it you pet I'm gonna slam it!!

  • How do you use image favorites? Are you picky about them? Will you favorite art without favoriting the character proper?
Favorites in general I feel mean something different for everyone, and I'm no exception! To me when I fav a profile I'm favoriting just that: the profile. Giving someone's character a favorite is less an indication that said OC is my favorite (though obviously I like most of the ones I read) and more an indication that I read and appreciated everything they put into that character. That's a big reason why I like image favorites! If I'm only interested in a character's design/art then I can use image favorites to indicate that, but if I like both their profile (if they have one) AND their design/art then I can emphasize that! They're also nice because if someone's updated an OC's profile I can go in and favorite an image (if anything's new) to be like "hey, I saw your notification and checked things out!"

  • Could Toyhouse do anything to make you utilize image favorites more?
I've used them since the start, but I feel like maybe more people would utilize them if there was a section on our profiles for image favorites as with character favorites maybe?? Or if people could go to their art tabs and sort by favorites to see what art of theirs is the most popular?? Or maybe individual character image favs since I don't think those are a thing yet; people might be worried about getting favspammed on characters with massive galleries and as such shut them down entirely even though they wouldn't mind getting image favorites on other characters. Or maybe it's just the weirdness of getting favs on things you didn't make and people would be into an option where you can only enable image favs for your OCs of your own art or something...?? I dunno! I'm curious to see what people think - that's why I made this thread, after all!
  • "Do you have image favorites enabled for your characters?" Yeah. Might turn it off, though.
  • "If you do, do you enjoy receiving image favorites?" I rarely cared for getting favorites on my art at all so...
  • "If you don't, why not? Are they not very important to you? Are you concerned about favspam? Do you feel weird getting favs on art you didn't draw?" They aren't important to me but I keep them on anyway. No one favorites them.
  • "Roughly how many people you follow have image favorites enabled? Half? The majority? Hardly any of them at all?" I never checked.
  • "Do you favorite images you like provided image favoriting is enabled? If not, what's holding you back?Completely laziness and forgetting about this feature.
  • "How do you use image favorites? Are you picky about them? Will you favorite art without favoriting the character proper?" I don't favorite images.
  • "Could Toyhouse do anything to make you utilize image favorites more?" Make an image browsing feature, add a place to see all the images you favorited, then make it easier to fave (not needing to click the image and then favorite there) and I'm on board. 
  • Do you have image favorites enabled for your characters?

  • If you do, do you enjoy receiving image favorites?
absolutely! it's really nice to know people like the pieces i'm making. i've never gotten a fav on art i didn't make but it'd also be nice to know that other people like the things i get other people to do of my characters! it makes me feel like i have good taste lmao

  • Roughly how many people you follow have image favorites enabled? Half? The majority? Hardly any of them at all?
oh god i have no idea. i'm only following like 3 people and they aren't very active.

  • Do you favorite images you like provided image favoriting is enabled? If not, what's holding you back?
not very often actually? my interests are kind of few, so not a lot of people upload the kinds of characters and images i really enjoy. if i were following more people and thereby exposed to more art, i'd probably be faving more images.

  • How do you use image favorites? Are you picky about them? Will you favorite art without favoriting the character proper?
i'm sure i'd be using image favs here the same as i'd use them on DA - to collect art from others that i like. i'm picky about the characters i fav, and i know i can be a little picky about art in general, so yeah i probably would be. i probably would do that, yes, if i was very fond of an image but not necessarily the whole character.

  • Could Toyhouse do anything to make you utilize image favorites more?
since we're able to organize our favs by folder now, that's probably all i would have asked for - i'd have separated image favs from character favs, same way i got them separated from my f2u code favs. i can't think of anything else i'd have them do that would make me use them more?
EDIT - i'm not sure if image favs actually show up in your favs at all, actually. hmm... if they don't, then maybe they could make it so that they do? that'd be cool!

long story short is yes i have them enabled and i love receiving them, but i haven't really done much image faving myself! i should do more.

put the questions in a spoiler box as not to stretch the page - also i forgot to type this before i did the questions and i'm a bit of a jim i guess so i can't figure out how to put the box underneath now lmao......


Do you have image favorites enabled for your characters?

- Yes I do!

If you do, do you enjoy receiving image favorites?

- I haven't gotten any actually, but I like getting notifs on TH in general tho

Roughly how many people you follow have image favorites enabled? Half? The majority? Hardly any of them at all?

- I just told my friend to enable them so I could Fav some bases in their collection, but no one else.

Do you favorite images you like provided image favoriting is enabled? If not, what's holding you back?

- I typically forget. I'll check if they are enabled to maybe favourite an image to reference for later (provided that feature exists) but usually my crappy memory screws me over.

How do you use image favorites? Are you picky about them? Will you favorite art without favoriting the character proper?

- Like above, I'll favourite images to come back to them later much like character favourites. I'll do this for bases, pieces with things i want to try in them, and maybe art tips. However TH doesn't have this feature so I'm saving them in hopes of it being added soon.

Could Toyhouse do anything to make you utilize image favorites more?

- DEFINITELY adding a section in the favourites tab on the side of the screen for art. Like saves on Instagram, I favourite characters to come back to them later and would like to do the same with images. Also maybe change the symbol from like a number to the usual star you'd see when favouriting characters so that its a bit more obvious.


v :]

Do you have image favorites enabled for your characters?

yes :]

If you do, do you enjoy receiving image favorites?

YES OMG I LOVE IT :DD I’ve only gotten image favs like twice but gosh just thank you so much to those people :,,]

If you don't, why not? Are they not very important to you? Are you concerned about favspam? Do you feel weird getting favs on art you didn't draw?

I do like them but I would also definitely feel weird getting them for art I didn’t draw as it would make me feel like my art isn’t good enough to get favourites :[

Roughly how many people you follow have image favorites enabled? Half? The majority? Hardly any of them at all?

idk I haven’t looked

Do you favorite images you like provided image favoriting is enabled? If not, what's holding you back?

I haven’t yet because I don’t know if my favourite goes anywhere on an image like my favourite characters do. like if they all go into a folder somewhere I would favourite different things to if they didn’t. (if anyone knows the answer to this though please lmk so I can start favouriting some stuff!!)

How do you use image favorites? Are you picky about them? Will you favorite art without favoriting the character proper?

idk I haven’t faved an image yet lmaooo

Could Toyhouse do anything to make you utilize image favorites more?

be more clear about how they work AND ALSO it would be so cool if the notifications for image favourites came up for the artist instead of the oc owner.