[LF] New RP Partner

Posted 9 months, 29 days ago (Edited 9 months, 29 days ago) by moonwxrd

Hello! This is my first time making a post like this, but I'm an experienced roleplayer and world builder! I'll happily make new characters for roleplays, and equally will re-use older ones if I feel they have a place so I find that we should connect and chat before we decide on anything.


  • 18+ ONLY! I am 27 years old, and as such am not comfortable Roleplaying with anyone younger than 18. I also generally prefer to write against people closer to me in age. I will not write with anyone under 21
  • I am confident with any pairing arrangement, though I do have a preference for writing female characters but am a competent writer with a number of dynamics and pairings. 
  • While I am competent at writing NSFW/gore etc, I do prefer to be story driven and enjoy deep, sprawling plots and plenty of mutual world building. 
  • I prefer someone who can match me in length, I prefer to write 5 paragraphs+ and sometimes enjoy longer scenes/scenarios etc. I write third person, paragraph style for the most part but could be flexible. 
  • I try to respond once a day, but working full time and having mental health issues can mean response times can vary but I tend to be very communicative OOC so will be relatively clear about where I'm at. 
  • I will write FxF, MxM, FxM.
  • I generally prefer Multi-Ship writing, and Multi-Chara writing. 
  • I generally enjoy natural development of relationships etc. 
  • I tend to enjoy modern fantasy, high fantasy, and general fantasy as genres to write in.
  • I'm fond of the classic vampire, werewolves, witches and more. I am also very into WoD and am happy to write characters from those worlds. 
  • Feel free to DM me, or comment on this thread and I'll get back to you if I'm interested!

Just wanted to say you have some very cute characters!! Sadly I'm not a strong multiparagraph written RPer. However I did make my own thread about hosting a discord voice RPG 1-shot that is cute and witchy and high-fantasy-based. https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1577020.seeking-players-for-1-shot-witchy-fantasy-rpg-game

Thought I'd mention it since you seem to be into DND but I totally understand this is supposed to be for finding written Rps, so sorry for commenting off topic.

Hope you find some good partners!



I'm a 23 year old girlie that likes to rp. I have a few going but some respond once a week or two. I don't mind that at all either but I try to aim a response a day kinda thing. I like to write 3+ paragraphs if given a lot to work with. If not I make sure that I can provide enough for the other person to work off of! 

I do fade in/fade out if any relationship nsfw happens. I do enjoy drama, fantasy, thriller and heckin trauma because my poor babies always must hurt bevause I'm mean to them. Ah I generally do mxf pairing. I don't mind playing a male but they give off... Golden retriever vibes sometimes. Or like.. Evil. No in between. 

Currently I have been reading the Tethered books and vampires/werewolves is just hitting different right now! I really want to develop a crazy story with them as it seems no vampire story or werewolf story is normal haha

If there is something I've missed and you want to ask let me know! I rp in discord under SpotSong #2727. Message me here or there if interested ❤️😊


Hiya! I'm Ciel, but I don't mind people calling me Gothi or just Gothicon, I'm a 25 (soon to be 26) gal that has been roleplaying since like, 13. Took a pretty long break but I am looking to get back into it now that I'm at a genuinely stable point in life and can actually dedicate the time. I love getting to meet new people and hear them talk about their ocs and any/all worlds they have created for them. I am trying to do more with my own fantasy based characters as well. I have some that are more akin to like a DnD-like universe I am working on, and some that are still fantasy races (witches, werewolves and the like) that are for modern based setting. They're in other lil worlds I have made over the years, but I don't mind moving them around or anything of that nature.

I have been using more female ocs as of late, but I have plenty of NB and male ocs as well. I'm also fine with any type of pairing, as long as the characters vibe well and we agree on it!

I got some of my characters here, these are the more DnD-like worlds: https://toyhou.se/GothiCon/characters/folder:2048913 And these ones are for a more modern setting: https://toyhou.se/GothiCon/characters/folder:164763


I'm not sure if your still looking for people to RP with, but I would love to RP with you! I'm also a big world builder & love fantasy & supernatural settings (classic or modern!).

Here is my RP meme: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1596429.rp-comfort-meme . It's easier to view on PC.

Feel free to contact me on TH or Discord!


Hiya! I'm really I interested in starting something with you.

I'm on mobile so it's awkward to link atm but my info is all on my profile and stuff! Let me know if you'd like to give it a shot and we can discuss a lil more <: