feather's trading corner (2020 update!)

Posted 4 years, 9 months ago (Edited 4 years, 3 months ago) by _featherweather

feather's trading center

updated, o2o22o2o!!

okay now that that's out of the way - really want to trim down on characters. if you don't want to check the tabs, go ahead and click here. possibly trimming down babs under /misc/ (other designs) but they're case by case. if you want to see anyone's full gallery lmk.

feel free to contact me in the thread, via private messages here, or by commenting directly on the character. do not inquire about designs over discord or other means unless we're mutuals please!!


  • Art!! - BIG WANT. any art of any character available in my unsorted characters. sketches, completed art, semi-customs, i'll look at anything.
  • MYO slots & Customs!! - specifically looking to make more closed species versions of yuu.
  • Other commission types!! - make mood boards? music? writing? would totally love to trade that for designs too! i would love this kind of stuff too.
  • Characters? - not very interested. my goal is to actually get rid of a lot of designs so while you can offer characters, they are not a priority and unless i really love it i'm probs gonna say no.
  • Cash!! - be it via paypal or google pay or dA points or vouchers, if i can take cash, i would love to do so lol. for ones that are for sale, i would be happy to look at mixed offers except for the blakrye - i would definitely prefer cash for him or like a custom / myo for a different species.
  • Other stuff? - i mean just ask? the worst i can do is say no, lol. mixed offers are totally okay.

please be clear on what you're offering and for who - that makes the process so much easier. like, link your commissions or sample images in a very easy place because i really don't wanna have to dicker around and click through half a dozen links to find it.

coding by a-brilliant-loser, as always, it isn't required!!

these designs are trade only. i cannot take $$$ for them.

these designs i can take $$$ for. i'll also take other things unless otherwise noted

these designs are tentative.

you can request one of these characters. if you take another character from my hands, you can request additional freebies. yes, some of these freebies are on other tabs. this just means people need to pay attention :).


Hey!! Man lemme know if you ever end up considering art-only offers for that blakrye- I've been admiring him since you first put him up for sale. But anyway, I'd love to offer for Morgan, your jellolas design. I've been doing pixel art recently- would you consider one big complex or two smaller simpler pagedolls a fair offer? I can do humanoid and feral characters. Examples of complex: https://www.deviantart.com/lyricalmime/art/birthday-noodle-804301455 and https://www.deviantart.com/lyricalmime/art/Old-Gods-806068112 and examples of simple: https://www.deviantart.com/lyricalmime/art/dainty-flowers-806069133 and https://www.deviantart.com/lyricalmime/art/fishy-boi-804301069


Takeru, Parisa, and Kei are the three that I like!

I'll offer any design in my TH! (even stories) If you think you don't know I'll part with someone, only ask!


lyricalmime not sure if feasible but I would love to trade Morgan for pixel art. Would sæwine be feasible in simple style?

And yeah I'll definitely let you know about the blakrye!

ZeroDestinies sorry didnt see anyone that really clicked with me :(

If you're willing to offer small writing coms or headshot sketches like in your art tab please let me know! Takeru and Parisa are tentative but I would def trade Kei for a small com!


Ooh absolutely! I actually have a merperson done in a simple style to show you as example: https://artfight.net/attack/578550.precious-rocks


Yikes, I never got asked for writing/art before and this is quite the surprise! I love them all so I'd be willing to do some writing coms!


lyricalmime yay! awesome, i'll put morgan away for you~

ZeroDestinies - pfft well let me know what you are(n't) willing to do and i can give you a writing (or art) prompt!!


ZeroDestinies go ahead and delete, messaging you now~


Hey!! How does this look? https://sta.sh/0my46suqljo


lyricalmime omfg that's amazing, thank you!!


bumping because it's been a bit