All chars for offers (Please take them!)

Posted 4 years, 10 months ago (Edited 4 years, 3 months ago) by -kazan-

Literally selling/trading/gifting away my whole account. 

And a bunch of freebies

PayPal -> E-giftcards -> art

I do not want characters. I’m looking to shrink the number of characters I have.

looking only for MQ-HQ art with artists who can draw based on description + ref images and can handle complex designs. (Bold is a preference not a requirement)

That, or paypal

I'm practically leaving, so I want these gone asap

Nothing on my account is "tentative", so offer away

WTA = Write to Adopt

FCFS = First Come, First Serve


What is WTA? I’m interested in this one:


Woah ; o ; May I get this and ?

I'd like to offer art on and too!



You have to write in order to adopt them!


For the WTA ones, you need to write in order to adopt.
Also, are you ok with descriptions, and how much art would you be offering? I'm looking at only Icons, Waist-highs, knee-ups, and full-bodies/refs atm


Okay! What do I need to write? What I would do with them? If so, I’m more of a headcanon kind of person and tend to bounce ideas off my partner to get inspiration to do art together. :3 this design gives me a few ideas already. 



Basically your writing needs to show to me that you will use the character! I tend to like more filled profiles from history to likes and dislikes!



thank you for your entry! I've made a note of it, and I'll let you know the results on the 30th!


Oh! I see! I can work with descriptions but if there's a specific hairstyle and stuff like that, I might need some google images to help : oo even IRL references will work.

For Naughty, I can offer 2 icons or 2 flat waist-up either regular or pixel style. Probably just one Icon is there's other animations you'd like like hand and face animations.
For the singing one, I can offer 3 icons+any animations or 3 flat waist-up either regular or pixel style.

Although I personally prefer to work with icons and not too much waist art ; v ;""




Could you do 1 icon (with a blink + a smile?) + 1 waist up for naughty? I would gladly accept that offer!

For the other kid, I'm going to have to pass! Sorry!

If so, I can probably give the details tonight!


i'd love to offer some art like this x x x  (chibi example / painted example) for either of these guys!

and i'd love to get this freebie if he's still available! ;u;

thank you for your time! 

(also, small question, for the wta ones, can we put our entries in the comments of the character or should we put them here? :v ) 



how much art would you be willing to offer for them? I love both the fullbodies and the chibis

And sure!

(for the WTA kiddos, I would prefer it to be in the character comments!)