[28/APR] O: Art and OCs (One-offs/Pop CS) ⭐

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago (Edited 1 year, 15 days ago) by Sanmedare

Collab thread between Sanmedare and unglydumb e92bdc35371b66ad099e4f01cc045285.gif
No need to tag us! We get notifs of the thread for all comments (incl. ungly, just mention its for her!)

♩  If you change your mind or is just poking around at offers, please tell us!
♪  We have listed what we are looking for. Do check before offering.
♫ Try not to offer your whole TH unless you're very very sure that no one is off limits.
Do not ask for resells UNLESS they have a price in their name.


Character trades REHOME (Easy - Hard) / SECONDARY (Tent)
MYO slots can be found HERE.

ART OPTION: Offering art for your characters and MYO slots ! Art samples HERE.[CLOSED] 25e2a496c8204acd1e5c459d86d905e4.gif

RESELL/VOUCHER OPTION: Ping list is available! Go HERE. Please comment there for easy tracking! 


  • Character trades Wish list || dA favs || TH Favs 
    (Not a shopping cart. Does not guarantee anything. Favs are to showcase aesthetic)
  • Character trades > Custom (esp. designers from WL) > MYO Slots > Art (Trade only)
  • I'm not comfortable if you go off-tag. Please don't ask!

15458601?1653500350Ungly's (You can ping me if you'd like, I see your posts regardless!)

Characters for sell/trade UFTS (Easy - Hard)
Sec/Main Characters SECONDARY (Hard - Tent) / MAINS (Tent)
MYO slots can be found HERE[NFTS = Do not ask]

ART OPTION: Offering art for your characters and MYO slots ! Art samples HERE. [CLOSED] 25e2a496c8204acd1e5c459d86d905e4.gif


  • Character trades - Wishlist 
    (This is a reference to what type of designs I like! DO NOT see it as a shopping cart!)
  • Resell/voucher (For UFTS only, if applicable. For some is not a priority. Just ask!)
  • Custom
  • MYO Slots
  • Art (Picky)

Corvusium Thank you for the link! but unfortunately he's not our type ; v ; we will have to pass but tysm for offering!


TheSettingSunn Heya! Josuke is still waiting on your reply regarding Kaelyn for the dainty slot!


My apologies, i was waiting on results from a 3-way trade. I think ill have to pass for the time being, thank u though!


galaxie Walrushi Heya! Thanks for offering but we decided to go with different offers, both dainty slots have been traded away ; v ;/


Hi i was wondering if you guys are interested in any of these children for either the SR ghostie slot josuke https://sta.sh/2v5h52x4hw?edit=1 ? I also was wondering if erythro is still of for offer I was wondering if we can do a payment plan. ;v; i still love them


Would anyone on this account interest you? (Feel free to ask about all folders!)


Mostly looking for art.



I'm mostly interested in Daxys, Naer and Wima while Josuke is interested in Shida and Biza !


Oops, sorry for the delay! I didn't see this ping until now.

I actually took another look through your chars and I'm really interested in this pair!

https://toyhou.se/1374236.02-deichuu- + https://toyhou.se/2647694.02-tbn-

I'd be up for trading them for Daxys and Naer potentially, if you were interested? (The original values for those two were around $60 and $200, if it makes any diff!)

As for Josuke's, I'd def be up for trading Biza for art! And did you mean Shadi for the other one?


Waltz Would you be interested in doing the first one for Naer by chance? I gave it some thought on the second one, but I think I will have to pass ; o ;

Edit : Naer is the one I'm most interested in but I'm also okay with Daxys just to clarify!

For Josuke, Yes! Sorry that was a typo on my part ;; A fair warning that Josuke will be slow on her part. She has some other owed arts to do before yours and she usually pours her heart into the art she do (so it takes 1-2 days to complete a piece most of the time + being a student and all)


got some here 


lmk if they interest ya ill dm fb pic

possibly interested in this one



Shiyoma Judging by the thumbnails, a lot of them look real pretty so we would be interested in viewing their fullbody designs! Also do let us know who the designers are ^^

What are you looking for in exchange?


im interested in art or the ones below






Shiyoma I'll give it a thought on the characters but who's art were you interested in? Mine, Josuke's or both?


im interested in both arts ouob