[28/APR] O: Art and OCs (One-offs/Pop CS) ⭐

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago (Edited 1 year, 15 days ago) by Sanmedare

Collab thread between Sanmedare and unglydumb e92bdc35371b66ad099e4f01cc045285.gif
No need to tag us! We get notifs of the thread for all comments (incl. ungly, just mention its for her!)

♩  If you change your mind or is just poking around at offers, please tell us!
♪  We have listed what we are looking for. Do check before offering.
♫ Try not to offer your whole TH unless you're very very sure that no one is off limits.
Do not ask for resells UNLESS they have a price in their name.


Character trades REHOME (Easy - Hard) / SECONDARY (Tent)
MYO slots can be found HERE.

ART OPTION: Offering art for your characters and MYO slots ! Art samples HERE.[CLOSED] 25e2a496c8204acd1e5c459d86d905e4.gif

RESELL/VOUCHER OPTION: Ping list is available! Go HERE. Please comment there for easy tracking! 


  • Character trades Wish list || dA favs || TH Favs 
    (Not a shopping cart. Does not guarantee anything. Favs are to showcase aesthetic)
  • Character trades > Custom (esp. designers from WL) > MYO Slots > Art (Trade only)
  • I'm not comfortable if you go off-tag. Please don't ask!

15458601?1653500350Ungly's (You can ping me if you'd like, I see your posts regardless!)

Characters for sell/trade UFTS (Easy - Hard)
Sec/Main Characters SECONDARY (Hard - Tent) / MAINS (Tent)
MYO slots can be found HERE[NFTS = Do not ask]

ART OPTION: Offering art for your characters and MYO slots ! Art samples HERE. [CLOSED] 25e2a496c8204acd1e5c459d86d905e4.gif


  • Character trades - Wishlist 
    (This is a reference to what type of designs I like! DO NOT see it as a shopping cart!)
  • Resell/voucher (For UFTS only, if applicable. For some is not a priority. Just ask!)
  • Custom
  • MYO Slots
  • Art (Picky)

Shiyoma After some consideration, I am interested in her. Personally I prefer to offer art but do lmk!


id perfer to get a new bby for her

i cn make do for custom if u prefer that


Shiyoma Did you meant that you'd accept a custom for her? I don't do customs sadly but Josuke owes me some art, if you'd like I could ask one of my owed art to be yours instead! But she told she'll be quite slow and deliverance in art might take some months. Otherwise for the character trades, I would pass for Loki and the LH, and don't mind doing the female one. For the dragon boy, I would need some time to consider if that's okay. Lmk!


mufifins You have some really pretty characters but I'm most interested in Takeshi/a swap ; _ ;
The only LHs of mine I would be willing to swap for is him and him sadly ; v ;


mufifins Sorry for the late reply! I was preping dinner but while I was at it, I was reconsidering the swap and I have decided to retract for the blue lh, sorry ; _ ;


sorry for the inconvenience then ill pass ouob


Hello do you by chance see something in here? https://toyhou.se/melliex/characters/folder:1142549 this will mainly be for a three way between me and this person and I have gotten permission to post their trade folder


Darci we saw some cute ones but that entirely depends what you're asking for!


https://toyhou.se/1367520.02-sashakim- https://toyhou.se/4100614.02-waffwle- I was looking at one of these two if possible


Aah, I'll have to think on it for just the Deichuu girl, but I also really like this girl! 


I would be up for trading both Naer and Daxys for her, if you were interested?


Darci Gave it some thought but I don't think I would use any of them more than them!

Waltz I'm a little tempted but unfortunately I will have to pass ; _ ; I have a feeling I might use her more than them ; o ;


No problem! I'm still interested in your art also. I would be up for trading Naer for the Deichuu girl + art? As I mentioned Naer's original value was around $200, but I wouldn't expect an exact match! So if that would interest you instead you can lmk what you would be interested in offering?