LF: $$/Trades/Art O: OCs

Posted 6 years, 8 months ago (Edited 5 years, 3 months ago) by VioletValentine870

Yo! So, I'm pretty bad at actually making threads like this, so bare with me here;

I enjoy trading designs for designs that I know I'll love and cherish, and so I'd love to see the offers that some of you may show me for my OCs. I'm primarily looking for new OCs or art, but if you have dA points or $$ that you'd want to offer on some of them instead/as well, I'd be okay with that, too!

Here are the designs that I'd be willing to look at offers on (I don't have a designated trade/sale folder, only a set of folders that are entirely off-limits, as in 'pry them from my cold dead fingers' kind of off-limits, heh);
So long as you stay away from the 'Sonas' and 'Ver Precious' subfolders within my Mains folder, you should be good to go!

If you really wanna try your luck, you can try and offer on babs from here; https://toyhou.se/VioletValentine870/characters/folder:243234/extagged:PlsDontAskSoIDontHaveToSayNo just know that for most of them, I am extremely tentative, so please don't be mad if I say no!

In order, I want PayPal>Characters/Customs>Art>dA Points

If offering art, you must be willing to draw one of these characters (The more stars, the more preferred);

Ozias ****(Necromancer - Human)
Lazarus **** (Nosferatu Vampire)
Vraska **** (Mutant Human)
Avrom **** (Space-pirate Captain Human)
Gaspar *** (Human)
Shaun *** (Human)
Queen Ballari *** (Queen Human-ish)
Aksi *** (Pyromancer/Pyrokinetic Human)
Atlas *** (Human, Energy manipulation)
Aatma ** (Dancing spirit)
Clyde ** (Winged Human)
Tyrell ** (Winged Human)
Pearsnigetr'ann 'Ann' Sparkwizzle **(Gnome Bard)
Echo * (Sound Alien)
Linnie * (Human)
Gil (Mage Boy)
Kaymire (Math Deity)
Ezekiel (No ears and tail) * (Plague doctor)
Ander * (Noble Archer - Human)
Tirich ** (Demon)

Snarf the Battle Corgi *** (Battle Corgi)
Dinah *** (Tabaxi/Cat Anthro)
Ulviral ** (Bird Anthro w/ Cat Tail... makes more sense when you look at him)
Gvinin ** (Bat Anthro)

Other Monsters(?);
Jasper *** (Gremlin/Demon)
Diomedes ** (Raven Dragon)
Pluminious ** (Flame Bird)
King ** (Big Dog)
Imp ** (Imp)
Byvron * (Frog/Dog/Dragon/Thing?)
Shuuyen (Water Creature)

Lazerway ***
Overkill (Look at his other palettes or the chibi for examples of how the tail colours should work) **
Vamperium **

Things I like in designs;
**Darker themes/palettes
**Aquatic/Avian Themes
Though feel free to offer things beyond these limits, these are just the few things I can think of!

Designers I Love;
****BEAR-TEETH/JELLY-BOMB/CANDY-BEE (All the same person, so many usernames //shot)

(And several others that I'm unlikely to get offers with XD But shhhh)

If offering art, please keep in mind what you'd be willing to offer, I'm very bad at gauging how much art a character is worth, so just make an offer ;) I'm pretty chill when it comes to art offers if I think I have a character that would suit your art style~

That's all, thanks for looking!



Alright then, could you pm all this stuff again? It's easier to keep track of what I need to do ; v ;/



Sure thing ^^



Hey! Yeah, they fixed it a little while after our conversation, so of course, I'd be totally fine with the points instead of the art if that's what you would prefer ^^


@lopa-knight Received, thank you very much ^^ Sent the transfer your way!


I have this boy up for sale at the moment! He looks like he might fit what youre looking for. https://toyhou.se/975471.20-



What a handsome guy :O He looks really cool! Hmm, I'm a bit hesitant to spend $20 on something at this moment, since I'm trying to hold back on my spending habits right now, would you be willing to take $16? Or is there anything outside of the folders listed in my main post in my characters that I could add to lower the price?


VioletValentine870 messaged ya! I'll take $16.


@kyzy Messaged you back~ ♥


Im kinda new to Toyhouse, so pardon me if i'm not doing this right... but this character caught my attention, And I was wondering if you'd like a bust shot of any animal oc of your choice for this character https://toyhou.se/1530372.hunter-qrow I say animal because im not confident in my human drawing skills. Here is my DA for a example of my newest piece https://www.deviantart.com/feltly/art/Little-King-John-Redraw-766305192 ( gore warning on that piece )   If you dont like gore, here is another art example though it is older than my newest, https://www.deviantart.com/feltly/art/Radicool-763495421



Hey! (Don't worry, you're fine ;) ) Your artstyle is really neat, I like it ♥ I could totally trade Hunter for a bust from you! Do you think you'd be able to do the bust of him? https://toyhou.se/1385122.pearsnigetr-ann-sparkwizzle/1875776.snarf 


https://sta.sh/024u7s4hdl36 here it is hope you like it ;u;