✨Tentative WTA Giveaway [closed!] ✨

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago (Edited 5 years, 9 months ago) by Waltz

Entries are closed now! Thank you again so much to everyone who entered. I'll be going over these, and responding to everyone by the end of the weekend!

Hello friendos! I'm feeling rather illish today, so trying something fun to pump up my spirits!

I will be entertaining WTA (write-to-adopt) entries on a number of my characters! If you don't know, this means that you write a story for the character, or talk about what you'll do with them, their role in a story, etc, and if I like it, they're yours for free!

Here are the characters that will be available for entry!:

Boop | 2 | 3 | 4

Rules / Guidelines

  • All entries must be posted in this thread. Do not leave them as comments on the character (unless they are in my normal WTA section) - I will delete any comments left on the characters themselves. Do not PM me your entry, either - I want to keep track of everything together!
  • Write as much or as little as you like, in any format you like! This will be judged on quality/interest however, not quantity. Show me your best creativity, and wow me! I want any character I give away to go to a better home than I've given them.
  • Enter for as many as you like! Be sure to specify the character(s) by link, though, for sake of clarity.
  • Please do not write things like "they will be one of my mains and I will draw them every day;" it's not realistic and we both know that won't happen! I don't care how often a character gets "used" so long as they're cherished.
  • Please do not reuse any of the names or story elements I've already given characters, unless it's a generic element; I may reuse the stories even after the designs are gone.
  • Any characters who are given away are to be treated as gifts - they cannot be traded or resold after! Only gifted forward or given back to me. If I find you trying to trade or sell a character I've gifted you, you will be blocked (unless the designer's ToS expressly allows trading gifts).
  • This event will be open for two weeks, until September 7, 23:59 US Eastern time. I will make my selections at that time. (Edit: Given how many seriously awesome entries there are so far, I may close judging on some of these a little bit early, depending on the numbers! I won't be closing any before 8/31 though, so please take your time!)
  • I reserve the right not to give away any characters for whom there are no compelling entries - sorry!
  • If you are not selected, it's nothing personal! Please do not pester others who receive a character however.
  • If there's a character you absolutely want, please feel free to offer $$/trades for them also, and I'll tell you if they're available for such!
Thanks for checking this out, and best of luck to all who choose to enter! <3

Ooooh I'd like to enter for one ;v;

This baby specifically: https://toyhou.se/623591.saorin

She goes by the name Spider, not original to be sure but she feels it produces the desired effect of fear in the hearts of those who hear about her deeds.
(Her true name is something she doesn't enjoy sharing, names hold a lot of power after all, but to some she shares. Her true name is Pandora (she goes by Pandy by her significant other) and it too sorta lends to the whole Look she has going on.)

She's an uncommon Auracorn in the sense that she prefers meat rather than plants, but she focuses on eating insects to satiate that craving.

She's selectively mute and communicates through sign language, she can talk but she really prefers not to, so when she speaks others always listen.

Her reserved nature tends to make people think she's shy or introverted but she really isn't, she loves meeting new people and spending time with others.

(Tbh idk what I would use her for if I got her but she would definitely be loved and I would RP with her with friends even if I didn't draw or write for her much myself)


agakghal I'm so bad and nervous when I post publicly with ideas, but here goes. >o<

I really like this boy and this is the idea I would likely use him for: https://toyhou.se/579838.trade-tiffany-tees#2150277

So  my thought is that it's sort of the GM player character for a game. I'd  likely remove the USB cord tail to be honest. But I sort of imagine  that it's the 'nice' GM that no one takes seriously since he primarily  helps by running and policing events so no one sees him doing the more  harsh part of his job. He's friendly enough, but very serious with his  work and no one ever hears from the people he deals with on the stricter  side again. Thus his reputation stays as the nice guy. I would likely  end up drawing a kemonomimi for the non-ingame version of the character.  But I just kind of imagine him as that sort of person who players feel  like they can clap on the shoulder and drag along in their jokes and  games when events are happening and he's sort of like 'You know you  really shouldn-' but he's terrible at telling people know unless they  break rules.

/awful at explaining herself. Thank you for the chance.


(These are all really amazing entries so far!! I'll be holding off judging for some days still, but please keep them coming guys- Judging is going to be tough, but I'm super stoked!)


All entries were here ;v;


!!! I wrote for this bab https://toyhou.se/1454463.-tbd- awhile ago but I did it on their profile so I’ll rewrite here!

She’d be a spirit of a little girl who passed while she was very young and sick, before she passed she had a very loving dog that helped her be strong when her sickness got worse. She’s now going through the spirit world to find her dog, she became so obsessed with finding them that their form warped into a more animalistic one (more faun like because she connects to that animal the most!) she loves fashion and animals the most, she especially loves all cute things <3 she has the power to recolor and add on small things to already existing objects and animals, so she tries to change everything around her into cute fun things to cope with being a young spirit. She really wants to make friends with humans but she always ends up scaring them off. I have a bunch of other monster OCs with stories going on between them so I’d absolutely use her for those! 

Not 100% on what I’d name her, but I’m thinking a fruit themed name, just think I’d fit her ovo


My interest is Ceag here. WTA in spoiler! <3

"Ceag" would be renamed Sage and be a male "Guardian" to Eliakim Silver. (Guardians: Humanoids or beasts who are given a duty in protecting their counterpart/"Protected." They'd form an unbreakable bond and it would be akin to a soulmate. Other active Guardians include these following characters: Folder.)

Eli remembered when he came in through the moonlit window of his bedroom on a winter evening, draped in robes of blue midnight. Stars would trickle down into the satin abyss of his skirt length and fall on the floor like the scattering of a God's forgotten tears. His hands folded and disembodied, face pale as death. Eliakim has thought an Angel had come to take him away or at the very least, the Grim Reaper.

"Who are you?" Eli managed to blurt out, intrigued but the creature's boundless beauty but quietly afraid.

The unknown being crept closer, yellow flaring eyes fixed upon Eli's own. They were warm, caring and undoubtably not malicious.

"I am Sage. You would not understand my origin but many call us Heaven's Breath. I am to be your Guardian and you, Eliakim Silver, are to be my Protected."

Eli threw his heavy downing blankets aside and almost tripped over the many trinkets he had laying around. "Facinating! Unbelievablely facinating."

Sage chuckled. "I'm glad you find me intruging. I hope we can become good friends over the long years ahead of us. I will make sure no harm comes to you."

Over the next couple of hours and late into the night, Sage spent the many minutes explaining the nature of this arrangement and the origin of this story. Al lthe while Eli would listen with intense fixation and marvel at Sage's dazzling features and wardrobe. He felt as if a celestial body had stepped into his bedroom in human form but the stars still stood still in the sky.

Yes, Eliakim remembered their meeting well and would likely never forget.

--------End of story snippet---------

Sage would fall in love with Eli's inventing and work but always "be in the way." He would never touch it himself but instead watch Eli tirelessly, never sleeping, eating or anything else. Though he would become annoying, the two would love each other with a bond so great and endless that the energy within Sage would prolong Eli's life to about 200+ years.

Second interest is for my sister, @KaffeeUndTinte whom the character would go to if I won. She asked me to do this because she's very uncomfortable/nervous with doing wtas and thinks I could write her ideas down better. I hope that's still in the rules! (If we did win it, it would be sent over to her so I guess consider this her entry.) She was interested in this trade here. WTA in spoiler! <3

This story takes place in a futuristic Cyberpunk setting with these two current characters. This guy, who I will refer to as Red, and this guy who I will refer to as Blue. They are best friends who together, make one of the best current known hacking teams in the world. They usually fuck with bad people (while taking their money) like hacking billboards with videos of the rich man cheating on his wife or comitting pedophelia. They got what they wanted and the bad guy went to jail and had his disgusting life ruined.

Red and Blue have so far been alone as a team but have found that managing things by themselves has become difficult. So, they take in a recruit, "Pink." He's younger than the both of them but eager to prove his worth. Since Red is the unannounced "leader" of the gang and Blue has his Bunny schtick, Pink wants to have one too, so his thing will be cats. Hence the little cat ears on his head and the usb tail. 

Simply put, she'd be adding another character to her Cyberworld as good ones are hard to find. This place is still very much a WIP and I'm involved as well since we are using it for RP purposes. They haven't been officially named yet but we hope to sit down and do that soon. Thanks for considering her!


Chirin, the Goofball Rouge

Chirin would be a shapeshifting rouge known for pulling pranks and scaring her friends. She would aid Lanie Glenn and Claire Hunter on their adventures, as well as provide some much needed comedy to the group. Chirin would be a nickname, but she would not answer to anything besides it. 

Name: Chirin
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Shapeshifter (Cat)
Height: 5'4"
Build: Buff, Comparatively
Role: Rouge
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Chirin tries to keep spirits high, she's very bouncy and friendly. She is good in combat and is a generally well rounded character when it comes to her stats. Chirin aspires to be an adventurer who lives on her own some day, it's her dream to drive east and live in the Catskill Mountains. Chirin tries to keep everyone cheery, hence "Chirin". She's also easy to get angry, however she is NOT malicious like Lanie, she just wants to protect her friends.

This will all be expanded on if I get her! I'd love a peppy kemonomimi to tie together my trio of "Kawaii Girls"!


Aww <3 A few of my most wonderful characters came from the last time you did this ^^ I'm excited to enter again!

I'm going to enter for two of them, but they would be part of the same world and story, so if you don't mind I'm going to write for them together. If I'm not able to get both, I understand! (If I had to pick only one, I would say the one I called "Ouska". But I love both and I really think they'd bounce off of eachother well in the story )

The story, ELD, takes place in relatively modern times. It's centered around a Virtual Reality styled MMORPG called "Everlasting Dream" (ELD for short). So far the story consists of six characters who are all part of a guild. One of the six is the founder's daughter, who is completely paralyzed, but able to socialize and "live" through the game. (Which was his motivation for making it in the first place). Anyway, the six of them have gotten really good at running events and dungeons and fighting together, until a relatively new duo starts to pop up and challenge them:

Character: https://toyhou.se/1668754.sales-hub/gallery#5973395
Name: Ouska
Class: Versatile... Tank, DPS, etc

Character: https://toyhou.se/642895.horobi
Name: Jian (Ji-chan)
Class: Healer

Ouska likes to play the "jack of all trades" character, and she's pretty good in almost all the roles. She is  ☁ Fauna 's worst enemy when it comes to collecting rare items, because the two of them are obsessed and always gloating to eachother over their finds. (all in good fun, of course..... well, mostly...) Ouska likes to try out new roles all the time, and challenge herself to see if she can poke at a boss until she wins even though she doesn't do a lot of damage. Jian has gotten REALLY GOOD at healing her. When Ouska just wants to go in and kick ass and get the goods, though, she plays a tank and just destroys everything. Jian likes this better because she can just follow along behind and heal whatever other people end up in their PUG (pick-up-group.. like a random group of other players that join to make a full team) Ouska also likes to flirt with  ☁ Lily , trying to get her to leave fauna's guild and join hers.

In real life, Ouska works for a record label. She mostly does the behind-the-scenes paperwork type stuff, but she really likes her job because she feels like she's helping no-name musicians make their dreams come true. She looks a bit similar to her online persona, if you took away the ears and tail and outfit and swapped it for business attire. Her hair is almost the same, but a little more brown.

Jian is, of course, the healer. She started off the game with no idea what she was doing, and met up with Ouska through a PUG raid. She wasn't quite sure of herself, so Ouska kind of taught her how to heal, and before long she became really good at healing.. but mostly just Ouska. (since she likes to get into trouble and almost die a dozen times per boss). They decided to stick together and, despite not having a lot in common as people, work together really well in game. Jian is deeply in debt to another player for her wings (extremely expensive item that she made a deal for) so whenever she makes any gold she's always sending it over to him. It makes her feel nervous, but she loves her wings.

In real life, Jian is rather sick, and isn't able to work or leave the house much. She is twenty, but still lives with her mother because she needs a caretaker for daily routines. They're still in the process of figuring out all of her issues, but she definitely has chronic fatigue and general weakness. This is part of the reason she plays a healer- it makes her feel stronger. If she ever recovers enough she wants to go to med school, but that's not really an option at the current time. 


I am currently working on a small "practice" comic called Wisteria. Once that's finished I'm going to do a slightly longer one called Melanie the Witch. And when that's done and I'm more comfortable with comic format and consistent page publishing, I plan on finally jumping into ELD as a comic, which has been a project in the back of my mind for ... probably five years now owo yikes. Assuming all goes well, I'm also going to run a small roleplay group on deviantart based on the world of ELD. So that's what these two would be doing :3 Also, sorry for the lack of profile info on the characters I linked. If you have any questions I can answer for sure- I'm just switching over to a new layout so I deleted everything and blah -_- Lily and Fauna are two of my faves though <3 They're so much fun to write, and it would be so fun to have a nemesis for Fauna to get all huffy puffy about xD

Alright I'm goin, thanks for the opportunity!!


I'd love to write about Acacia!!! Thank you for the opportunity!

I'd name her Cicada. She'd be a punk who works at the same drive in movie theater Mack lives in. They are friends, and Cicada wishes to be closer. Cicada is the type to pour a whole cup of pop on a customer just because they looked at her the wrong way. She also skips her lunch and takes a nap instead. She tends to put a facade up around Mack, acting all kind and giving her all the attention Mack needs, even if she acts like she doesn't like it.

Cicada has a bit of a gang surrounding her. She's a bit popular seeing as she's cute, and she's bad news. Luckily for her, Mack has a bit of a reputation herself, and she's gullible. That's what Cicada likes about her so much. She wants Mack to be her side kick in crime, but she's waiting to ask her at a later date.


oof i'm gonna write so much, so i put the extended bios in spoiler boxes.

link: (https://toyhou.se/878956.magic)
name: hope
storyline: starlight 

     hope is one of the council of elders that manage the magical children of the world, and assigns minor deities as companions to those children. her main power is emotional manipulation and clairvoyance.
     hope originally recieved her powers once her dear friend destiny became too weak to continue saving the universe. destiny had enough trust in hope to entrust this specific power in her, knowing she would use her powers for good.
     the two met in middle school, as most of the "blessed" children did back then. the two grew together not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. when destiny, then known as delilah, revealed her identity as a force of good known as "lady destiny," hope (who was known as homily), was extremely supportive. since destiny was beginning to fall behind in school due to late nights fighting crimes, hope became her tutor of sorts. in exchange, destiny made sure to tell hope everything. despite sitting on the sidelines, hope was never treated as the sidekick. she was an equal.
      once destiny was no longer to perform her duties due to irreversible battle wounds, hope volunteered to continue the good works. in order to do so, she was required to take on a set of tasks to obtain her token. a token, which shows the blessed child's alignment with the universe and their abilities, can only be obtained with elimination of competing minor or major deities. to put it simply, a blessed child needs to kill a blessed child's companion - and the child, which is linked to the companion. hope learned the hard way that sacrifices are needed to maintain the stability of the universe.
    despite her literal age, hope remains as a child. blessed children can only die by the hand of another blessed child. this has made her stoic, cold, and jaded. however, every so often, she has let other blessed children in to her life as brothers and sisters. oddly enough, these blessed children seem to shirk from the spotlight of the rest of the elders once claimed by hope.

link: (https://file.toyhou.se/watermarks/8198707_K6W10n5hH.png?1529575842)
name: missy
storyline: bunny love 

     missy is one of the most outgoing of the polyam usagimimis. he loves spoiling his significant others with clothes and cuddles, as well as bragging about them wherever he goes. he originally met all of the bunnies at a local grocery store as his part time job as a cashier. he made a joke with all of them along the lines of "all of you are super cute. please let me hang out with you guys", and he's been burrowing with them ever since.
     he first started going out with just clemens, who seemed like the most laid-back of the group. a few dates in, the rest of the group just slowly made their waybinto his life so he'd be used to all of the attention. missy actually loved giving and revieving attention so much that he moved in with the rest of them. he had no idea he was polyam (just pan) but he's really happy that the rest of them were able to make it into his life and vice versa. he was in a pretty dark part of his life until his partners invited him into their lives.