Cleaning Out 36 Kiddos: Humanoids and Monsters

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 3 months ago) by Celest

Hey all, I have a tooooon of designs and OCs that I'm not using, and I'd love to give them a new home. 

Things to know:

  • I'd prefer to sell or trade these designs for art of my current OCs
  • moodboards, graphics, and writing count as a form of art!
  • a large chunk of these designs I'm willing to give away for free: if someone catches your eye, just ask
  • I am more likely to part with a design for free if you tell me a little  bit about what you'd like to do with them/ideas you have for them!
  • if you offer art for any of the less finished designs, I'm willing to draw up a fresh ref, just ask!
  • I'm not really interested design trades, but feel free to offer if you want idk

Feel free to:

  • change names
  • change the designs/species (heavy edits permitted)
  • change lore/backstories, for the few that have it
  • de-fandomize anyone
  • re-trade or re-gift (I'd really like to know if you do; I'm curious where they go!)

Please don't:

  • resell the design
  • post it anywhere without crediting me as the designer (I'm Celestriakle on tumblr and deviantart)
  • use the designs for commercial projects without consulting me first
  • give any of these designs stories that involve sexual violence, that just makes me super uncomfortable
  • change   the 1-2 personality traits a few of the designs have listed (this  isn't  as important; it would just be really weird for me if you took a   serious OC and made them into a chipper bubbly person.)

If  you like OCs with lore, feel free to ask and I can tell you if there's  more to say on any of the characters. I tried to keep things pretty  succinct with the few lore notes I made.




Omgd XD yeah no problem, i would like to be pinged again and in the species too please ♡


Celest I’d love to be pinged when they are open and when the species is open!


I really like

I would use them for a story about demons and humans, they’d have their own clubs and is very popular for putting on a good show. They have an enchanting singing voice and has been able to be on fashion magazines 

I can do 2 sketchy busts (with color) for em?


What would you like for them/can I claim? I'm having an idea for him reagrding colors and love his design so far!


Undefined_Tea im so glad! he's easily one of my favorites in the group, and i think that story fits him wonderfully! i think your style is INCREDIBLY darling. since rosiel is one of the few designs here i actually got a commission for, would you be amenable to doing fullbodies?

_Eleanor_ thank you!!! im glad you like em! would you be amenable to doing a couple sketches, or smth in color?



Yeah I can def do fulls !!


Undefined_Tea excellent, thank you!!!! feel free to pick whoever here. :3


Celest Yes, sure! Whom you like me to draw?


I've Got To have them, in return i'm willing to draw a humanoid bust of one of your characters in either a manga style or in base colors!


_Eleanor_ pick anyone here!

StarsAndBards im so glad u like them!!!! whats the difference between ur two styles?


Celest a manga style is basically Black and white with screentones, while base color is just the colors of your characters with minimum or no shading!


Hello! I hope you’re well! I’d love to adopt these guys if I may! I have a fear of needles, yet I’d absolutely love to channel that fear into a story for them! I quite like the design and think they can go really well with a story of mine. Basically where these people are given superpowers unnaturally with large side effects. I think they could have a very interesting story to go along with it! I feel that they would be really fun to doodle and draw in my free time! I want to put them into a story of mine, but I am not sure which one they would fit in best. Maybe my Egyptian one? Ok I absolutely love their design! I got hooked into this Webtoons about a sentinel creature that learns how to talk, feel, and grieve. I’d absolutely love to make a story inspired off of it with this character! Also they look so much fun to doodle and draw ^^

I can offer any characters on NarratorXIV and possibly some art if needed

Regardless thank you for your time and have a wonderful day!


StarsAndBards gotcha! i'd prefer flat color in that case! :3

AberrantCrow i'm so sorry! i was contacted privately for sian-ra and forgot to move him ;;;;; ill ping u if they back out tho, that sounds like a fantastic story! ill give u both the other two for a fullbody? or a couple halfbodies?


No worries! Thank you for letting me know! A fullbody sound good to me ^^


AberrantCrow sounds good!! pick anyone!