Cleaning Out 36 Kiddos: Humanoids and Monsters

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago (Edited 1 year, 3 months ago) by Celest

Hey all, I have a tooooon of designs and OCs that I'm not using, and I'd love to give them a new home. 

Things to know:

  • I'd prefer to sell or trade these designs for art of my current OCs
  • moodboards, graphics, and writing count as a form of art!
  • a large chunk of these designs I'm willing to give away for free: if someone catches your eye, just ask
  • I am more likely to part with a design for free if you tell me a little  bit about what you'd like to do with them/ideas you have for them!
  • if you offer art for any of the less finished designs, I'm willing to draw up a fresh ref, just ask!
  • I'm not really interested design trades, but feel free to offer if you want idk

Feel free to:

  • change names
  • change the designs/species (heavy edits permitted)
  • change lore/backstories, for the few that have it
  • de-fandomize anyone
  • re-trade or re-gift (I'd really like to know if you do; I'm curious where they go!)

Please don't:

  • resell the design
  • post it anywhere without crediting me as the designer (I'm Celestriakle on tumblr and deviantart)
  • use the designs for commercial projects without consulting me first
  • give any of these designs stories that involve sexual violence, that just makes me super uncomfortable
  • change   the 1-2 personality traits a few of the designs have listed (this  isn't  as important; it would just be really weird for me if you took a   serious OC and made them into a chipper bubbly person.)

If  you like OCs with lore, feel free to ask and I can tell you if there's  more to say on any of the characters. I tried to keep things pretty  succinct with the few lore notes I made.



Oh okay ^^ would a bust be okay to trade for Doctor?


Oh okay! Do plushmwas interest you? And is art good?


ShadowOath sure!

Hawaiian_Pizza hmm i dont think so, but thank you!


i would love to give holy and fury a home if possible ! i have a demon business personal story in the works and i think they would contribute to some fun dynamics! (and i just love drawing demons/body horror <33)


teefz yeah i can send them your way!


Could I possibly snag ?? I think with a little redesigning she'd make a really cool cryptid/faerie-esque creature for my oc universe <3!!


roseteeth sounds cool to me, enjoy!


added a handful of myo slots and updated the art of a bunch of characters


hello there! i checked out your folder & fell in love with these lads; 

i would be happy to draw any of your main ocs! my art examples are here!
(i can also add on or dm the ideas i'd have for each character, if you'd like! i wasn't sure if any of these fell under the freebie rule, so felt like offering upfront was the safer option, lul)


Omg could I claim her?

I think she would fit the missing place of one of my universe so bad (✽ ゚д゚ ✽)

I have a precure universe I'm constructing which lack the villain, and I think your OC would match this so good!! 

In case you don't know about precure, it's a world where a deity sent a magical creature to find precure (=magical girls) to save the world from the villain! 

Here is my cast for now :

Divya is the Deity, Gaia the magical creature, and Freya and Mizu the precures! And I really do think your OC would match so well for the villain! She also match the blue/jewel aesthetic that I was going for! ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙✧*。

And maybe if you want I could offer him for a trade? He is the only one I could offer since I'm not connected to him since he's rather new (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

So thank you so much if you consider me ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ


Can I get these characters? I am most likely going to use some of them in one of my main stories!,


Rasnah sure i'll take the trade and send her over! :3

mintchx one of the ppl below you offered a trade for her so i took that, sorry!

funkypjz I accepted a trade for TBN already, but your art is cute as heck and I'll happily trade the two CS characters for a couple pieces! my current OCs here.

Bandit_Jasper did you have specific ideas for either josh or nemo? :>


I got a more solid one of Josh, to be a worker at a bakery that one of my characters owns and to also be the older sibling to this character! For Nemo, my idea that is he is a part of this town that doesn't dress as modern as most of the other characters in the story and someone who helps but is also somewhat of a prankster to the others.