Cleaning Out 36 Kiddos: Humanoids and Monsters

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago (Edited 1 year, 6 months ago) by Celest

Hey all, I have a tooooon of designs and OCs that I'm not using, and I'd love to give them a new home. 

Things to know:

  • I'd prefer to sell or trade these designs for art of my current OCs
  • moodboards, graphics, and writing count as a form of art!
  • a large chunk of these designs I'm willing to give away for free: if someone catches your eye, just ask
  • I am more likely to part with a design for free if you tell me a little  bit about what you'd like to do with them/ideas you have for them!
  • if you offer art for any of the less finished designs, I'm willing to draw up a fresh ref, just ask!
  • I'm not really interested design trades, but feel free to offer if you want idk

Feel free to:

  • change names
  • change the designs/species (heavy edits permitted)
  • change lore/backstories, for the few that have it
  • de-fandomize anyone
  • re-trade or re-gift (I'd really like to know if you do; I'm curious where they go!)

Please don't:

  • resell the design
  • post it anywhere without crediting me as the designer (I'm Celestriakle on tumblr and deviantart)
  • use the designs for commercial projects without consulting me first
  • give any of these designs stories that involve sexual violence, that just makes me super uncomfortable
  • change   the 1-2 personality traits a few of the designs have listed (this  isn't  as important; it would just be really weird for me if you took a   serious OC and made them into a chipper bubbly person.)

If  you like OCs with lore, feel free to ask and I can tell you if there's  more to say on any of the characters. I tried to keep things pretty  succinct with the few lore notes I made.



The OC is sent, thank you so so much!!! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)


Bandit_Jasper sending josh!


Thank you!


sounds good to me; thanks so much! did you have any characters in mind to draw or did you want me to pick myself?


funkypjz go ahead and pick whoever in that tag!


Hey there, I'm interested in quite a few, so starting off, if you'd like anyone out of the UFO folder of mine they are yours! 

I'm interested in these characters, and what I plan to do with each one!

ShrimpShifter MYO ticket

I plan to design them to go with a shrimpshifter I have! They'll be boyfriends, one being based off a blueberry tart with darker colors, and the other being based off of strawberry shortcake! I love ShrimpShifters a lot, so I'll definitely be up to trade for this, no questions asked. Edit: If you want to see the moodboard I'm using, I spoiler it for congestion!


Centiroll MYO

Similiar to the above, I'll be designing it to fit with an existing idea! This one will be a gummy worm/sour citrus type of design! ^^

Leopard Eel and Ribbon Eel

I must start this off with I am a HUGE fan of eels. So seeing eel characters is so cool ngl-

But I plan to flesh out the characters! I plan to do a light redesign, and set up clothes, accessories, and fill out their personalities! So I might be able to offer some art for these guys! 

2nd edit: Since art has a long turn around, I'd also love to offer writing or moodboards ^^


Fried_tadpoles hi there!!! im not interested in anyone in ur folder, and ive never actually gotten writing from someone else about ym characters so idk how that would work? possibly interested there. but im def interested in art and moodboards! :3 ill happily trade u all four for whatever combo you'd rather offer.


I'm very interested in adopting him! I really like their comfy style. He really fits the image of what I'm looking for, as the kind owner of a toy store. He'll be in my story with Franz.

Name: Demitre
Gender: Male

Demitre is currently a high school student, who helps out at his grandparents' toy store once school is over. When Demitre was younger, he used to always liked visiting the toy store and helping out to make/fix toys. However, that changed when he got older and gradually lacked the passion for anything tbh. Since his grandparents were getting old, Demitre's parents suggested him on going back to the toy store that he once loved. Demitre reluctantly agreed and this led to his encounter with Franz. Franz was just like Demitre when he was little. Their love and passion for toys was just the same. At first, Demitre was annoyed with Franz because he lingered outside his store. But when Demitre saw Franz' circumstances and his determination when it comes to protecting the toys, he had a change of mind. Soon he became a teacher-like figure to Franz, teaching him all about toys!

I could try offering trades (not that much luck with them), depending on the types of charas you'd like...


Basically, you give me what characters(max 3 at a time, though Im semi-flexible with this) that you want written into a short story! If you have any prompts or ideas you'd want to see, you can tell me that as well! I don't do nsfw, but I do fluff writing if you're interested in that! 

My short stories average anywhere from 500-1000 words and have a 4-10 minute reading time! Here's some examples ^^

Fluff Writing, Random Prompt, though I do have shorter writings on my profile as well! 


priyu i love the little bio you wrote!!! very cute. i got that dude off a swap thread, so ill gladly send him to you in exchange for Literally Any (non-dollmaker) design you wanna send me! owob

Fried_tadpoles neat!!!! your writings solid but i dont think i have enough samples for you to get a proper vibe for my characters. 🤔 would a set of moodboards be ok? one for each in this folder?


Yep Yep! Ill add to the characters accordingly as soon as theyre done, which should be really quickly after PT!

Edit: Done! Hope you like them!


priyu the ocs you sent are super cute! ty!

itsbluebellcas i would love a moodboard if ur willing! just one would be fine, for any of these guys EXCEPT kuma or jude. :3

Fried_tadpoles UWAAAAAAAA THOSE LOOK SO GOOD!!!!! i am extrmely tired today but rest assured id be lobbing way more compliments at u if i was more awake. know i showed my friends i am v happy ty. sent the charas!


itsbluebellcas omg yes pls do!!!!! thank you so much its perfect!!!!!!!!!!! i looooove its so soft and nice