Art Trades Human/Feral/Anthro (Open)

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 1 month ago) by TenMomentsTill

Open 2/4/20

-nekkidpi falt fullbody (sketched/waiting)

Howdy, I've been really craving some art trades of late.
Please note that it may take me a bit to finish my part due to work. I will provide WIPs, updates, and send PMs as I go though.
Trades do not have to be a straight across trade (i.e. fullbody for fullbody). 

Art Examples - TH gallery - dA gallery

Characters that I'm looking for art of LINK

Can Draw

Can Draw

- Humans
-Ferals (hooved animals I might not be able to do a fullbody)
-Old/ Older People
- Different Body Types
- Masculine / Feminine
- Gore / Horror
- Can do designs that have nudity, but won't do lewd posing or do in a chibi style

Offering/Looking For


All of it will be done digitally
o - Fullbodies
o - Halfbodies
o - Headshots
o - Chibis
o - Icons
o - Shaded or Flat colours
o - Willing to do backgrounds

Looking For 

o - Fullbodies
o - Halfbodies
o - Headshots
o - Chibis
o - Icons
o - Pixel Art
o - Watercolour and copic marker traditional art

Recent Art Examples / Past Trades



oh my god your art is so so cool, id love to trade :•0 here's my art


yungvamp Thank you so much~ You have some pretty rad art yourself.  What kind of art do you want to trade?


maybe a flat color full body if that sounds alright with you?


yungvamp Sure thing. Is there any particular OC you want me to draw? 


yes!! can you draw nico? who do you want me to draw?


id love to draw Israfel full body

heres my dA:

i only have 2 OCs atm, no worries if you decline


yungvamp I'd be down to draw Nico. Would you be willing to draw Rory? If not, anyone from here would also be okay. 

nekkidpi I don't mind that you just have 2 OCs to pick from. Would a flat fullbody be okay? 


ill totally draw Rory! I’ll get started tomorrow :•]


TenMomentsTill I added two more >,< since i responded. But mitzi or unnamed would be ideal or any others and yes thats GOOD!


TenMomentsTill I can do Israfel full body, flat colored, dont worry about mtching the trade i just really love the design! edit: also take your time no need to rush or do constant updates with me