[READ] Todo List

Posted 9 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by lulu

on the todo list in very rough order of priority:

  • Authorization levels - kinda done, but still looking for ways to improve
  • Worlds Overhaul.
  • View Previous Posts / Subscribed Threads / Created Threads
    • Actually probably just a General Forums overhall...
    • Allowing users to delete their own threads.
    • Showing when posts have been edited (+ possible for mods to see original post?)
  • Folder icons and blurbs
  • Species creation
  • Literature submissions/pages for characters
    • Changable privacy levels for the pages possibly
    • "AU" pages
  • Clean up mass image/character management
  • QoL fixes
    • Mass deletion, links to individual edit panels
    • "Next" button when browsing through character pages.
    • "Are You Sure You Want to Delete" pop-up when hitting delete for posts/comments/everything
  • Deleting comments probably needs a confirmation panel...
  • Site search
    • Character search by tag or unverified URL
    • Image search by URL might be useful too, hm
  • Fix thread notifications links to take you to the latest page... Actually I should have it take you directly to the post, I was too lazy when coding this and it's gonna be a pain in the ass to change now
    • Same with thread links on the forum's front page
  • Random character/user link (only for listed and public characters & users)
  • User autocompletion
  • Tag blocking
  • Layout fixing like just in general going around and fixing forms and also checking to see that everything wraps correctly
  • Liking or favving forum posts
  • World tags maybe
    • World galleries
  • Popular world listing on the front page thinks about it... Maybe worlds that've added a lot of members in the past few days? hm...
  • Have a look at a chat... I don't think cloudflare works with websockets so I'll need to have a think about it rubs chin I don't really like the idea of an AJAX chat
  • Image thumbnail / character avatar cropping tool
    • This is half done but I realised it was taking way too long so I've shelved it for later...
  • Drag & drop uploading
  • Bulk image/characters upload
  • Tagging images with multiple characters
    • stares into the distance i'm not looking forward to this
  • Image tagging and specialised/tagged galleries, embedded galleries for character pages
    • stares further into the distance... also not... looking forward to this...
  • Dice rollers on the forums
  • Downloading threads as a PDF/etc... / downloading character profiles?
  • Custom Post Formatting
  • Delete images from image manager
  • Character link sorting/deleting
    • Editable icons seperate from the character icons?
  • More user options including # of charas displayed on a page.

Feature fixes / comments

  • Watermarked thumbnails needs to be looked at, I'm not really happy with it atm.. 
  • Commission a logo artist for a clean logo 
  • I should just outsource the front end to a proper front end developer
  • Fix how images teleport when you try to drag one that's at the end of the row

Features I'm thinking about and welcome suggestions for:

  • Anonymous comments (if I do throw this in you're still certainly going to have to be logged in so the recipient can report malicious content if necessary)
  • Allowing for fandom/canon characters 
  • World chats - just mulling it over right now...


I grabbed some screenshots of that thumbnail error I've been seeing for you>> Sta.sh link

I hope that helps :U I'm on Firefox. ALSO, if i rightclick any of those not-working thumbnails, and click "Load image" it loads up right away, like something was just keeping it from loading or something, but only that image, and not perminently. If i refresh the page after fixing some they all break again.


I'd first off like to say this site is wonderful! I am enjoying every minute of it!

I'd just like a suggestion for the future.

I think it might be nice to filter/search tags (which I think is going to happen) but maybe it would be possible to block tags as well? Or even be able to block user content without actually blocking the user themselves?

I can't see it being much use for me on this website, but I really do use this function on a different website I'm apart of, and it is just like the shit. I'm always amazed by it.

They even have a function to view an “X” image and get a message like “You've blocked this image because ___” or just not to see it at all.


Rigune "@(username here)" will ping someone!

Sheep We're glad to hear that you're enjoying the site so far! Global tag search and stuff of that nature is already on our to-do list, but filtering/blocking tags sounds like a good idea. The admin team will talk about it!


I HAVE TOTALLY (finally) THOUGHT OF A COOL SUGGESTION! Now I apologize if this has already been thought of or suggested here. I just had to put in my vote too then.

I'm sitting here bored, wanting to draw. Not sure what or who or even for myself? I personally would love love love this site to have some sort of "Random Page Generator". Where you can either have the option to do it on someone's profile where you go into their characters and click, "Random Character" and it gives you a random character belonging to that user. Or you can do it site-wide where you're just on the front page and you go "Random Character" and it takes you to some random character from the entire site.

I would ADORE a feature like this so I can randomly do give away artwork. Sometimes I just feel aimless, you know? And I'd love to just gift someone a little something to make their day. This would be a fantastic feature if I can't decide who or what I want to draw, like a practice session drawing a character I would have never thought to try before.

Let me know if this is good? Or if it's already been suggested? If it has, I'm totally up voting it.


WHEEZE IDK IF THIS IS...ALREADY...ASKED im sry i tried to find it in the list but
ability to add multiple designers in the case of collab designs...?


it lies and I won't trust anyone and anything ever again //single crystal tear ///CASUALLY USES COMIC SANS AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME

srsly though, I tried different size pictures and stuff that normally worked for character avatar, I waited and refreshed and it still stayed the same


Toxic it has an icon for me!! sometimes the cache is slow, that's rpobably the case with this!! 

edit: http://puu.sh/cTY52/ffdbeaaa2e.jpg 


O! //SQUINTS SUPER HARD <><> it still doesn't show for me and I checked in other browser (Chrome, I use Firefox normally) where I'm not logged and it's first time when I opened TH there  idk if it makes any difference, and it doesn't show there either o<-< but I'll give it some time if you say that it may be the case!


Toxic HMMM.. thats weird then I know the world icon was loading a bit slow for another person the other day-- but it was showing for others.. IT'S THERE I CAN ASSURE YOU!! I just think theres some server lag as well as cache issues bc there are close to ~50 users online right now, when just a few days ago it just hung around ~10-15..


AGAGSDFAFSD OKIE DOKIE I TRUST YOU /LAUGHS! and hhh ye, that's a big punch of users //strokes th gently


I've already seen some people mention being able to tag multiple designers, but if that adds too many complications as far as being able to specify who's the species owner or something, perhaps the ability to add multiple artists? Though maybe being able to add multiple artists would be good anyway since there may be some collab art pieces floating about.

Also maybe a read more function? I thought about that while filling out character profiles. Sometimes a plot/character history can get really long and that's deterred me from putting up the full histories for some characters (the ones that have nicely fleshed out back stories, that is).


Takaia We're in the process of getting a legal expert to help draft a TOS for us. Thank you for the offer though!

MNYN to my favorite fat pigeon, lulu pushed an update that now allows for a creator/designer specification. Do you think that differention is good enough, or would you like to see an ability to add more than one person to each field?

Toxic It is 99.99% a cache problem, either on your end or on the site end. We're seeing a surge in usage lately so it is very likely that the site cache is slow! If refershing your cache doesn't work, it's probably because of that.

CaptainTigglesworth We've added creator/designer seperation now. : ) As for read-more, that is something I'll bring up later - everyone is asleep right now.


minsu flaps my blubber uselessly I JUST TRIED IT OUT NOW AND I THINK IT IS GOOD!!
cries thank u for each of your hard work...