Add character to Multiple folders

Posted 5 years, 9 days ago (Edited 8 months, 14 days ago) by Freeze-pop88

I know *technically* you can just make another full tab for the character but,, I have some characters where they're not different at all and so I don't feel like I need an entire new tab just to add them to another folder, but also feel weird not having them in the other folder(s) they apply to. Can there be an option added to just add a character to multiple folders?? I can't find a way to organize them where I can avoid having them apply for multiple folders.

Edit August 19, 2023: I also thought about it, maybe there could be like- a mode or something for this to work, like a "characters" and "universes" without requiring a world? Idk the world just feels like.. too much in some cases? And I know tags exist, but I use them myself to organize characters by things like gender and sexuality- I don't wanna clutter up the tags with species and stuff, so maybe 2 types of tags would fix the problem?










I feel like this would be complicated and confusing, as the same character could be misunderstood as multiple characters maybe and it would possibly be chaotic. It would probably be a nightmare for me to try and find people’s characters, or even upload images to their profiles. I’m beginning to sort things with tabs and as you can link tabs I’ve found it very useful for the same purpose! It takes some getting used to, but it works well for me.


dizzylimme Yea my initial idea / the name of the thread is def too complicated and confusing, but I feel the alternatives I put in the edit are still feasible. It's still an issue I very much would like a solution for without cluttering up my tags- My issue with using tabs is if the character has no differences it feels very- pointless? Idk a good way to put it.


Freeze-pop88 some alternative could be good :] i'm sure there is a way this feature could be applied, and yes, tags can be confusing sometimes








+1 yes thank you this! I have been wanting something like this, since I want to have a folder for all my SftM chars [the ones for the comic I'm making] but some of my SftM chars are also used outside of that story and are mains for me, so I want to be able to have them in both my mains and SftM folder ToT I know I can sort this with tags but come on who's gonna specifically think to sort for tags if they're visiting? Nah everyone just checks ya folders




man id love a feature like this. I've been using split tabs to keep my personal projects and lore art seperate from the whole character, but then it kinda clutters everything aaa

i refuse to touch tags cause im not consistent and hate tagging things 
