(IDEA) Toggle between alt accounts!

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago by CrescentCaribou

(Read First!!!) Would you use this?

196 Votes Definitely, all the time!
108 Votes Maybe every once in awhile!
45 Votes Nope, I only have one account!
10 Votes I don't know?


I have multiple accounts, one for my OCs and one for my adopts. They're separate so that I can use specific tags on this account to help me organize, and a ton of different and varying tags on the adopt account to help people find them easier when searching through "Browse." I haven't been checking the other account as much as I should because whenever I log out of this account, it logs me off on ALL of my devices. As someone who uses TH on my home computer, my work computer, and my phone, it's a bit annoying. I honestly think I've only checked the adopt account twice, at the most. I suppose incognito tabs are an option, but my work computer blocks those from opening, and I have enough windows on my home computer as-is. I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem, as a lot of people have alt accounts.


What I propose is a toggle button, maybe in the notifications bar, or maybe in the dropdown under your username, where you can toggle between alt accounts. To make this button different from the others, it could have the user pic of the other account as the button, similar to how some HTMLs on this site show featured characters. As a precaution against accidental links, like if a friend uses your computer or something, you could need to put in the user and password of the accounts on both ends. For example: Say you're trying to link users @DangerNoodle and @/SeaUnicorn. On Danger's end, you have to put in Sea's user & password to link it, and visa versa. This has to happen when logged in to BOTH accounts, or else it won't link. When you put in the info, you could get a notification box with something along the lines of "are you sure you want to link" with a checkbox before you can press the "okay" button, like when nuking notifications. You could get a notif in your other account when someone tries to link to make the process quicker. Then, it's as easy as switching to any other page on TH! Linking and unlinking could happen through your Settings. 


i have ocd and it bothers me when i have too many adopts (mostly with art i don't like) on my main account, but i grin and bear it with newer adopts because switching between accounts (as you described) is a pain.
it wouldn't be so bad if i could be logged into both on mobile, but the process of opening an incognito window in chrome (on desktop) to log into my alt is annoying.
i know i could just keep it open, but chrome is weird and eventually it like... switches the windows around? so like normally first i would have my main browsing session, then the second available window would be the incognito, but for some reason after a while itll swap so the incognito window is the first one. that bothers me lol
having it be opt-in like with how you can switch accounts on the twitter mobile app would be neato.



yeah, but incognito can accomplish the same thing, and my work computer also won't let me have non-chrome browsers downloaded (it's a chromebook) so it doesn't help much in that aspect. Since stuff like this is kinda annoying, it's one of the reasons I think this feature would be so useful! ^^


yeah, incognito are kinda annoying just to switch accounts :/ I've always used Chrome, so I'm used to the windows switching places lol. I don't have a Twitter, so I dunno about account switching on that platform, but when I was thinking of it I envisioned it kinda like switching Google accounts! Is it any different? 



Don't have multiple acc's atm, but the not being able to easily switch between accounts thing is the main reason I don't lol 


Firefox's container tabs do the job nicely enough for me c: they let you be logged into multiple alts simultaneously just in different tabs, I'd highly recommend giving it a go






+1 plus it could make it a lot easier for trolls and their 28 alts to get banned IF all the accounts happen to be linked together. 


+1, I don't have any alts but if I could switch or link it to my main then I'd def make one for my adopts


+1! I run an OC shelter, so I need to check my alt account almost every day, sometimes multiple times a day!


+1 I'd definitely tend to my alt more if I would access it more easily!




1+ I gave up on my alt account for adopts since I would always forget it existed but I've been getting into selling adopts/YCH more and more lately and its clogging up my main account and probably giving my subscribers a ton of notifs. This would be a great idea and I would definitely use it!!