Now that some of us have a number of pieces of literature on Toyhouse, it would be lovely to have sorting options in our libraries!

There could be a drop-down for viewers to choose from like character folders have, to sort literature by: most/least words, favorites, comments, maybe # of characters tagged?, alphabetical, oldest/newest. (If anyone else can think of other sorting options that would be useful, please comment with your ideas!)

Maybe authors could set a default sorting option, too.

Folders would also be useful, to be able to sort your literature by setting, characters, genre, whatever's useful to the individual author.


+1 As a person who posts literature here, I'd love to have this option made available.


Agreed I would love to see this as well


+1 :)


+1 ; I know this site is mostly oriented toward art but I'd love to see more literature QoL because that's what I really came here for lol


+1 Absolutely! 


+1! I just feel that if the literatures function wasn't so basic ppl would use it more /gen



