🐾 Coywolfy's Free HTML Templates 🐾

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago (Edited 3 years, 7 months ago) by Coywolfy

Coywolfy's Free HTML Templates

All Templates


How do I add a code?

To add one of my codes select the </> icon then paste the raw code. This is how I make codes and edit my codes. Note not every one does it this way.

How do I change the box colors?

Changeing the background, text, and border color is easy. Just look in the raw code for a line that looks like "style="background-color:#aaa" the #aaa is a hex code just add the hex code you’d like!

How do I add a background?

to add a full page background image or color you must have toyhouse premium. If you have premium you use this css code to add a background image or color.
body { background-image: url("URL HERE"); background-color: HEX CODE HERE; }





Look for this in the code: 

<div class="col-4"><img src="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/project-pokemon/images/4/47/Placeholder.png" class="fr-fic fr-dib" width="239" height="250"></div>

Place the url for the image you want in the highlighted part



Pm me your code and the img url and I’ll see what I can do to help


i'm using the profile template 1, its exactly what i was hoping to find! i did have a question, I cant for the life of me figure out how to change the colors besides that of the background. Im not used to html so maybe im doing it wrong?


im using character template 4 for my oc posey, tysm!


super hyped to use some of these :0 the dnd one is incredible, and i love all the others too!!


I'm using the profile template for sure! Thank you so much for these amazing templates? They're all amazing and I will probably use some of the character templates as well. 


i'm using the profile template! i absolutely love it.


Omg THE D&D is super cool IMa use if that’s ok ;3;


Using the first one! <3


I am using Template 03, thank you very much.

I am going to edit it a bit, you can see it here when I am done:


Using template mini! https://toyhou.se/1391235.-kraken- It's so perfect for aesthetic moodboards!! <3 combined with a bg code from zodia, hope you don't mind! (*´`)