🐾 Coywolfy's Free HTML Templates 🐾

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 8 months ago) by Coywolfy

Coywolfy's Free HTML Templates

All Templates


How do I add a code?

To add one of my codes select the </> icon then paste the raw code. This is how I make codes and edit my codes. Note not every one does it this way.

How do I change the box colors?

Changeing the background, text, and border color is easy. Just look in the raw code for a line that looks like "style="background-color:#aaa" the #aaa is a hex code just add the hex code you’d like!

How do I add a background?

to add a full page background image or color you must have toyhouse premium. If you have premium you use this css code to add a background image or color.
body { background-image: url("URL HERE"); background-color: HEX CODE HERE; }




Using Chara 02!


hello, i was wondering, if there anyway way of making the boxes background and lines transparent? thank you kindly, i will be using template 4!

edit: figured the background boxes do depend on the theme color, i'd still like to know about the lines, however now i realize that the lines i'd like to make transparent are table's.

another thing, for template 4, is it possible to replace the first most left box with just an image, and for it to maintaining the same structure? this means, not using the current box for the image as background, but an embedded image in its place. thanks!


Perfect for my character, I will be using. Thanks!!




Highkey am gonna use the 2.5 one!!


I use the 2.5 template and it is really good! 


Your templetes are BEAUTIFUL I’ll defined use them with some of my ocs :3


using! thank you so much ♥♥


Using! These are really nice, especially the one with the stamps! Thank you for making them!


I didn't even dream that I would find a dnd character sheet template in here! Thank you so much for making it and leaving it out there for free use, that's so unbelievably kind of you!