
Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Edited 1 year, 8 months ago) by labratory

image0.png Enrollment

Thank you for your interest in Animal Academy!
AA welcomes all animals from across the country and all over the world, with diverse backgrounds and far-ranging talents and interests. We believe that all students willing to make the appropriate commitment should have the opportunity to learn professional-level skills: No previous experience necessary. You can create students, professors, celebrities, and even other playable characters for our world.


🏈 Overview
Animal Academy is only animal based. You can have as many characters involved in this project with different majors, personalities, etc! While AA is mostly a fool-hardy environment, it will occasionally carry out themes such as but not limited to: violence/drugs. Fantasy, prehistoric, or unrealistic elements will be rejected - we want your OC to best fit in our world and characters. We don’t pay attention to your characters colors, just by if they’re an appropriate species to join. You can submit as many characters as you want, we have no limitations! All characters are required to be over 18, along with the members in our community. We recommend joining the server for exclusive content, target & plotted character development, but by no means is this required. If you decide to join and leave the server, we still consider you apart of the project unless you've stripped your characters (and yourself) from the world. If you do not have a toyhouse account, join the server and the staff will give you an invite key!

🏈 Apply
To ensure that Animal Academy is a place for you, please see our rules below. Faking your age to enter is not only against our rules but toyhouse's. If you are below the age of 18 do not apply to Animal Academy. Minors attempting to join will be IP blocked & reported for their own safety. Underage users who are found to be using a false birthday to interact with adult material or enter adult spaces will be banned. If your comment has been removed, suspicious activity may have been detected. We have to take precaution as an adult only group, and have had our fair share of people attempting to fake their way in.

Creating an AU tab for a character? No sweat. Label that full tab as "AA" , and link that back here when you’re done. If you need a full walkthrough of this process, don't hesitate to ask! 


  1. Tell us your age (not your character)
  2. Do you plan on roleplaying here?
  3. Post a link to the character(s) you want to submit
  4. Optional: tell us why your character wants to join the Academy

A representative will get back to you within 24 hours. Should you have any questions, skim through our forums or feel free to ask here. After being approved. please request membership and accept the invitation for your characters,


RP Guidelines



Want to join but don't have any ideas? Check out our OC generator! You do not need to tag the admin (kindkeanu) when replying.
Don't have toyhouse? Join our server and we will walk you through the process.

nekomancy (student. Fashion modeling) (Sudent. Cosmetology major focusing on make-up.)

I am 24 =) both characters are over 18 as well but for the sake of being students they're 18-19.


Acceptance letter

Dear strobelite , Congratulations! You have been accepted into Animal Academy! To proceed, accept the invitations for your character(s) and request membership at the side of our World. We look forward to speaking with you soon!


Code by AviCode


Acceptance letter

Dear AngeltheMerman , Congratulations! You have been accepted into Animal Academy! To proceed, accept the invitations for your character(s) and request membership at the side of our World. We look forward to speaking with you soon!


Code by AviCode


i'd like to submit !! and im 19!


Hi batzzy ! Does julien have an anthro vers? 


yup!! i just haven't gotten around to drawing it yet ^^''


batzzy Perfect! To proceed, accept the invitations for your character(s) and request membership at the side of our World. We look forward to speaking with you soon!


Hi! I would like to join with (forensic sciences major)

I'm over 20!


Hi, eightyeight due to safety reasons we do not allow accounts only recently created. We've had children try to join using numerous of side accounts, so I hope you understand considering yours was just created yesterday! Unless you've discovered us on other sites we will make exceptions, but for now thank you for the interest and take care during these times


kindkeanu ahhh i made this account to keep rp separate, I was shown here by ValRoyeaux who will vouch for me if necessary or I can also private message my main account if needed!


eightyeight Perfect no additional action is necessary! Thank you for confirming, 

Acceptance letter

Congratulations! You have been accepted into Animal Academy! To proceed, accept the invitations for your character(s) and request membership at the side of our World. We look forward to speaking with you soon!


Code by AviCode


Hello there! Im 20 and my characters are all adults!

Id love to join with my boy Bourbon (This poor man and his unfortunate name he cant stand) who will be pursuing a career in the Culinary Arts


Congratulations! You have been accepted into Animal Academy! To proceed, accept the invitations for your character(s) and request membership at the side of our World. We look forward to speaking with you soon!


ima see if my bbys can get in. im 21.

bunnita(18, shy, art history major, and has a split personality disorder)

 Sorbet Delight(18, has anthro form{yet to be drawn}, science major)