Show Me Your Bug Themed Characters!

Posted 5 years, 12 days ago (Edited 4 years, 8 months ago) by entipikal

So I have a few Hollow Knight OCs and of course they're all bugs, but I thought, hey not everyone knows about Hollow Knight, let alone has OCs (it's a horribly underrated game) so I thought, hey, what if people have generally bug themed characters? I want to see them! Literal bugs? Spider person? Moth person? Show me! I don't respond anymore, but I do check this thread! Every OC posted in here is amazing
And if you have a Hollow Knight OC? Even better.

Ganymede SporkSpagel

Ganymede here is a moth goat hybrid! Due to some internal joking in an online friend group I had a phase where I designed a whole lot of moths, it was great. I decided to keep this hybrid kid on a whim and I’m glad I did! I also have a moth-alien dude but I haven’t uploaded him yet!

Seer of Gaia Zeyphr

I have a few buggu boys/girls, this one is the newest. They're a butterfly-based archangel with way too many antennae.

 Hitoku Konchu Mercenary_Ike

UwU what’s this? 

Aka he controls bugs and can bug bite foes


(Posting ooc because of multiple ocs)

All of my -Jectiles are based off of bugs. It’s a little hard to tell what Object is though; they’re supposed to be an ant.

Mona Apis SweetDevil

Queen bee because I love bees too much! She also comes with her Worker and Drone ~ ( ˘ω˘ )

Elytra lophiusdragon

new bug character :D

Marshal JadeWizard

This is my angry wasp dude and his bumble bee friend/roommate.

 Karia Strasati MariahKat

I havvvee a spidertaur

 Fleur ShinyM36

Here is Fleur my butterfly OC and Sugar Slither my Snail OC x

Ruby Hexticide

T h ey