Show Me Your Bug Themed Characters!

Posted 5 years, 11 days ago (Edited 4 years, 8 months ago) by entipikal

So I have a few Hollow Knight OCs and of course they're all bugs, but I thought, hey not everyone knows about Hollow Knight, let alone has OCs (it's a horribly underrated game) so I thought, hey, what if people have generally bug themed characters? I want to see them! Literal bugs? Spider person? Moth person? Show me! I don't respond anymore, but I do check this thread! Every OC posted in here is amazing
And if you have a Hollow Knight OC? Even better.

 getsuyoubi 021VII

moth kid! :D

Mianmian Accela

she’s not done yet, but almost!!

her name right now is mianmian chuntao 

a bit of a nonsensical name but it sounds cute,  

mianmian means cotton and chuntao means fragrant peach im pretty sure 

Lycidra lophiusdragon

made a new one recently

Groobsy AmityAugustine

Groobsy is based off of a glo worm squeaker I own!

He's officially a grub, but his hands and face are that of a bear because well...those are the features the toy has?? 

Ruzena misellapuella

A ladybug knight! This lady, who is a feather horn beetle! I will colour her one day: And of course, this butterfly warrior, ! I have a lot more but they're not as obvious as these guys. 

Kliph hedgemaze

Kliph is an alien moth and The Kraken is a... kraken with a design partly based on crickets.

FL-1E ThatOneWow

Fly is one of my comfort characters, designed after the model of a bug!

Karehime SlyAsAFox

i can offer you a moth kingpin uvu

Antboy ThornPuck

He's more of an alien than a bug, but he's definitely TRYING to be a bug.

Fen FuuMiku

I’ve got a lot of them! Bug fairy, moth person, spider experiment~ Bugs are so neat I love ‘em

Lance FuuMiku

I got a spiny flower mantis boi recently so here I am, back with another bae

Luna lophiusdragon

my beebee

also another character:

🐛 Noki 🐛 zomplush

I love bugs... this is my worm kid!