༶✧♛ Show me your Gay Couples ♛✧༶

Posted 5 years, 10 days ago (Edited 5 years, 10 days ago) by Boyfriend

I need this thread and I can't find it. I love looking at y'alls characters and when I see a fluffy gay romance I get super excited.

MLM? WLW? Where are the gay couples? How did they meet? What's their relationship dynamic like? Wanna share some prose or a cute story? Love that stuff. Need more. (Be sure to black out the juicy stuff ;O )

This is a trans* friendly thread!

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I have four OCs who as of writing this are the only OCs I have in a canon relationship! ^^

Bloodeater, Error 404, Kamentisa and Umbrilis are mlm and in a polygamous relationship with each other, originally I was only gonna ship Bloodeater and Kamen but ended up shipping Error and Umbrilis together too. Then I got thinking that each OC would actually go together nicely and I went "Okay you know what, they can all be gay for each other-"

Their backstories are still a WIP so I can't say for sure how all of them met, but Bloodeater and Kamen's families were good friends so they grew up together.

In their relationship Bloodeater is basically like a mama bear, he's a very protective person. Being the tallest he was sort of designated as Biggest Spoon(TM), Umbrilis being Littlest Spoon then, and he gladly allows the others to pile on top of him to watch TV. Sometimes though he just wants to be held and cuddled which results in him being encircled in a group cuddle or being the smaller spoon for once. If he's feeling particularly tolerant (which is most of the time because he's a big softie who adores his partners) he might also let them play with his hair and fur, braiding it and whatever else they wish to do.

Kamen is quite similar to Bloodeater with the above, but will prefer to be on the edge of any group cuddles due to him being prone to sensory overload. As much as he loves his partners, sometimes all the hair, fur and just warmer temperatures can get a bit much. It doesn't seem like it at first, but Kamen can be surprisingly light-hearted, due to his shyer nature than the others he tends to only open up that much to his boyfriends.

Umbrilis in every way is like someone's pet constantly having zoomies. This extends to being very excited to see and be around his partners, gleefully trotting about them and chattering away. He'll flop down on whoever is laying on the sofa or a bed and snuggle into them, he may act like an angry chihuahua around people he doesn't know or trust but the demon can be surprisingly sweet with those he loves.

Bloodeater isn't the only big softie, Error 404 also happens to be one and an absolute sweetheart. He doesn't like seeing others hurt in any way, so if one of his partners has a bad day he'll not leave there side comforting them and coaxing little smiles out of them. If Bloodeater doesn't want to be the human(oid) pillow, Error happily steps in. When he first met the others there were barriers due to his mutism, but they all managed to overcome them through writing and reading and them all doing their best to learn BSL. 

I need to write more with them, especially stuff with them together, but here's a couple of things up on Toyhouse so far with Error and Umbrilis:



I have Sam and Jen! They both met at the Café where Jennifer works, Sam started going regularly there and she caught Jen's attention. Eventually they started hanging out more and doing the spicy stuff, you know.
After a while they got into a kinda big fight because Sam is kind of a thot, you see, and Jennifer thought they were in a relationship so finding out Sam slept with other people as well rubbed her the wrong way. "Aren't we together?" "No, we're just having fun".(Communication is key people!)
They distanced themselves after that and during that time Sam thought about it and realized she wanted to be more than friends with benefits. They talked it out, Sam apologized (and for her character this is a pretty big thing, because she never apologizes) and after a while they started dating for real. 

Their dynamic is one I really like in ships, Jen is the bubbly one, she's affectionate and she's not afraid to show her emotions (she may even do it a little too much) and Sam is the grumpy one, workaholic, will never show weakness or emotions one. Jennifer is one of the few people that can bring out Sam's soft side.  

I just love their relationship so much, they just make me so soft ;w;


i want to make more even though the ones i have right now lack art and proper development... here they are tho :D

ximena and junko (wlw). theyre the first oc pairing i ever made i think, and they have a really weird relationship/dynamic/whatever that im honestly not sure how to describe? theyre both very strange people so i guess it makes sense that together theyd also be really weird and unusual.

forrest and mortimer (mlm). these guys i think about like... all the time. im so invested in them its kinda embarrassing ;___; but compared to ximena and junko's relationship theirs is very sweet and their playlist is significantly longer than theirs lol... i really like unrequited love plots (or seemingly unrequited) or just good ol pining in general so theyre not consistently together.... but theyre definitely my favorites.

and finally heres my most recent couple... mitzi and ambre (wlw)! i have yet to develop them or even draw them together but i made them a thing cuz i just really wanted a cute butch/femme couple to draw ;____;

Francis iceflurry

my main gay couple is Francis (ic) and Marble, though a lot of my oc couples are gay lmao. Francis and marble are my favorite though, I definetly draw ship art of them the most!! (Mainly attributed to the fact that they were some of my first lgbt characters, wow!)


Detach and Shade are probably my oldest gay couple, they even got married and have a (n only somewhat canon? idk, i drew it and had an explanation how their species could have children by same sex couples, but she just kind of disappeared?) child together!

EX-O and Haru are also in a relationship, though originally they were just friends, and then I realized “man, i draw them being adorable together a lot, maybe they could be a couple” lol

D00dl3s is also part of a gay couple with my friend’s character Moonlight Queen, but she isn’t on here. I do have some art of them together on here though! this one‘s more of a joke, but for this one i just wanted to draw them being cute-


I have... so many gay couples...and a few queer-platonic couples too. Gonna spoiler the long bits of me talking about them in detail cause it'll get real long if I don't.

To start things off, I have Abiy and Cret, who are queer-platonic creation deities. Well, Cret is a creation deity. Abiy is both creation and destruction.

Quoting Abiy's profile on how they met:
"He traveled alone for several million years longer, learning at what sizes he could interact with civilizations without destroying them. It was during this time that he began to gain a reputation as a deity, and also met Cret, another deep space creature that was formed from an anomaly. Abiyhayil didn't understand Cret, and upon meeting him, tried to eat the much smaller but immensely powerful creature. However, he found that Cret was immune to his properties as a black hole much like his outer skin was.

Cret got over almost being eaten rather quickly, being the optimist he was, and decided to stay near Abiyhayil for the companionship. During this time, Cret's compassion for creatures and worlds quickly influenced the still-inquisitive Abiyhayil."

Basically, they start out a little rocky. Abiy didn't really mean any malice toward Cret, but he was just endlessly hungry, being a black hole. Also, Cret radiates a lot of power. Abiy had been alone since his formation and while he did spend some time with mortal alien cultures, it wasn't enough to influence him like the wisdom of another immortal. Cret looked like a rather tasty beacon of energy.

Once they started traveling together though, Abiy began to understand why mortals craved companionship and over time, they grew inseperable. By the time they meet Yishay, they are something beyond friends or lovers. They can feel each other's presence, so long as the other is alive. When Yishay nearly blasts Cret into non-existence by accident fighting with Abiy and Cret is forced to blink into a personal micro-dimension to regenerate, Abiy fasts in grief. It takes Yishay leaving and finding another member of the eventual group of deities, a massive dimension-collector named Ara Librae and them coaxing a still-healing Cret from his micro-dimension before Abiy would move from the spot and eat.

In that same group is Al Na'ir and Yishay. They're gay shapeshifter deities. Yishay is an incredibly powerful spellcaster, since he was literally the magic stream of a destroyed planet, and as the ability to bring inanimate things to life. Al Na'ir, formerly a binary star, was one of such creations, though he was created on accident. Their dynamic at first is best described as the same kind of dynamic seen between creator vampire and the vampire they've created, but it later turns to something a lot more like Abiy and Cret have.

Charlie is Real Big GayTM for his boofy werewolf boyfriend, Gus (owned by a friend of mine). He later ends up turned into a werewolf as well. They meet while Gus is out enjoying a run in the rain and Charlie is out riding his 4-wheeler. Gus chases him, not to hurt him but because he had initially scared Charlie and feared for his safety when Charlie guns it to get away. After Gus explains himself, Charlie calms down and they become good friends, and later, boyfriends.

Fender and Josiah are a pair of guardians that reside over areas of land and sustain them. If their land dies, so do they. Fender's land is a scrubby desert with high mesas and a few canyons, while Josiah's is the neighboring plains. Their lands border each other and over time, they became friends. Then, they began to rely on and help each other so that neither guardian would waste away, to the point it's now hard to tell where one's land starts and the other's ends. They're just two cute old men that want the best for each other.

Remnant/Corretto and this guy are a lot less wholesome than the two above. Remnant uses the Corretto form to lure humans back to his and the other boy's lair by posing as a haunted house tour guide. Once there, the two of them kill and eat any humans that come around. To each other they're a lot better though. The black bits on NN's body are the corrupted, irradiated remains of one of Remnant's species (done with species owner's permission, of course). Their dynamic is basically two symbiotic carnivores vibing and eating people. I haven't figured out how they met though.

I have so many more, including wlw and poly relationships but I'm going to write a whole novel if I keep going so I'll just name a few more:

Firefly and Jacqueline. wlw, really need to get these two anthro'd and get art of them together. Jackie is a mechanic and Firefly is an entomologist.
Shevaya and Vashka. mlm.  It's basically a Rapunzel thing. Except Vashka is no prince charming.
Snake and Jacob. mlm. Snake was a vigilante lawman that fell in love with an outlaw and turned crooked.

I had a few other ships but they drifted apart due to lost friends or CS designs being traded.

Poppy fettuwuccine

I have a lot but my favourites are Poppy and Billie..quiet tough girl and loud sweet girl just taking care of some cats 


pleading emoji... its 4AM and i'm gonna go Off about my girls...

dakota and blaire are like, my #1 OC couple. the loud pastel weeb and the chill booksmart sorta-goth. they're adorable and i love them so much asdflkjsdljkf

they met in their freshman year of high school when blaire was new to the area, and dakota was smitten like Immediately. she got her to sit with her and her other friend for lunch and they were fast friends after that, they started dating at the end of the year and when their story starts at the beginning of junior year they're still a couple! i don't know what their future looks like, but i know they're soulmates for sure. dakota's getting her into a lot of shows and movies blaire wouldn't have watched otherwise (anime is a big one, they write fanfiction together since they're both writers and dakota is blown away by how good blaire is) and blaire's getting her into more novels (not that dakota doesn't read things without pictures or some dumbass shit, but she's definitely got a strong preference for visuals) and tennis since dakota wasn't previously a sporty type. blaire wants to take her on a vacation to california some day, since she grew up in a nice coastal town. dakota proposed to her with a ring pop at some point. these gals are wholesome and i'd die for them.


i have too many ocs, only one of which is straight. So i have a lot of these.

My main gay couple is PB and J (yes, their names are Peanut Butter and Jelly). Both are anthro dogs. J is trans male. Boy this is a lot of exposition i should just start the story

So PB and J are the same age and live in the same city. J just moved from a small country town, and was new to the big city. He and PB go to the same school. Honestly, the first day, J developed a huge crush on PB, who was both cute and super confident. In J's town, he was a bit of an outcast for being trans, so he never told anyone at school that he was. PB and J became friends, and PB was also crushing on J. However, neither told the other and both assumed the other was straight. So PB, who wanted J to like him, decided to get a girlfriend, which he figured would make J really jealous. Of the girlfriend. So he went to one of his best friends called Starpaw and explained the plan. He went to her because he didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings and he new that she would understand. And anyway, she was ace aero so nothing would come of it. Starpaw, having common sense, laughed at him (not in a mean way), and told him to just tell J about his feelings. PB didn't listen, and because Starpaw is a good friend, she sighed and went along with it. This "relationship" went on for a few months, during which time J felt absolutely miserable because the guy he liked was obviously into girls. Eventually, Starpaw got fed up with this and told J what was going on. Honestly, J took it pretty well and eventually worked up the courage to ask PB out. This was a success and the two soon began dating. Starpaw was just relived that she didn't have to play the part of the love struck girlfriend anymore.


I think my only canon gay couple is Tomas Emery and Cyril Norin.

Their love story is not necessarily the most interesting or the cutest out there, though.

They met officially when Emery was selected as the captain for the brand-new deep space exploration ship. Norin worked in the Intergalactic Research and Exploration team that found, managed, educated, trained and organized the crews for the any new government funded space vessels. Their relationship was for long just professional since they only knew each other by the name and only met in the most official meetings. Also Norin had just lost his wife. Then the organization they both worked got in the middle of some political conflict which ended very badly. What happened is the usual; yada yada corrupted leaders yada yada rebellious movements yada yada pew pew for the justice and so on.

When the worst smoke cleared Norin was one of the newly formed independent state’s diplomats, and Emery was celebrated rebel captain. They met more often and less formally now that the new state’s intergalactic relations had to be reformed, renewed or created. Captain Emery and his crew, as well other captains and their crew, would take the diplomats on the planets they needed to go. Norin noticed he always preferred Emery’s ship, thought he’d tell himself it was because of he was the best in his job, not because Norin just wanted to be around him. After some self-reflection he worked up some nerve to actually start flirting with Emery when he had a chance. Eventually they started dating but since they wanted to keep work and personal life separated, they agreed to be subtle. They weren’t. It was awkward but very gossip rich time for the crew.

They got married couple years ago, and still try to keep their personal lives personal. Emery’s crew is quite nosy, though, but he doesn’t really mind.


Jacob and Cody are dating! Jacob is gay, and Cody is bi. They’re both in college and met eachother there (they also got put in a dorm room together by chance)