So I really like characters with a lot of eyes, and I’m willing to bet I’m not the only one. So if you have some characters with a lot of eyes, I’d love to see them!



I dig his aesthetic and colour scheme; purple and black is a great combo!

Lots of attitude too, I approve 👌👌

 Sabbath blackcoffee

AW MAN :''D thank you so much!! you're too kind


Amos Grey FellowPigeon

Amos has a bunch of eyes. He can change his appearance at will but since his true form has many constantly shifting eyes he likes to have a lot of them when possible since switching from countless incorporeal eyes to two human ones feels weird

Torio Kattenkvvaad

okay so Torio usually has only two eyes, but more eyes open all over their blood-goop when they get angry or very emotional



That’s a really cool explanation for them! Also he’s super pretty acH 💞💞


AH thank you so much! I really didn’t have a particular inspiration, in fact Pandora was originally just a colour test (hence why she’s far more brightly coloured than any other of my OCs)! I wanted kind of a trippy feel for that test pice, so I went with the distorted pupils and here we are hah

Maddox is so good,, I love that blink animation a lot woah; super neat design in general!


I have a weak spot for spider-inspired characters so I can’t help but love her; the colour combo is great too!


A beauty!! I love the golden hooves and hands (or are they gauntlets?) a lot aH! The gold details go so well with their eye colour too!

Cotton VladimirsAngel

Cotton is one of my favourite multi eyed kitties



So many eyes and so much fluff, the perfect combo!

Dewey Demon SonieTheDog

5 eyes! I also have DC, who has 3~



Ooh that’s dope, I’m loving the lanterns too! Gives that nice supernatural being feel 👌👌


I want to hug Dewey they’re so cute

DC is super dope!! I’ve seen a lot of feral demon characters but this is definitely one of my faves! Everything just comes together super nicely. Lykoi is a great breed choice for this kind of character too imo!

uzh pixiekinz

four of them, for good seeing



I never knew trolls could be adorable but she’s precious!! ;o;