Show Off Your Newest Character!

Posted 8 years, 2 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Azior Blye Isoprene

i am earnestly shocked that there wasn't already a thread like this?? (if there is let me know!)

Anyway, this is a thread where you, well, show off your newest character! Maybe you just got an adopt you love, maybe you finally gave an old character a profile here, maybe you just came up with a new character idea, or maybe you finally finished a bio for a character that was already up but technically consider that to be your newest character since they're the newest complete one! Either way you can post here IC or just link to their profile to show them to everyone! Or both! You can give a little summary of your character, ramble about the ideas you have for your newest design so you don't forget, compliment someone's new OC, or congratulate people on getting a design they really wanted! I love exclamation points!!

I just finished up Azior's profile, which I'm really happy about because now I can finally show off the commission I recently got of him that I'm still screaming about because it's really damn good!!! He's a gunslinging thief who lives for the adrenaline rushes that breaking the law gives him. He's no stranger to bank robbery, kidnapping, and murder... and yet, somehow he wound up on a journey to save the world alongside a bunch of other villainous scoundrels and some happy-go-lucky kid who evidently isn't the best judge of character. He's one of my favorite OCs, and even though I haven't actually written anything with him yet I love thinking about all of the interactions he has with the other characters in his story. All of his character dynamics are pretty golden, so once I get the other characters from his story up it'll be fun to get working on his links!

Now I just have to decide what kind of format I'm going to use for the stats and skills section for all of the RPG Hell characters... I'm torn between using RPGMaker's default stuff (since that's probably what I'd end up making RPG Hell in if I wasn't super lazy) or writing said sections up as though they were Disgaea FCs (since I'm a Huge Nerd and make Disgaea stat sheets for all of my OCs that might exist in a game setting). But I'll worry about that later! For now I'm off to work on another profile. B)

Mr baxton beankid

Expanding on a story with this lil guy don’t worry he’s sweet 


:D]I got her from my friends end of a moodboard design trade she’s soo precious !! 

Idk what lore to give her though ✨ 

Gala Kantan

pretty new character that has been consuming my every waking thought >.>
she’s technically not even done yet, i don’t have her lore all figured out

but oh my god i’ve been listening to music imaging animations with her along to them for HOURS lmao

she’s inspired by apples !! 🍎 

Daisy (comfort sona) solarlxnar_

This is my gal, Daisy! I love her so much ❤️ 

Weedcat Everleaf

this is my newest thang. i think hes gonna be a new hyperfixation sdnsnsdfbn

Daria mugwump_noodles666

This is Daria my new helluva boss oc she is half a sucubus and half imp

Sucker beankid

Just made em for the funzies of a fan character 

still needs a name tho 

Brooke Ali-Bassey nauko

Main daughter in comic!

Red Beryl Starry_Kat

I got this awesome gem oc from someone giving away freebies and I love them! Im so happy to have a SU oc

Sierpinski CubicPulsar

new mech boi

Professor Pancakes Linkachu

This is a cat which is a stack of pancakes I recently received, need I say more on why I find him amazing?

 FB DarcyDraws

made a carapician character!! They're my first one!

FB, aka Faineant Benefactor aka Forsaken Beggar 

idk I think they're pretty cool!

Lucifer Joji Vasiler KilljoyLights

Not new creation wise, but new design wise!

Tet 🌿🍓 Tetryyn

im a vtuber and i recently decided to rebrand into a new design ( my IC)!! 

i am now a brown and white strawberry tea fox girl that lives in a big beautiful cabin in the woods and grows and eats strawberries a lot as that is my favorite fruit!! i sometimes even take a stroll out to the city which isn't that far away from my cabin to go get a cup of chai tea from my best friends cafe or even sometimes offers to help out at the cafe if needed!!

i unfortunately only have the ref sheet as this is still a very recent decision for rebranding (and i've been broke so i can't comm art) so yea;;