"Show me X" Masterthread

Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Edited 1 year, 7 months ago) by nightlustrous

Did this list help you find what you wanted?

110 Votes Yes, thanks!
6 Votes No, but I've linked a thread in the comments to add to the list!
7 Votes No, I couldn't find what I wanted.

Want to show off a character, but can't find a thread to put them in?

Please consider checking this Google Doc to see if there's a thread for your character!
You can use Ctrl+Alt+M to submit a thread directly to the document!

⚠️ 🔞

  • Please be warned - possible trigger words will not be censored in this list.
    If you are triggered by uncensored words, please browse with caution, or consider using a browser extension to censor/replace the words for you.

  • 18+ threads may be in the list. These will be marked with an (18+) and highlighted in red.
    Please browse responsibly and do not access 18+ threads if you are a minor.

I am subscribed to this thread, please do NOT @ ping me!
Please consider bumping occasionally to help others find what they're looking for!


Skuggornas-Labs added! Thank you <3


Comment bumping to refresh the thread timer and allow other users to bump!





+ suggesting a "religion" category somewhere, and a "food" category under themes/inspiration :O


USB_SHTICK Thanks for the suggestion! I usually make dedicated sections when there's more than 2 threads for that type (like with the Fandom threads). Right now I don't have any religion related threads, and there's only one food related thread, but if you can find more threads that fit those categories, please let me know and I'll add them!


Dunkaccino I actually do have a section for dark content; I'll put it there for you!


how does adding to here work? and could I add my own thread if it fits?


pinkieglitterheart yes! As long as it's a "show me" type thread, you're free to add it.

You can either submit it directly to the document with Ctrl+Alt+M, or just leave a link to it here and I'll add it for you!


bumping cause it's been a month


It's been a long while since I checked in here, sorry everyone!

Updated July 9, 2023:

  • cleared some gibberish someone put in the suggestions (side note: please don't do this, it actively makes this list harder to maintain)
  • added pending suggestions & anything on the front page that wasn't already on here