"Show me X" Masterthread

Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Edited 1 year, 7 months ago) by nightlustrous

Did this list help you find what you wanted?

110 Votes Yes, thanks!
6 Votes No, but I've linked a thread in the comments to add to the list!
7 Votes No, I couldn't find what I wanted.

Want to show off a character, but can't find a thread to put them in?

Please consider checking this Google Doc to see if there's a thread for your character!
You can use Ctrl+Alt+M to submit a thread directly to the document!

⚠️ 🔞

  • Please be warned - possible trigger words will not be censored in this list.
    If you are triggered by uncensored words, please browse with caution, or consider using a browser extension to censor/replace the words for you.

  • 18+ threads may be in the list. These will be marked with an (18+) and highlighted in red.
    Please browse responsibly and do not access 18+ threads if you are a minor.

I am subscribed to this thread, please do NOT @ ping me!
Please consider bumping occasionally to help others find what they're looking for!


//gonna go ahead and quietly add any threads that I see weren't added yet

Added until page 20, the last being "Your nicest characters"!


ElithianFox suggestions accepted, thank you!!!


I kinda wish this thread (or a thread like this) got stickied even. :D It's a wonderful compilation. Hopefully it'll help topics from just sort of dying off after a few posts and an identicalone being made a couple of months later due to that.


gravesight oh heck, that must have been a suggestion goof! I'll fix that <3 thanks for letting me know!



I'm doing a little bit of extra sorting, so please don't be alarmed if something looks missing or you notice stuff moved or is moving around!
I'm moving things around to be a little more clean and organized, nothing will be deleted!

ALSO: Threads will now display by their full name to make it easier to avoid posting the same thread more than once.


This is an extremely helpful masterlist! Thank you for making it!


thank u for this


"cold ham" melodramatic stoics

fancy edgelords


lophiusdragon both have been added~


I think this one is neat: show me your autistic ocs!! while I just made this one Show me OCs you don't like sharing too much (maybe it might fit activity or meaningfulness in the about section?)


LeoLeonis both added~ I put the sharing one in activity (good call!)

Valra This thread's just for showing off already existing things, but thanks for suggesting it!
You could probably put this on the 📝 Character Development Resource Hub, though, it definitely fits in there! It's the stickied thread in the Character Discussion board, so it should be easy to find.