"Show me X" Masterthread

Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Edited 1 year, 7 months ago) by nightlustrous

Did this list help you find what you wanted?

110 Votes Yes, thanks!
6 Votes No, but I've linked a thread in the comments to add to the list!
7 Votes No, I couldn't find what I wanted.

Want to show off a character, but can't find a thread to put them in?

Please consider checking this Google Doc to see if there's a thread for your character!
You can use Ctrl+Alt+M to submit a thread directly to the document!

⚠️ 🔞

  • Please be warned - possible trigger words will not be censored in this list.
    If you are triggered by uncensored words, please browse with caution, or consider using a browser extension to censor/replace the words for you.

  • 18+ threads may be in the list. These will be marked with an (18+) and highlighted in red.
    Please browse responsibly and do not access 18+ threads if you are a minor.

I am subscribed to this thread, please do NOT @ ping me!
Please consider bumping occasionally to help others find what they're looking for!

Annabeth Lovecraft OPIATHE

helloooo but heres a character i wanted to show lol. She's been through a lot but in my webcomic she's going to get better


cyanne Added it into a new category under ART/STORIES/CODING! tysm!


Don't be buried nice masterthread!




Bumping for visibility!


Bumping for a revive! I'm about to go through and add if there's any suggestions on the doc.

Yhonatan Rafter Korsithk

Bomp for visibility


Visibility bump! 



S.A.M. pog_fish

Da boi is 69th pos🎉🎉


hello hello! i have a few threads that could be added! https://toyhou.se/~forums/207.character-discussion/208855.show-your-oc-that-youre-most-proud-of- https://toyhou.se/~forums/207.character-discussion/210155.show-me-your-tall-ocs- https://toyhou.se/~forums/207.character-discussion/211573.show-your-force-users-


I've added them!! tysm


thread for roblox ocs 👉👈