You WILL let me ask about your ocs. [temp closed]

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago (Edited 3 years, 6 months ago) by damascus

I am currently unable to keep up due to having moved, but I will come back to this thread when I can!

(holding out my hand) give me your OCs. Let me ask questions.

100% inspired by Trowa's super trendy post! It got me all hyped up to talk about my own OCs, and so I want to pay it forward to everyone else.

Pick one OC. Post IC, and I'll read through your OC's profile and find questions to ask you. It might take me some time, but I'll be sure to get back to everyone. Don't worry about how many people are ahead of you, I'll get to ya!

I’m amazed by the traction this thread got! We had over 250 posts when I unfortunately had to close it, and now I'm bringing it back! It’s so much fun to read profiles I might not have otherwise even found, and then get to dig deep into their backgrounds with questions! I have seen a couple of people say that they might want to ask me questions; this is 100% NOT required and if you just want to drop a character and come back to answer questions, you are valid in that!

But if you DO want to ask me about my characters in turn, I would recommend Apocalypse Tokyo! (Although you’re free to venture into others, of course!) This is just my active folder that I work on regularly. Or, if you want to ask about an underdeveloped world, "of the rising sun" is my new project. Once again, NOT required. No need to feel pressured to think something up!

Freylise Swan Terra255

Sure, go for it. If there's not enough to work with for questions, that's okay; I'm new here, so everything is under construction at the moment.

Myra Dreadmire Lord_Karoshi

She's still one foot in development and the other two are legacy characters. Ask away.

What was Myra's mysterious life like pre-piratehood? Mostly normal life save for her military background and demise. She was brought back as a Cyborg and served more time before leaving and stealing a ship.
Does she remember her youth fondly, or does she avoid thinking of it? She remembers it but it was very long ago. She has taken numerous character influences in her design and one of them was T260-G from SaGa. She is older than some planets. As such she sees no reason to bring up a past no one else could have ever known.
How did she become commander of the HWSS; did she climb the ranks or was she just so powerful, they had to install her as the commander right away? HWSS stands for Heavy Weight Star Ship, the ship's name is Thunderstrike. I was a military craft she stole it when she left her homeplanet eons ago. It is a modern 'Ship of Theseus' as every square inch was replaced, upgraded or destroyed over the years. Regardless it has always been her ship throughout it all. She's in charge solely do to that and the fact she has been augmented and modified even more then the ship has.


I have this baby uvu

North Winterfell

Zachary Asurriel SymeSynth

Newest character that I've got, so! Feel free to ask stuff!


Question batch #1 ! Batch #2 coming soon to a theater near you!


What was Freylise's life like at the orphanage? What about once she became a maid? Did she have any friends there? What was the hardest part of working as a maid at the castle? While travelling, what is her role in ZZ. Forestor II's party?


What was Myra's mysterious life like pre-piratehood? Does she remember her youth fondly, or does she avoid thinking of it? How did she become commander of the HWSS; did she climb the ranks or was she just so powerful, they had to install her as the commander right away?


What was North's youth like, in Fresh Snow--or was she fully formed and fully matured when she appeared? When she was created, did she have a sense of childlike wonder and naivete, or has she always been distrusting, always believing anything could go wrong? What does her heightened perception look like in action; does she hear a voice in her ear telling her to trust so-and-so, or does their aura shine a certain color if they've got bad intentions?


What is Echo's relationship with Jean like? Do they try to get along, or fight a lot? I see that they're not sure how to make contact with each other; what have they tried so far? What do they think of each other?


I love me a good rude evil spirit that won't get out of their host's body... Anyway: How does his connection with Aaron work? Can Aaron take control sometimes, or is it Alistar at the wheel, always? How long has it been since Alistar died? Was he "awake" during that time; i.e. was he aware of time passing him by? How does he feel about the situation, being in Aaron's body, and how does Aaron feel in turn?


This character is super interesting! Wowza. How did you come up with the idea to make a dream eating shrimp demon? Does Phérein consider himself evil for feeding off his prey, or is it business as usual, all a part of the great circle of life? What's his favorite type of dream to eat? Where does he like to travel to best? What was his greatest adventue?


I see that Roswell has trouble both emoting and reading emotions off of humans; how does he communicate if someone is unable to understand his hand lights? Is it a stoplight system--red for stop, yellow for slow, green for go ahead? When does he need to or choose to use his memory modifying powers? Does he just like to do it? I've never actually seen this species of pokemon before; what gave you the idea to turn Roswell into a gijinka with these characteristics?


Why is the ball-jointed doll look popular among the Creation-based gods? What was Ashley's early life like, before she became Azriel? What did she think in her last moments alive as a mortal? Are Azriel and Devina close, now that they're both gods?

 🌹Celeste🌹 kaijuuteeth

Maybe this girl? :3


Batch #2!


HELLO I LOVE DJANGO... I am SO curious about his relationships with other people. Is he seeing anyone (or anyones) right now? What does he look for in a partner? What turns him away from other people; personality turn-offs, if you will. How did he choose to become a bounty hunter? Did he always want to be one because of his interest in the southwestern US/cowboy lifestyle? Where did he grow up? And does his claustrophobia stem from any particular incident(s)?


I see a version of Zachary in the gallery with all red hair; does he dye it blond, and red is his natural color, or does it change shades? What IS Zachary; what are all of the Zachary/ies? What does the Jubilant Aesthete do really?


I see Celeste lives in Vancouver, and her history references her mother's partying, but her outfit arts look very regal and royal, in that goth/punk style. My question: Why does Celeste like to dress that way? Does she like to feel like a princess, or does she have some sort of royal blood; or is she rebelling by dressing that way? What is life like at her grandmother's house? How does she get along with her siblings?

 Tome (+ Salagon) MolaMola

here's Tome!

Reid McKinley ★ jukeboxes

AYO this is so cool! I'm down! :)