You WILL let me ask about your ocs. [temp closed]

Posted 4 years, 15 days ago (Edited 3 years, 7 months ago) by damascus

I am currently unable to keep up due to having moved, but I will come back to this thread when I can!

(holding out my hand) give me your OCs. Let me ask questions.

100% inspired by Trowa's super trendy post! It got me all hyped up to talk about my own OCs, and so I want to pay it forward to everyone else.

Pick one OC. Post IC, and I'll read through your OC's profile and find questions to ask you. It might take me some time, but I'll be sure to get back to everyone. Don't worry about how many people are ahead of you, I'll get to ya!

I’m amazed by the traction this thread got! We had over 250 posts when I unfortunately had to close it, and now I'm bringing it back! It’s so much fun to read profiles I might not have otherwise even found, and then get to dig deep into their backgrounds with questions! I have seen a couple of people say that they might want to ask me questions; this is 100% NOT required and if you just want to drop a character and come back to answer questions, you are valid in that!

But if you DO want to ask me about my characters in turn, I would recommend Apocalypse Tokyo! (Although you’re free to venture into others, of course!) This is just my active folder that I work on regularly. Or, if you want to ask about an underdeveloped world, "of the rising sun" is my new project. Once again, NOT required. No need to feel pressured to think something up!


Sorry for the delay folks! Busier day at work, so I didn't get to type up questions on the clock... I'll start posting more questions here again tonight!

Desiree McCormick Amber-Lynne

Here's a character you can ask questions about! Or Casey as they are two of my oldest OC's.


Question batch! Sorry it took so long ;0;


How did Caelestis get into flower arranging? If he were to uproot from his job and try something new, what would he do? Has he ever picked up a hobby and immediately given up on it, or does he stick it out until he's good at it? Of all the worlds and realities he's travelled through, does he have a favorite, or a least favorite, and why?


Was Adula and Talon's circus act popular? Who created them? What did Adula do to become stronger; did she train with a weapon or hone her skills? Did she have a least favorite outfit? Were there any experiences in the circus that stood out as being very positive or negative for her?


Danny has some personality traits that would typically clash; is he both sweet and cocky at the same time? Cocky in a sweet way? Or do these traits kind of come and go--i.e. he can be a real cocky jerk sometimes, but sweet when he needs to be? What gives him the most trouble in school--paying attention, studying, not goofing off during class, remembering information? What inspired his fashion sense in-universe i.e. when, why, or how did he begin dressing in clothes that would be considered feminine?


Intrigued by Adella's info. Hers and her people's freedom appears to have been taken. How, why, by whom? How is she bringing that freedom back? Is there anyone who helps or hinders her along the way? Whose beliefs does she have to change, and what are those beliefs?


What draws Meeri to cats and animals? Does she like the animals on her homeworld as well, if there are any? What fascinates her about religion? Being away from her homeworld is listed as a dislike; does she leave it often? When she travels, where does she go, for how long? Why doesn't she like interacting with other sentient species?


What a fascinating guy. Why does he LIKE his haters? He hates disappointing others himself--what does this stem from? How did he meet Coco and Hyojun? What do they like to do together? Does Loop humor Hyojun's belief that he's a vampire, or is he the one mocking him for it?

CreativeRed -- I hold the robit...

Love the concept of a "futuristic RPG innkeep." A character whose job is to greet everyone who passes through and give them all the deets... Anyway: Has Minaj ever declined or refused to pass a quest on to someone, for any reason? Ethical reasons, or because the patron asking for the quest will certainly be injured or die on it? Is there anything Minaj would LIKE to do outside work but doesn't have the drive for? Is there anything that they could be convinced to do outside of work? What drew you to this design? How did you name them?


Has George ever been stolen from? Is there any food or sauce too hot for him? He has favorite flowers, how did he choose them? What significance do they have? Is his heterochromia naturally occuring, or does he wear contacts?


Amber-Lynne -- sorry for missing you on the last batch!

Why is Desiree so selfless, to the point where she'll put someone else's well being before her own? In what way was her life in danger before her 24th birthday, that Jaden had to turn her to save her? Will Desiree willingly wear something uncute, or does she have to be forced into it? Why does she like cuteness so much? Is there anything too cute for her? When she and Jaden met did they hit it off right away? Was it love at first sight, or did they have to get to know each other a bit first?


cookeycat -- I realized after posting the batch that you had asked a question for me and I forgot to answer! Bao's weapon of choice would be his void. His superpower allows him to control what is essentially... a black hole, and a big shadow monster? He can create these shadowy things and erase other things from the world. He uses his void powers to get around, too! As for mice... he thinks they're unclean. He'll pet one, but he definitely wouldn't want to hold one for any prolonged period of time.


Ahh, so many good questions, thank you!

So for the answers: Yes, Minaj has refused to pass on a quest. Usually how it works is that someone will come in looking for a quest, and most of the barstaff will be able to tell roughly who would be best for which quests. They'll usually give the patron a few quests to pick from, and then let them know if that quest has been given out to anyone else (Basically it works much like a bounty system, where anyone can finish any quest they want, but the bartenders are there to keep some order in all the chaos and only let patrons know of each quest a certain amount of times). They've had people come in that seem like hooligans just looking for a way to get cash fast that usually involves screwing over the client or Chrome. The bartenders can spot these guys pretty quickly and don't hesitate to kick them out. 

As for what they'd like to do, there are plenty of things they've never experienced, that maybe they could see if they enjoy, but they don't miss what they haven't met, and they really don't care to think too much about what they can't do. Too much work and not enough time in the day to do much else. They really do enjoy hearing stories from the bar patrons, though. Maybe in another universe, they're part of a crew! 

I was drawn to this design and a few others, and I was lucky enough to get them in a package deal as the previous owner was looking to get rid of a few characters. I absolutely adore poodle characters and I couldn't help but snatch up a few poodles for my collection.

(If you're curious, I got Minaj, Kate, Marcy,  and Saturn

As for their name, I'm not really sure. Obviously the subconscious is from Nicki Minaj, but usually when I'm naming a character, I tend to try out a few hings that pop into my head until something just feels right. I couldn't think of anything space themed and I didn't want to go the alien route and give them  a strange name like Saiph'Ar or Saorise-Of-The-Stars, and I wanted a first name, no last name, and Minaj just kinda came to mind and I was like "yes"


damedanbo Absolutely no problem~<3 I get that it happens ^ ^

Also, in answer.... Desiree is super selfless because she knows how it is to not be in a good position. She didn't have the best upbringing, and as a result, she went to the extreme of 'I won't let anyone else suffer like I did'. So... she goes out of her way in whatever way she physically can, to help someone else.

When Jaden had to bite her to save her, she'd been bitten by another vampire. Said vampire had drained her and decided to .... leave her as is. Now, one thing to note, is in the world they're in, vampires have an extreme 'charm' to them that they can use to make their victim cooperate. It really does borderline hypnosis or outright mind control, to an extent. Desiree was left in that state, and it would have caused her to effectively implode on herself, probably leading to drastic measures because she literally could do nothing to try and fix it (as it's dimensional fuckery that caused it to happen in the first place). So... in order to fix that and save Desiree's sanity, mental state and life, he had to bite and turn her.

Ohh, she'll wear something cute without issue. She just has a preference for cute stuff. Mostly because growing up she didn't have the chances to wear stuff that she thought was cute, and she just thinks she's a cute person overall, so why not just embrace it? And too cute? Desiree doesn't understand that concept.

When they first met, it wasn't hard to guess that there was a definite connection. Both were easily attracted to the other in one way or another. He'd go so far as to say that it was love at first sight, and so would Desiree... were she not so hesitant and wary. She denied that forever, denied the existence of love at first sight.... before eventually coming to terms with the fact that that's why she even gave him a chance in the beginning - considering their contrasting appearances. So... to truncate - yes, love at first sight for him. She wanted to get to know him first, but realised later that it was the same for her.

(Those are super good questions too, thanks!)



She doesnt like the 2010s do to not liking the technology being to modern the fashion The music cancel culture etc

She doesnt like smart phones

because she can just do the stuff she can do with a smart phone on her tablet and she can call and text etc on her flip phone and the price

The most Nostalgic thing for her in the 2000s is the Music and fashion

Her favorite nintendo game is At least for the Gamecube is Animal Crossing but other then that to her it doesnt matter what genre or whatever it is as long as she likes it

Shes only stubborn when she doesnt want to do something or if people piss her off

Her favorite Flavor of Boba is Strawberry tea/Strawberry milk tea Her favorite add ins are Obviously Strawberries,Lychee,Boba,Popping Boba

Shes Extroverted so she has friends but her close friend is Hot coco

PEEKO Johtozo

∪ ^ ㅅ.^ ∪)/

 (Dainty) Lore 🌟 Sriho-san

This thread looks really interesting! If you don't mind, I'd love to see what kind of question you'd ask this character.

Ardulyrr Arabarn ChosenUndeaad

No one ever asks stuff about this precious bean, so here she is 

🐊Charlie Roughscale👓 ♕ VincentTheServal

This is such a cool idea! Maybe you'd enjoy reading about my gal Charlie! :)