🌠🌠Show me your Starbound ocs 🌠🌠

Posted 3 years, 20 hours ago (Edited 3 years, 20 hours ago) by Iverazi Rockfish


I just loving seeing/reading about starbound ocs so much

Iverazi is one of my babies. He is not my player character but one of my cremates on my current save. I used to hate his design but now he is one of my most spoiled ocs and takes up most of my brain space   

Bullet Rockfish


Yooo, novakid name twins!

Your guy looks a billion time better though!🦀💜💖

Zeke AstroDeer

i just think novakids are neat 👉👈

hes an old oc of mine, but hes not fleshed out super well. he's got some neat art though !!



Love is stored in the Novakid💛

I love their design! Also, adding the sprite sheets was a pretty neat idea!


Rockfish thanks! i haven't played starbound in a while. this thread has given me motivation to pick it back up! 0:



I’ve got mad respect for that, I spent months working on a mod just for it to royally corrupt everything. Regardless, Starbound modders are a different breed, I’ve never played a crappy Starbound mod before 

 Jack Colby Sealsona


I picked it up again a few weeks ago (right before finals season, like a fool), and I've been working on characters again for the first time in a few years! Most of them are still hidden at the moment since I'm working out bios/the main storyline still, but my Starbound folder features a few kiddos :3

One of my favorites right now is Colby! I've wanted a (Starbound) penguin for a while, and my brand of character is always just "gremlin" so they've been fun figuring out weheh >:3

I also just commissioned these sprites of her from my roommate, and they're so good I want people to look at them...




I love all of them??

And your penguin is so cool! I’ve never seen a Starbound penguin Oc before but I feel honored  that I got to see yours 

hedron sweathie

I haven't played starbound in a LOOOOONG while. hedron was my PC when playing! I need to pick it back up- a friend recommended it to me, god, maybe seven years ago now? It was in beta at that point. I need to revisit it because I know 0 lore and know so much got added and changed.



I love your character!💖

And the game has changed quite a bit since then, I personally really loved the bounty hunter update which finally gave us a novakid Npc so I highly recommend revisiting it sometime!💛🦀

Vitae QuazarStar

My angsty boy Vitae, secret Miniknog turncoat monke man....

My other character is Benzene, who has less backstory but more pictures, including her crew :D



I don’t think I’ve ever seen an apex oc before but he looks sick!

And your novakid + crew are also so cool!🦀💖 

Chrome charmingterror

I have a Novakid, Chrome, and Lyceen named Linko!! I lov them with my life