Post Your Unnamed Characters - Suggest Names!

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Fvhn

Post your unnamed characters, and suggest names for everyone else's! 

Brirk Princess-TF-ofAzurel

I need a name for this draggo ;w;
he's a dude



Mint kinda looks like a Kaza or Kazu to me? Kazuma?

 Radames Price Solimbrem

this man from the Victorian era resides in London, born in Egypt, not a clue for a name tbh

marcy htespagheti

pwease,,, i need names for at least one of these 3,,, 

i have names for all of them now ty!

[$20] Yurita [Demon Spider] Exeidur

I still need a name for this lovely creature! I'm thinking something Asian/demonic at least... But I have no clue.

Galahad ChosenUndeaad

I'm still looking for a name for this dude.

He's a vampire dread lord, and I'm looking for some cool names that would go well with his edgy design :0

Cadmus Jojo_Paku

I honestly have no clue on his name, but he is mad at the universe. 

 Lynae nincompoop

htespagheti the only one i can see is unnamed is the mouse spider dude. possible names are: richard, gavin, carter, gnash, orben, leucauge or tibellus. 

Exeidur perhaps Arcadia, Sabrina, Kenna, Canaan, Clemence, or Neveia

ChosenUndeaad cadence or credence? the only edgy names i can think of are Axel, Crashen, Cannon, Gavern or Absinthe. 

jojobean idk, but Cadmus kinda feels sorta right. otherwise, haru, alwin, cartein or archer.

tentaclecuddles i think soliel is a pretty interesting name! castrei? it was based off castor. otherwise, since i think you're going with a spacey name, perhaps astrien/astriene or nashen.

 SpunkySkunk to be renamed? what was the original name? maybe jessie, hope, lanniet, paris or airi. 

note; 'it' is my only current kiddo without a name so that's why i put him up. i dont really need a name for him.

unamed amymist

i love this lil guy, but i am so useless at names...

Dylan Memesogic

I feel like his name doesn’t fit him? Idk, any names that fit is fine

 Sarya Oath 💊 Thanaturgist

I'm struggling to find a name for this boyo.

"Lucy" Ranohara

@Thanaturgist- Immediate thought was Sashimi for some reason OTL but Seth, Takeshi, Mashiro, or Gage?

Exeidur - Maybe Kuma? It could be a combination of the japanese words for spider (Kumo) and nightmare (akuma). Jorogumo are spider-women yokai in Japan. Amaya or Shinori ('night rain' and 'weave / poem' respectively!)

If anyone would like to help name this witchy girl, I'd super appreciate it! <3


I don't have a picture of her yet but I'm revamping an old furry character I stole from a pal as a teen into a new human character so I can use her in different writing. Her old name was Skyfire, and just for the pun I think her surname should be Blaise (blaze, geddit?) Can't think of a "sky" punny name appropriate for the pseudo-Victorian setting I want to use her in though.