Post Your Unnamed Characters - Suggest Names!

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Fvhn

Post your unnamed characters, and suggest names for everyone else's! 


SuperLunala I'm really liking Bianco!

Ria Anomalydoll

This crazy sparkly dog needs a name still!


How about Rico?


Well, you could call her Kaitlin or Katrina or Kate.

October redacteds

Suggest any names (Any gender names bc I'm still deciding theyre gender)!!


Uh... not the best names, but... Red, Autumn, Jellybean, Sparkle(s), Kichiro or Kichira (depending on gender), Fawn, Winter, or Spot.


for october)

im honestly horrible at naming things, but

human names sorta; peyton, tyler, jaime, arlem, april, levi/levia, reed/reid

other names sorta; kenscol, dervain, jaquei/jaqueia, tendril, nartis, ivelyn, jeston, galaxy


Lotor Not sure why, but I feel like he should have a name that starts with an L.

Leon, Lucas, or Logan, I think all sound pretty fitting!

cecily addams lordsatin

just got this kiddo and i have no ideas


here's a few ideas i had:

  • Tabitha - like tabby cat
  • Milo - like meow (kinda)
  • Calico - like calico cat
 * <3 Mishka MY PERFECT SON wani

lordsatin I don't know if I though of Milo because I saw it in your comment but--

Milo, Milena, Natasha? Just seems like an M or N name to me 8"D

I also need help with this kid T__T

 Abalone sleepy

any suggestions for my dumb troll /goblin/orc/im not rly sure