Do you own any of your dream charas?

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 7 years, 6 days ago) by SpaceSheepy

ok so I've acquired quite a few of my dream characters and I'm super happy about it! I was wondering if any of you guys out there own any of your dream babies and if so how many and who are they?<3 to see min you can click the Dream Ocs tag on my page haha

UP FOR OFFERS Arkhangelia

Also these babies :3 [Orki] Ayaka & [Orki] Kagura


Not really. I have a few I really want that I have yet to acquire ;;

 Archie SpaceSheepy

Just got this boi! He was a dreamy for about a week because he was made like a week or so ago and I was immediately in love, and the creator ended up deciding to sell him, I’m so happy to have him he’s such a sweetie!

Mache, 3885 ohdeerymeee

I can just make all my dream characters because I'm an artist and I don't really care about most CS, but I recently got my first Esk!  She's not exactly what I wanted yet but since she's from an ARPG I'll be able to upgrade her to exactly what I want eventually.   I joined the ARPG she's from after months of debating with myself about it, so I've had time to decide what I wanted her to be.

Other than that, I've been meaning to make myself a superhero character for a while, and I made this character not too long ago.  I haven't finished her yet (still need a name and a civilian ref), but I'm pretty happy with her so far!

Aphrodite SunsetCatto

She was my first adopt and I'm so happy I managed to grab her first ^^


I have this bb

And this bb uwu

Nova ($70) honeygecko

This baby <3 my friend gifted them to me because I couldn’t afford them 🥺


There's 1 character that means the world to me but I have yet to get her 😔

♛Markus♛ LifeInCartoonMotion

I saw this guy's original ref on an artist's page I really liked and was like "Ah man, that's the kind of design I'm looking for!". Then, like, some months later, someone I watch did a purge on their Toyhouse and BOOM! There he was!

Laddio MagicMan

Humble beginnings as a lil sketchy adopt but i loved him when i saw him