Do you own any of your dream charas?

Posted 7 years, 19 days ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by SpaceSheepy

ok so I've acquired quite a few of my dream characters and I'm super happy about it! I was wondering if any of you guys out there own any of your dream babies and if so how many and who are they?<3 to see min you can click the Dream Ocs tag on my page haha

Eula KuroMizana

Dream girl right here. Soon as I saw her, I knew I had to get her and I did! I'm so happy yo have her

Elianna is also another one and she was gifted to me by my best friend for my birthday last year.

Shō Crimson-Catalyst

i fell head over heels for this absolute darling when he was posted as an adopt but i was wildly too late to get him!! i lucked out that he was posted on toyhouse when i looked on a whim months later and his owner hadn't really clicked with him either so he was for sale! :'33 im really not the type to fall so desperately in love with adopts (especially at the time) but i could not stop thinking about him

he was designed on a ball-jointed doll base BUT i also collect actual bjds so! i've made plans to make him a real doll too tho its gonna be a long road lol

✧˖°Tomoko KamiKoi

Absolutely her!! I adored her since she was created and I never ever thought about to ever own this beauty 

Tabby MistCat

I saw this cutie for trade and I was thinkin about her for days, after my character offer declined, my lovely friend bought her for me and AAA I am so dang happy. 

♠️ Yurie ♠️ Starbunnie

I loved this boy’s design so much and I’m so glad I managed to nab him!

 zhao wen grimsgrave

THIS GIRL shes so freaking pretty,,,the moment I saw her I knew I needed to give her my all   

Yue SunsetCatto

I've been watching MLP:FiM since I was 9 (I'm turning 19 this month) and have always loved Princess Luna - So, I always wanted a dark moon princess to call my own ! And many years later I finally have her !!! Yue is perfect and I love her so much, and I'm sure younger me would too <3

Jamba Juice/Crybaby purrfectapawcalypse

jamba juice n seth !!! iive wanted them for over 3 months and fiinally got them,, they make me super happie..


I saw him like 6 months ago, and really fell in love with him hahaha Unfortunately, I couldn't buy him the first time his first owner sell him. But suddenly a couple months ago, the second owner was selling him. He only cost me $1USD!!!