Do you own any of your dream charas?

Posted 7 years, 19 days ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by SpaceSheepy

ok so I've acquired quite a few of my dream characters and I'm super happy about it! I was wondering if any of you guys out there own any of your dream babies and if so how many and who are they?<3 to see min you can click the Dream Ocs tag on my page haha

Neami xMoonyx_o7

This gal :3

Lotus PrinceTiramisu

I seen this boyo when i was browsing quite a while ago and hes finally home ;w;

Viho Kelina1080

Him! After four or so years of wondering were this design was and its whereabouts i stumbled upon him up for trade offers and omg i was so happy to finally not only find him but see him up for trades! Boy was he a hassle to actually own/trade for but it was 100% worth it ;v; i fell in love with his design back around 2017 when i saw mishelk posted his design for sale for $40 back on deviantart and saw him get bought immediately it broke my heart but now after so long, he's finally home with me and never going up for resale/trade ever again, he's found his perma home with me ;0;

 🥀 Darby 🥀 fawnilla

Yes!!! I just recently got D'Arby. She had been a dreamy of mine for a while, and I am beyond happy I got her. I immediately got her a nice profile and filled out plenty of personality and story for her.

 Pippy 🍮 purrfectapawcalypse


my dreamies ii currently own are seth , jamba juice , cole and pippy !! they're dreamies iive wanted forever and ii fiinally got them ,,, ii am happe ,,,

ii just got pippy earliier today but ii love she ,,, the ,,

Lavender Dreams SunsetCatto

This girl was an absolute dreamy of mine, I sadly was too late to adopt her originally, but I recently managed to buy her from the person who did ^^

Nina Velvette_of_Kabu

You know I don't really own a dreamie folder, but as soon as I saw Nina I knew I wanted her.  Here's Nina.


aaaaaa I was eyeing this guy for a while, and then I noticed they were in a 4-character raffle!! I came second in said raffle, instantly picking him!! sadly I haven’t really used him since, though I do love him and plan to draw him :)))

Brenna CometTheMountainLion

For me it would be Brenna. I’ve given her a loving home.

Sakura mossyrocks

just got this manokit; i'm so excited to start using them! thankfully it didn't take too much to get them; the other manokits that are on their way will take a little more (not too much more, just some art pieces and a little bit of money)

Saeno ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ GibbieScuits

mmmmmmmmmm yes :]c