Paranormal Stories [IC sharing]

Posted 7 years, 27 days ago (Edited 6 years, 4 months ago) by Boy Scout HEAVENDELUXE


Your character has been invited to tell their story. Do they have any experience with the paranormal?
Are they paranormal themself? Do they just think they are? This guy wants to know about it in an interview.
Just talk into the recorder!

Essentially, tell your character's story of a brush with ghost or aliens, or how they're from space,
et cetera. Full points for doing it in character--this is an interview, after all!

JUDE: "Well, this one time I was out camping, to the
west of here--it's already pretty creepy out there, but
when Cricket and I settled down for the night, we heard
this weird sound .... [the rest of the story]


Have fun! Here's hoping for lots of interviews :D !



@ghostwrassler ya stupit

Fawkes clockrobber

"Okay you're not going to believe this, but one time I was out in the middle of no-where looking for something to eat, right? And I was walking around, right? And I'm looking all over for some berries or some granola bars because hikers are always dropping those things, right?? And while I was looking something hit me! And I was like, what?? And I look around and it's nothing! And I couldn't even find what hit me. I went back to looking for something to eat and I found an acorn. Score! And then.... I got hit AGAIN! Now I'm really freaking out and I'm having a hard time looking for food. I find one more acorn and eat it before shit really hits the fan. There was this demonic chattering and I was attacked by no fewer than one million projectiles. I ran like hell. It's basically a miracle I survived. I think it was probably an alien ghost hybrid. Not going back there ever again!" 


Oh! I'm glad for the chance to tell you about my experiences with the supernatural - I've been a fan since your third or fourth appearance of Cryptofrequency. That haunting you investigated sounded absolutely dreadful...

Anyways - for my own story I would like to share my first brush with the unknown. Do you remember EyeSpyWorks, that old supernatural enthusiast forum? Before the site went down, there was chatter about a possible meeting between werewolves and supernatural hunters in London. I was still studying in the city before heading back west so I decided I would... well... spy on them. The afternoon before their late night clandestine meeting I might have... climbed a good tree and settled in for a wait.

And, well, EyeSpyWorks didn't disappoint. There was an actual meeting - the two groups were planning on teaming up against a local coterie of vampires! I was doing my best to record everything when I... uh.. fell out the tree. It was a more embarrassing and I got yelled at for a while but that was the start of my real experiences of the supernatural!

...drat, I can't stay much longer, have a deadline to finish myself. If you're still up when I finish writing, I'll certainly tell you more. Ta!

Sybil aHoneyBadger

Sybil: "A recorder? That's interesting. Never know what the sorcerers will turn out next. Just talk to it? Well the worst time was when I was seven and..wait no, that's a depressing one. Okay, way better. This has a happy ending! So I was sixteen and me and mine were all caught up in the Katinor War, so...yeah lot of dead folks. I don't care what that Crowned Human claims, most the Covens weren't doing anything worse than the rest of us. No one walked away from that clean. But the Grimkial Coven? Yeah, they were everything you hear about and worse. I had no idea how much worse. I'm a witch, you know? I kind of hope the worst of the stuff you hear is just propaganda from the Trinity States. But...but scorched moon they were harvesting souls to fuel magic. Souls! was an abomination. Anyway, I'm a witch in a war right? You get you to seeing Stag Reapers come to deliver souls to the hereafter. If you're lucky it's just Stags. They come for the warrior souls, the warrior deaths. That's the way it should be. But we got to this village...and well; Katinor War. I shouldn't have seen anything, they'd all been long dead. But Doe and Fawn Reapers were there. Standing in a circle around the borders of that village like an ethereal vanguard. And just beyond them there were-gods there were so many ghost screaming, crying. The Coven had spelled the whole place to ward off the whole slaughter so the spirits were trapped, no way for the Reapers to give them peace. It was-I didn't know you could even do something that foul. I...I promised a happy ending though right? I'm not much for crafting spells, it's too delicate for me. But I've got strength in spades; at least of the magical variety. I smashed that spell in a couple of hours, before that accursed coven could slither on back to claim their prize. The Reapers collected those scared souls and ushered them on; intact one and all. And yeah, that's my story. Got to say I'm glad Reapers normally carry off spirits in a few ticks. Seeing the dead after having to is not an experience I enjoy."  

 Ryo Takahashi unused-account

Ryo: "U-umm...okay. So supposedly, there's a ghost in the school basement. Boys will always dare each other to go down at night, for a chance to see her. They call her Aka Akumu, which roughly translates to "Red Nightmare". I swear, they're the cheesiest idiots...But anyway, one day I was disposing of a b- I mean, some trash, and I decided to put it down in the basement because no one goes very far down there, both because of the ghost and the unsafe piping. As I went down further, the walls...practically turned red. I dumped it down, and as I turned around, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a blur of white. In front of me was a switchblade, covered in blood. I took it home, and now it sits on my mantle. No matter how many times I clean it, it always ends up covered in blood again..."

Serin Databuffer

"Hm. Ok... weird stories for some... conspiracy theory website I imagine... well, I really only have one, because I'm not gonna play up a rodent making noise, or any old space ship in the high atmosphere to be an 'alien story'. This one happened to me on uh... Beta Y-44 I believe..? Maybe it was Y-43... I forget. Anyways, desert planet. Nothing at all. No life, nothing. Just some barren planet that had a crap ton of wind, and a lot of sand. Buut... there was a distress beacon. A human one, for a trading caravan. So I landed to- if I'm being peffectly honest- to rob them. They were gonners anyway right?

So anyway, I hovered over the surface for a good hour or so, scanning to find it. But... when I found it, the ship was already destroyed and looted, and there was this weird figure standing over it- and weird isn't a term you just throw around, you know? Cyborg and robot mods can get pretty intense but... this thing was weird as hell. It had a helmet on, and some sort of gas tank, but besides that, just had this ridged blue armor on it. 

We just sort of stared for awhile- I didn't kniw what it was, and it wasn't really moving at all. I thought it was a weird statue until it just lifted up a gun and decided to shoot me in the chest. I guess it thought that would kill me, and underestimated the whole mostly robot thing, because then it just walked up and started staring again. I thought I was going to die, my systems were shutting down to keep ms intact, but I faughf it. Must've been about 20 minutes or something until it just pushed my head into the sand and... well... then it goes dark. But I woke up in my ship, laying on the floor with my chest bandaged, and hovering in high orbit. It was bizzare..."

JINRAI Raizou aska-ray

Raizou stares at the strange device, but leans towards it anyway. "Well, my club at school investigates weird things, like ghosts. It started because I thought a ghost was trying to kill me. It turns out a demon cat kidnapped my brother and took his place...and then tried to kill me. We, uh, we took care of it.

"A lot of other weird things have started happening recently, so maybe I'll tell you more later."

 Styxy chiliechii_inactive

She leans in close to the recorder, getting rather excited. "Haha~! I see ghosts, spirits, and souls aaaall the time! 🎶 In fact I deal with the departed quite often; although it's souls that I mostly work with. Ghosts are often trapped; either unknowingly, willingly, or unwillingly; in the mortal plain and it's not really my duty to go find them. I hear they can cause quite a bit of trouble though! I may not have any personal ghost stories, but I can tell you experiences regarding my 'job' as a reaper! 🎶 For instance, it's generally straight to the point-- find a mortal who has departed and guide their soul to the afterlife. And depending on their sin-virtue ratio, they're either sent up to heaven or dooown to hell 🎶. As expected, there are all kinds of souls; some are easier to handle than others. Would you like to see one?? I think I have some on me right now! 🎶" 


Forrest Glass clockrobber

 “I haven’t really seen anything unusual, I guess. Being a game warden can bring you out to some pretty remote areas, but it’s pretty much just nature. I think the most out of the ordinary thing we see are the missing people cases. Inevitably people get lost or attacked by an animal, but there are more cases than you can imagine where we locate a campsite that looks like the people just got up and left. You can explain most of it away. People can wander less than a mile from the marked trails and get lost. Someone’s kayak can get overturned even on a nice day and the person could drown. Someone could get unlucky and run into a bear and be killed, eaten, and scavenged on till there is nothing left to find. But sometimes just little things make you wonder. I’ve found sleeping bags balled up like they were cast off in a hurry. Flashlights missing. Just little things that make you think they left in the middle of the night. You don’t have enough to go on and your chances of finding any bodies in situations like that are slim at best.”

“Doubt is a powerful thing and when you start wondering if one thing was as it seemed everything else becomes less certain. Some of the people who vanish are people who are experts in survival, or at least well trained enough not to make dumb mistakes.”

“Then again… If you’ve ever really been out in the wild you’ll notice how cut off you are. That mile from the path? It might as well be a thousand. Everything is dampened. Sometimes even yelling can only be heard when you’re fairly close. You’ve got every predator man has been fighting since the dawn of the time all around you and there is a good chance they know you’re there long before you know they are.”

“So if it’s just nature I guess that’s not paranormal at all. Just… normal, I guess? Uh, well you know. If it’s something else? Well, I don’t know. Maybe it’s insensitive to say this, but there isn’t much of a difference. Some sort of monster luring you into the forest and off the path is unsettling, but the outcome is no different from taking a wrong turn and being thrown out of your element- Or rather back into it. You’ve just lost your ability to protect yourself. If you don’t get lucky you’ll probably die and your remains probably will go unrecovered.”

“I suppose the only real difference is everyone is just going to assume the forest swallowed you up. I don’t know, depending on what you believe maybe they’re still the same.”