Praise/compliment the OC above you!

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 5 years, 8 months ago) by Cryss

There's been a lot of negativity lately, so why not have a thread focusing solely on positivity? c:

This game's purpose is to say what you like about the OC posted above you! This can be about anything you can see on their profile, whether it's design, written content, or both. 



✨New ▶︎ It wasn't clear if you can also post your gallery and let the person choose an OC. You can, but don't have to! If you want a thread specifically made to drop your gallery rather than one OC, go check out @judas-la-carotte's thread here!
▶︎ This thread was written with the idea for the praise to be written OOC. For an IC version of this thread, go here!
▶︎ Don't forget to post IC if you want a specific OC to be praised! Otherwise people have no OC to give praise to and they might have to base the praise off your icon instead.
▶︎ Post a claim comment first, then edit it with your words of praise. That way you're less likely to be ninja'd.
▶︎ You can make it as short or as long as you want, from a single sentence to entire paragraphs.
▶︎ That being said, more complete reasons are always more fun. Try to give it your everything and give the other person something pleasant to read!
▶︎ Don't be rude or passive-aggressive; please refrain from making up things or lying. I know there's no way to verify, but try to claim only if you actually like something about the character!
▶︎ If any issues arise in the thread, please contact me on my main account ElithianFox to resolve them.


Please also only claim at most once every three people to give more people the chance to participate!

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 Njal Jansen Caine

@snowblepard I remember Gigi from a character reaction game and even back then I was really impressed with her bio! She is such a complex character with so many motives she'd be a delight to follow in a story or a series honestly! As a person I can't BELIEVE how she treats her creations, but as a writer her level of selfish is honestly delicious and I admire how much thought you have put into her reasoning behind her actions! Her design is also really nice and unique, I especially like how the clock motif shows even on her body in the form of clock hands! 

eris lyncuria melchior

Caine first off, i love njal's design! he looks so? fluffy? soft?? all of those? also his profile is so detailed!! i haven't read all of it yet, but im gonna have a proper look at it after this, but what im most interested in is his personality! he sounds really sweet and the amount of detail is just. oc goals

njal's just an adorable character on first glance and even more so when i read more of his profile!! hes also very relatable. im also depressed and gay. i feel him on a spiritual level

EEEEEEEeeeeee thank you omg.......bless ur Soule.....

 seth littlebirby

melchior eris looks so hecking cool!!!! the idea of a demon who literally eats time is just??? and the waY the clockwork works in the one photo in his gallery,,, oof everything is super freakin great??? i cant even really put it into words hes an overall interesting and beautiful baby boy,,, tal shakespeare bby,, so unique and perfect,,

(vv) aww thank you!! ;w;

Aethea kirakiraprince


Seth is pretty neat! I love how he has his bio all set up, nice and neat. He has an actual personality and isn't flat. His history is really interesting and he seems like a really giving person. Great OC overall! ^^

Adrian Kuzuryu HowlingCat

*Sweats* kirakiraprince Listen. I love dark skinned characters.  I don't know what it is but when I see them, I can't help but get so giddy,,, Anyway, I love Aethea design and her character.  Her design is nice and simplistic. I honestly want to steal her shirt. She's a lot different than most of the demon characters I usually seen in terms of personality. It's a breath of fresh air if you want to be honest uwu I look forward to seeing you getting around to working on her backstory because I'm really interested in learning more about her character~

Frederick Waltz PicklePantry


I love Persona, so it's very neat seeing a Persona character, especially one as well developed as Adrian. I loved the story you had for him, involving his Persona's awakening, reminded me a lot of P5. I'm also a music major, so seeing an OC in that field is super cool.
Also, the daddy of the group, huh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You're far too kind   

Babalel Impy

PicklePantry wao... That is such a great story and character... You developed him so well. I like the fact he gets powers from the gloves too!!!!! O AO You did such a wonderful job you left me wanting so much ore about the character ; w ; 

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Jarred kirakiraprince


Ok, so right off the bat, I love Babalel's character design. Like, oh my god, the colors are really bright, but they work so damn well together. Definitely gives of a Japanese Oni vibe for me. I dig that a lot, especially since she makes it look good. I'm a big fan of her design overall. Like, straight up. Absolutely love her design. It's super eye catching, and definitely not in a bad way. 10/10.


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Amy -jacket


His design is so cute, and his personality is interesting. I just want to reach through the screen and hug him, lol. I really like the idea of a cold, emotionless god-type character for some reason.

I can tell you've spent a lot of time on him.

Nicolás Loupohl PicklePantry


Amy's a very interesting character! She goes past the basic profile/backstory you get with the usual OC and is more just... a mystery! And I especially like how it's all done investigation style. It makes you really wonder what could have happened. There's even plenty of little details that give it a certain finesse, like the McDonald's bag or the timestamps for the party. Very interesting!

Riy Veilheart HeroofEnelios


I'm a really big fan of Nicolás, especially his design! For one, I feel like it can be hard sometimes to find male characters with a different or unique hairstyle these days, and his is rather neat! One thing I really like, is in his bio there are little bits like this: "Nicolas was attacked by acne, he was slightly chubby, had greasy hair, braces," Those kinds of details in a character are surprisingly rare, or at least they aren't mentioned often. It makes this guy more relatable and interesting, definitely! I think his personality is pretty amusing, and entertaining and his backstory really makes him a pretty interesting character. I also find the bit about how "Because of how long he's spent with anime, he doesn't get urges like incubi do", it makes him stand out as a character and that's really cool. As a whole, I just think he's a super relatable and fun character! :D


I'm pretty sure I have already done this to Riy so I'm just passing by to bump this good thread (it said it was too old to be bumped normally)