Praise/compliment the OC above you!

Posted 7 years, 21 days ago (Edited 5 years, 7 months ago) by Cryss

There's been a lot of negativity lately, so why not have a thread focusing solely on positivity? c:

This game's purpose is to say what you like about the OC posted above you! This can be about anything you can see on their profile, whether it's design, written content, or both. 



✨New ▶︎ It wasn't clear if you can also post your gallery and let the person choose an OC. You can, but don't have to! If you want a thread specifically made to drop your gallery rather than one OC, go check out @judas-la-carotte's thread here!
▶︎ This thread was written with the idea for the praise to be written OOC. For an IC version of this thread, go here!
▶︎ Don't forget to post IC if you want a specific OC to be praised! Otherwise people have no OC to give praise to and they might have to base the praise off your icon instead.
▶︎ Post a claim comment first, then edit it with your words of praise. That way you're less likely to be ninja'd.
▶︎ You can make it as short or as long as you want, from a single sentence to entire paragraphs.
▶︎ That being said, more complete reasons are always more fun. Try to give it your everything and give the other person something pleasant to read!
▶︎ Don't be rude or passive-aggressive; please refrain from making up things or lying. I know there's no way to verify, but try to claim only if you actually like something about the character!
▶︎ If any issues arise in the thread, please contact me on my main account ElithianFox to resolve them.


Please also only claim at most once every three people to give more people the chance to participate!

Phran Luplus YunaNoire


First things first, her design is very cute, so of course, she gets plenty of points for that. Blue and white as a colour combo works really well and gives her a welcoming, friendly feel that matches her personality.

Also, I know mascot characters aren't necessarily new or anything, but I don't really see them around here that often here, especially one used to personify a profile in particular. Its an interesting and cute concept that I really enjoy personally! The fact that you play with the art block thing too, as a part of her personality, is also very creative! It's also good to see that she has her flaws too and that even as a mascot, she isn't just some perfect creation.

Overall, I really like her! She seems like such a joyful character and one with an interesting concept to boot!

Virelen 📜 LiminalsSpace

i love the little detail that she likes cheese but not crackers, lol. also... it must be said... her thighs. theyre good

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Ambrose FizzGryphon

First off, I love the amount of development Sweet Tooth has.  The fact there's a whole story behind his every movement and detail fascinates me and allows his character to really shine out among the crowd - even if his design is made to allow him to blend in.  May I also add I love your formatting?

 Risu Caine

FizzGryphon Oh gosh what a darling ;_;
He seems so sweet and nice and honestly won me over right after I started reading his bio! I feel like there is something nicely melancholic about his character, the kind of type I really enjoy & don't see nearly enough in media imo!
I also like his design, it's so intriguing and aesthetically pleasing to look at & roses growing out of his shell is such a great idea and I love it? Ambrose is so good I love him?? So much??

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 Iruka chiliechii_inactive

alrozsk I've seen Jiang around and I absolutely adore his design?? Criminal organizations I freakin' love so I automatically was drawn to him because of that. And his design is simple yet really unique. Honestly his facial features are my favorite thing because those kind of features are ones I really like tbh! He doesn't have much info, but the quirks and interests that are shown are rather creepy and unsettling; another thing I really, really love. Especially the fact that he can become a swarm of rats or bats, that's very unique!

Ahh I know he looks young despite his age, honestly it's my gosh darn art style. I tend to not get so detailed when I draw faces, I know I should pay attention to features that'd make my older characters look their age ^^; Might do a slight redesign of him if that's the case then-- because he does look like he'd be in his twenties. Well he's not human so I guess aging may not be the same for him?? Ajhdfdj sorry for rambling, tysm for your words! <3

Kurimuzon ChosenUndeaad


Oh man, all of these tentacles! I love them *wink wink*
Jokes aside, I do think that Iruka is a very nice and cool looking OC :0 I love the colors and his hair! TBH his whole concept looks cool to me uvu
The fact that he looks very young despite his real age surprised me, but this add another little, nice detail to him!

He is, indeed, one of his kind.

 Matthew Tendo64

I like his color scheme; red and dark grey go well together. Also, his hat is awesome. Very stylish c:

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 Teon Opossun

i s2g i have so many stuff to compliment about Cúan

first of all i'm gonna start with his name that it's super pretty imo??? also, his bio code is beautiful and all the aesthetic aaaa!!! all his art is amazing and aesthetic aaa,,,, I love this boy

Myrrha Araa HeroofEnelios

I rather like Teon's simplistic design! Plus the way he appears in most  of the artwork on his page has a lot of personality, and I quite like  that! His hairstyle is also cool owo


First of all, her design is literally gorgeous. I love the detailing on the dress, it's incredibly unique!

I also really like her determined and mischievous personality! I really like the strong willed female characters, they're my favorite.

Dr. Locus dogstarlite

I really love her outfit! It's very pretty and it's got such a nice flowy look. And all the gems in her design are a really nice touch, too.